Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/198

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146 C. 9. Anno fecundo 6c tertio Ann^ Reglnse. A. D; 1703. Poor, ^'c. Continuance of any poor Perfons in the Work-houfe not to be deemed a Settlement. Eleftion of all OiHcers, except Guardians, to be by Ballot. No Cloth or Stuff manufaftured in the Work-houfe, to be fold by Retail in f For ce/ier City. But may be imployed for cloathing the Poor of the Corporation. CAP. IX. An Act for granting to her Majefty an additional Subfidy of Tunnage and Poufldage for three Years ; and for laying a further Duty upon French Wines condemned as lawful Prize, and for- afcertaining the Values of unrated Goods imported from the Eaji Indies, Mofi Gracious Sovereign, WHEREAS by an A£l of Parliament made and pafTed in the ninth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King William the Third, of glorious Memory, intituled, An j£i for granting to his ■ . ' Majefty a further Subfidy of Tunnage and Poundage, towards raifmg the yearly Sum off even hundred thoufani ' ' Pounds, for the Service of his lidajefly's Houjhold, and other XJfes therein mentioned, during his Majeftfs " ' Life ; it was enaiSted, That over and above all Subfidies of Tunnage and Poundage, and over and ' above all additional Duties, Impofitions, and other Duties whatfoever, therein mentioned, there fhould ...... ' be raifed and paid to his Majefty one other Subfidy called Tunnage, for and upon all Wines, which ' from and after the laft Day of January in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred ninety-nine, ' at any Time or during his Majefty's Life, fhould be imported or brought into the Kingdom of ' England, Dominion of /i/^tf/w, or Town of iJ^rtwc/^ upon Tif^^rf ; and one further Subfidy called PazW- ' ^ • ' ' age, of all Manner of Goods and Merchandizes imported or brought into this Realm, or any his Ma- ' jefly's Dominions to the fame belonging, at any Time or Times after the faid laft Day oi January qne ' thoufand fix hundred ninety-nine, during his Majefty's Life, by way of Merchandize (except fuch ' Goods and Merchandizes as are therein excepted) and with fuch Abatements, Regulations, Di- ' recEfioiK for making Repayments or Allov/ances upon Exportation, and fubjeft to fuch Rules and ' other Matters and 'Ihings touching the faid feveral Subfidies, as in the faid A61 are exprefled ; which ' faid further Subfidies of Tunnage and Poundage, and other Duties upon Wine, Goods, and Mer- ' chandizes, granted by the Aft above recited, are to be raifed and paid to your Majefty, during ^ ' your Life, by virtue of another A£t of Parliament made and paffed in the firft Year of your Majefty's 3 Anna?, flat. i. ' Reign, intituled, Jn JSi for the better Support of her Mcijeflfs Houjhold, and of the Honour and Dignity ^' 7- ..' oftheCrovjn, as by the faid Afts (Relation being thereunto feverally had) may more fully appear:' Now we your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjedls the Commons o^ England in Parliament aflembled, for the better enabling your Majefty to carry on the prefent War, and to defray your other neceffary Expences, do cheerfully and unanimoufly give and grant unto your m>oft Excellent Majefty, the additional Rates, Du- ties, and Sums of Money herein after-mentioned, and do moft humbly befeech your Majefty that it may be enafted ; and be it ena&d by the Queen's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Con- fent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Comm.ons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by -One other Subfi- the Authority of the fame. That over and above the Subfidies of 1 unnage and Poundage above-men- •dy of Tunnage tioned, and Oyer and above all other Subfidies, additional Duties, Impofitions, and Payments whatfoever, upon Wines im- ■'^y .^j^.j other Aft or Afts of Parliament or othervvife howfoever already due or payable, or which ought Marrh 1707 ^° ^^ paid to her Majefty for or upon any Wines, Goods, or Merchandizes whatfoever, imported or to for three Years, be imported, there fhall be raifed, levied, collected, paid, and fatisfied unto her Majefty one other Sub- ' Farther conti- fidy Called Tunnage, for. and upon all Wines which from and after the eighth Day oi March in the Year nuedby4Anns, of cur Lord one thoufand feven hundred and three, at any Time or Times within or during the Space '■ f- ^3^""^' of three Years from thence next and immediately enfuing, fhall be imported or brought into the King- i^uaedl-y i'gwT.'^^™ o^ England, Dominion oi Wales, and Town oi Berwick upon Tweed; that is to fay. One third Part I. flat. 3. c. li.'. of fuch or the like feveral and refpeftive Duties, as by the faid recited Afts, or either of them, are im- f. 8.' pofed or payable for or upon any Kind of Wine or Wines refpeftively ; and one other Subfidy called I'oundage ch all Poundage, of all Manner of Goods and Merchandizes to be imported or brought into this Realm, or any Goods imported her Majefty's Dominions to the fame belonging, at any Time or Ti.mes after the faid eighth Day of for three 1 ears, jj,/^,.^/;, Qj-jg rhoufand feven hundred -and three, during the faid Term of three Years, by way of Merchan- Tobacco byV° '^^ ' '^^^ ^ ^^ ^^^'> ^^'^ third Part of fuch or the like feveral and refpeftive Duties, as by the faid re- Geo.i.c-.2i.r.3.' cited Afts, or either of tliem, are impofed or payable for or vipon the fame Goods and Merchandizes re- Exceptions, .fpeftiyeiy, except fuch Goods and other Merchandizes as by the faid Afts, or either of them, are ex- empted I'rom Payment of the Subfidies thereby granted. n. And it is hereby enafted, That in all Cafes whereby the faid former Afts, or either of them, any Drawbacks and Dra¥/backs or Abatements are to be made of the whole or any Part of the Duties thereby impofed, the:e Abatements. fhall be in the like Cai'es proportionable Drawbacks, and Abatements made of the whole or Part of the Duties hov/ to Duties by this Aft granted refpeftively; and that the feveral Subfidies and Duties by this Aft granted, be raifed, &c. during the Continuance thereof, &all be raifed, collefted, levied, fecured, and paid, by the fame Ways, Means, and Methods, and under fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, and fubjeft to fuch Rules and Direc- tions, as in and by the faid Afts, or either of them, are prcfcribed or appointed, touching or concern- 9&10W. 3. ing the faid Subfidies of Tunnage and Poundage which were thereby granted, as aforefaid ; and that <^- *!• every Article, Rule, and Claufe contained. in the faid recited Afts, or either of them, concerning the 1 Anns, flat, i, ^^jj Subfidies of Tunnage and Poundage form.erly granted, .as aforefaid, and now in Force, fo far forth

  • ' ^' as the fame do or may relate to the Subfidies or Duties formerly granted, as aforefaid, fliall be ufed, ex-

, ' ercifed.