Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/312

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26o C. 29. Anno quinto Ann^ Rcginaj. A. D. 1706. given upon the Exportation thereof, as is to be given upon Exportation of Oatmeal and Beer from Scot- land; fuch Merchant or other Perfon firft bringing a Certificate in Writing under his or their Hands, con- taining the Quantity of fuch Oatmeal, or Beer aliai Bigg, fo fliipped, to the Collector or other Perfon appointed, or to be appointed for the time being, to coDedt the Duties or Rates arifing by Cuftoms within any I'uch Port, and making Proof of iuch Certificate by one or more credible Perfon or Perfons upon their Oaths, (which Oaths the faid Colleftor, or other Perfon, is hereby authorized and required to ad- minilter) and giving Bond in the Sum or ten Pounds at lead for every Ton of Oatmeal fo fhipped, con- fifting of twenty hundred Weight, and for every forty Bufhcls of Beer alias Bigg, fo fhipped, and fo pro- portionably for a greater or lefler Quantity, that the iame fhall be fo exported to Parts beyond the Seas, and not be relanded ; which Prismium every Merchant, or other Perfon fo fliipping off any fuch Oat- meal, or Beer alias Bigg, and giving Certificate and Bond as aforefaid, fliall have and'receive from fuch Colle&or, or other Perfon, as aforefaid, in any Port rcfpedtively v/here the iame fhall be fo fhipped, out of her Majefty's Revenue of the Cuftoms, and upon Certificate returned under the Common Seal of the chief Magiltrate in any Place or Places beyond the Seas, or under the Hands and Seals of two known Englljh Merchants upon the Place, that Juch Oatmeal, or Beer alias Bigg, v/as there landed, or upon Proof by credible Perfons that iuch Oatmeal, or Beer alias Bigg, was taken by Enemies, or perifhed in the Seas ; which Proof being made, or Certificate delivered to the Colledior, or other Perfon, who took Bond as aforeiaid, the faid Bond fhall be delivered up to fuch Merchant, or other Perfon, or his Order, to be cancelled without any Fee for the fame. Penalties, &c. XI. And be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Penalties and Forfeitures given by this or any how diftiibutec*. former Lav/ relating to the Duties of Excife upon Salt, fhall be uiftributed in Manner following ; (that is to fay) one Moiety thereof to the Queen, her Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety thereof to the Officer or Officers who fhall feize, fue, or inform for the fame, to be recovered by AiSfion of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information in any of her Majefty's Courts of Record at Wejlminjhr. Perfons having XII. And be it enadled by the Authority aforefaid, and it is hereby declared, That all and every Perfon exported' Silt to 2,tA Perfons, who have. exported any Salt, or Rock Salt, out of the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Ireland, '"titled if^alg^^ or Town of Beriuick upon Tweed, and landed the fame in the Kingdom of Ireland, although the to a Driw ac . ^^^^ ^^^ entred in England, on the Exportation thereof, for other foreign Parts, and afterwards landed in Ireland, fuch Perfon or Perfons having lb landed the fame in Ireland, fhall be entitled to a Debenture or Drawback of the faid Duty of fuch Salt, notwithftanding the fame was entred for other foreign Parts : And all Suits or Profecutions commenced, or to be commenced againft any Perfon or Perfons having ex- ported fuch Salt or Rock Salt for foreign Parts, and landed the fame as aforefaid, {hall ceal'e and de- termine. But not hence- XIII. Provided always, and be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the iorthiunlefsEn- fa},;} j^j-fl; ]3ay of May one thoufand feven hundred and feven, there ihall be no Debenture made out or try at Exporta- 'Q^^^^^S^^xk. allowed for any Salt or Rock Salt landed in Ireland after the faid firft Day of May one thou- fome Port^n " ^'^^^ feven hundred and feven, unlefs tlie Entry of the fame Salt at Exportation, be made for fome Port in Ireland. the Kingdom of Ireland. Allowances ' XIV. And whereas White Salt and Rock Salt in the Exportation from England to Ireland, are liable for Wafte. ' to Wafte,' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid firft Day of May, upon producing fuch a Certificate as is by Law required, from the CollecStor and proper Officers of the Port or Place in Ireland, of the Quantity of what white Salt and Rock Salt was there landed, the Exporter or Proprietor of fuch white Salt and Rock Salt ihall have an Allowance of four Bufhels for every forty Bufhels of white Salt, and of two for every forty Bufhels of Rock Salt put on Board in Eng- V land, in order to be exported to Ireland, in Confideration of the ordinary Wafte in the Carriage thereot ; ' and a Debenture or Debentures fhall be iffued out gratis accordingly, by the Colleftor or proper Officer of the Port or Place in England, from whence fuch white Salt or Rock Salt was exported, and the fame fhall be allowed or paid to the Exporter or Proprietor, in like Manner as Debentures are or fhall be pay- able for Salt exported. 1 w. & M. ' XV. And whereas by an Aft of Parliament made in the firftYearof the Reign of the late King William Se(J". I. c. iz. ' and Q^ieen Mary of blelfed Memory, intituled. An A"! for the encouraging the Exportation of Corn, it was ' amongft other things thereby enadfed. That every fuch Merchant by the laid A(fb defcribed, (hipping any ' Malt or Barley, Rye, or Wheat, and giving Certificate and Bond as the faid A£t direfts, fhall have and ' receive from the Farmers, Commiffioners, Colledtors, or other Perfons appointed or to be appointed for ' the time being, to colleft the Duties and Rates arifing by Cuftoms, within any fuch Port where the faid ' Corn fhall be fhipped off, for every Qiiarter of Barley or Malt, ground or unground, two Shillings and ' fix Pence; for every Quarter of Rye, ground or unground, three Shillings and fix Pence ; for every ' Quarter of Wheat, ground or unground, five Shillings: And whereas fmce the making of the faid Aft ' there have been divers Quantities of Malt made of Wheat, iome Part v/hereof have been exported, and Exporters of ' fome Doubts have arifen touching the Bounty-money to be paid upon the Exportation thereof, to the Malt to have < Difcouragement of the Exportation of Corn:' And for clearing thereof, and for preventing future Dif- 5 s. pfr Quartef.p^jgj touching the fame; Be it enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That every Merchant or other Perfon Bountjf-mooey. gj^p^j-j-jj^g yi^Xt made of Wheat, from and after the faid firft Day of May one thoufand feven hundred ■ ■ and feven, fhall have and receive of the faid Farmers, Commiilioners or Perfojis aforefaid, five Shillings ■ ' ■ for every Quarter of Malt made of Wheat, or Wheat Malt, ground or ujrground, to be paid by tiie re- fpeftive Perfons in the faid recited Act mentioned. ... ■ ■ ' XVI. And