Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/200

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148 C. 9. Anno fecundo & tertio Ann^ Regins. A. D. 1703. the Values, according to which fuch Duties fhall be paid for the future, it is hereby further ena(?ced by the Authority aforefaid. That from and atter the faid eighth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred Unrated Goo^s 2nd three, upon the Importation of any fuch unrated Goods, Wares, and Merchandizes, of the Growth, of Eaftindiaaod Produft, Or Manufa£lure of the Ea/i Indies, Cbi?ia., or other the Parts within the Limits aforefaid,- now China, to be en- Jjable to pay Duties ad valorem, as aforefad, by any A.& or AiSts of Parliament already made in that Behalf, ftom-'houfc ^""•'^S ^^^ Continuance of the fame A£t and h&s of Parliament, or any of them, an Entry or Entries . See 1 1 Geo. I. thereof fnall be made in the Cuftom-houfe, where fuch Goods, Wares, or Merchandizes fliall be im- c. 7.' ported, and before the landing thereof, the Importer or Importers of the fame fhall give Security by Bond, Importer to grve with two or more fufficient Sureties (which the Commiflioners or proper Officers of the Cuftoms are Security for pay- hereby impowered to take) for Payment of the faid Duties, according to the real Values of the faid iog the Duties, Goods, to be afccrtained according to this Act (except Coffee, the Duties whereof are to be regulated (cx'e tCoffeel according to the former Acts concerning the fame) as fooa as the faid Goods {hall be fold; and and for expofing ^•I'o f°J^ expcfmg the Goods, fo imported to Sale, openly and fairly by way of Aui9ion, or by thtmtoSale, &c. Inch of Candle, within tit C'ltY oi London, within the Time of twelve Months after the Importation thereof. Kow fuch Goods VII. And it is hereby enafted and declared, that the Value of fuch Goods, according to which the .ihali be valued, f^jj Duties are to be paid (except Coffee, as aforefaid) fhall be reckoned according to the grofs Price at which fuch Goods fhall be fo fold, making fuch Allowances only out of the fam.e as are herein after- mentioned ; that is to fay, it is hereby enacted. That out of the Values of the faid Goods fo to be afcer- ardwhntDe- tained by the Price at the Candle, as aforefaid, there fhall be a Dedudtion and Allowance made of fo duaions and Al- much as the Net Duties, payable to her Majefty for the fame Goods refpeftively, do amount unto (except iowantes made, the Duty of five Pounds per Centum, payable to the Qiieen for the Uie of the faid Companies) and fo much as the refpe6live Companies, or Traders aforefaid, fhall bona fide allow for prompt Payment to the Perfons who at fuch Sales fhall buy the faid Goods at Time : And alfo upon the whole Values of the faid Goods fo to be afcertained by the Price at the Candle, there fhall be dedufted and allowed fix Pounds for every hundred Pounds to the faid Companies and Traders refpeftively, for their Charges in keeping the faid Goods, from the Time fuch Goods are im.ported till the Sale by the Candle, and in that Pro- portion for a greater or lefler Value. Sarf) unrated VIII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That in cafe any fuch unrated Goods of the Coodshnded be- Growth, Produ£t, or Manufafture of tht Eajl Indies, China, or other the Parts within the limits afore- fce due Entry, fgid, fliall be landed or put on ftiore out of any Ship or VefTel, before due Entry thereof be made at the '*' Cuftom-houfe in the Port or Place where the fame fhall be imported, and the faid Duties fhall be fecured, as aforefaid, or without a Warrant for the landing or delivering the fame, firft figned by the Commiflion- ers, Colleflors, or other proper Officer or Officers of the Cultoms refpedtively, that all fuch iinported Goods as fliall be fo' landed and put on fhore, or taken out of any Ship or Veffel, contrary to the true to be forfeited. Meaning hereof, or the Value of the fame, fhall be forfeited, and fhall and maybe feized or recovered

  • "^* of the Importer or Proprietor thereof (to wit) two Thirds of the fame to the Ufe of her Majefty, her

Heirs and SuccefTors (ihe or they bearing the Charge of the Profecution) and the other third Part to the Ufe of fuch Perfon or Perfons as will feize, inform, or fue for the fame, or the Value thereof, by Aftion, Duties how to BUI, Suit, or Information, wherein no EfToin, Protedlion, or Wager of Law fliall be allowed : neverthe- be applied, lefs the faid Duties fo to be paid upon the Values fo afcertained of the faid unrated Goods, Wares, and Merchandizes (except the neceffary Charges of raifmg, coiledting, and anfwering the fame) fhall be ap • plied and difpofed to the fame Ufes and Purpofes to which the refpeilive Duties upon the fame Goods, payable in any other Manner by any former A£t or Acts, were appropriated or applicable. ThelikeDraw- . IX. Provided always, and it is hereby enafted, That in all Cafes where by the faid former A£ts con- jntrAfl ^ '"* cerning the faid Duties of unrated Goods or any of them, any Drawbacks or Allowances were to be made of all or any Part of the Duties, upon the Exportation thereof within the refpetSlive Time or Times thereby limited, there fhall be the like Drawbacks or Allowances made of or out of the Duties of the fame Goods, to be afcertained by this A6t. ■ X. Provided alfo. That nothing in this Aft fliall extend, or be confl:rued to extend to charge any Goods, or Merchandize, chargeable by this A&L, imported into any Port of this Kingdom before the firft Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and three. Nine Months XI. Provided alfo, and be it enafted. That all Perfons importing any Tobacco, hereby charged with ^he'}°^' '^"*^ ?'"y tJis Duties aforefaid, fhall have nine Months Time, from the Entry of the Tobacco inwards, for Tobacco. Payment of the Duty hereby impofed upon the fame, giving Bond, with fufficient Sureties, to her Ma- 6 per Cent. Dif- J^^y ^° Payment thereof at the End of the faid nine Months, as in like Cafes is ufual ; and in cafe count on prompt of prompt Payment the Importer fliall have a Difcount after the Rate of fix Pounds per Centum per Paynrent. Annum-, XII. And for the Encouragement of the Iron Manufafture of this Kingdom; Be it further enabled by No Drawback on the Authority aforefaid; That from and after the eighth Day oi March one thoufand feven hundred and lamn wro^ ht *^^^^' there fliall not be allowed any Drawback, or Repayment of Cuftoms, or Duties, charged in this or Jwii'^&cl"'*^ any former Aft, upon any Wares made of wrought Iron or Steel in foreign Parts, which fliall be imported into this Kingdom, and afterwards exported to any of her Majefty'a Plantations in America ; any Claufe in this or any former Aft to the contrary notwithftandiiig. ' XIIL And whereas the Time for Exportation of Tobaceo, Sugar,. Ginger, Pepper, Bugles alias-

  • Beads, Caft and Bar Iron, Dying Wood, all Dying Wares, and all Drugs, by £';z^///^ Merchants, ia
  • oxdtx, to draw back, is limited to twelve Months,, v/hich by Experience is found to be too fliort, and
