Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/317

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A. D. 1706. Anno quinto Ann^ Reginae. * C. 32. 265 III. And it is hereby further enafted. That all Sheriffs, their Executors, and Adminiftrators, upon sherifTttodeduft producing fuch refpeftive Certificates, and the Receipts for the Money paid by them, in purfuance of this Monies fopjijuti Aft, fhall be allowed, and are hereby impowered to deduft, upon their Accounts, all Monies, other than their Accounts, double the Sum and Sums of Money, and Treble Cofts of Suit, which they fliall difburfe as aforefaid ; and that if upon Account of any Sherift'or Sheriffs, there fhall not be Money fufficient in'the Hands of fuch Sheriff or Sheriffs to reimburfe him or them fuch Monies paid by him or them by virtue of this Aft, that then the Sheriff or Sheriffs having fo paid the faid Monies, fhall have the fame repaid by the Lord a'"' te repaid by Treafurer, or Commiffioners of her Majefty's Treafury for the Time being, out of the Revenue of the ^oid Treafurer. Crown, upon Certificate from the Clerk of the Pipe to that Effeft. IV. And be it further enafted. That if any Perfon or Perfons being out of Prifon, fhall from and afcer ^^'°"' ^'^- ^'^- the faid tenth Day oi May commit any Burglary or Felony as aforefaid, and afterwards difcover two or "'«"g t^™ or more Perfons who already have, or hereafter fhall commit any fuch Burglaries or Felonies, fo as two or (haji onConvic- more of the Perfons difcovered fhall be convifted of fuch Burglary or Felony, any fuch Difcoverer fliall tion be entitled himfelf have the like Reward and Allowance of forty Pounds hereby promifed to be paid to the Perfon or to Reward, Perfons who fliall apprehend and convift Houfe-breakers, and all other Advantages given to fuch Taker and Profecutor, and fliall alfo be himfelf entitled to the gracious Pardon of her Majefty, her Heirs and and be pardoned, Succeifors, for all Burglaries, Robberies, and Felonies (except Murder and Treafon) by him committed at any Time or Times before fuch Difcovery made, which Pardon fhall be likewife a good Bar to any Appeal brought for fuch Burglary, Robbery or Felony. ' V. And forafmuch as the faid Felons are much encouraged to commit fuch Burglaries and Felonies, Buyers or Re- ' becaufe a great Number of Perfons make it a Trade to receive and buy of the faid Felons the Goods p "T ^ "^"'"^"J

  • fo by them felonioufly taken, and alfo do make it their Bufinefs to harbour and conceal the faid Offen- Acccilane's "&(:.'
  • ders after the faid 'Fafts, knowing the faid Felonies and Burglaries to have been by them committed;'

Be it therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall receive or buy any Goods or Chattels that fhall be felonioufly taken or flolen from any other Perfon, knowing the fame to be llolen, or fhall receive, harbour, or conceal any Burglars, Felons, or Thieves, knowing them to be fo, fhall be taken and received as Acceffary or Acceffaries to the faid Felony or Felonies ; and being of either of the faid Offences legally convifted, by the Teflimony of one or more credible Witneffes, fhall fuffer and incur the Pains of Death as a Felon convift. VI. Provided always. That if any fuch principal Felon cannot be taken, fo as to be profecuted and If r"nc!pa!Fe- convifted for any fuch Offence, yet neverthelefs it fhall and may be lawful to profecute and punifli every l"n cannot be ta.- ■fuch Perfon and Perfons buying or receiving any Goods flolen, by any fuch principal Felon, knowing fo^te ^"H'^^'^f the fame to be flolen, as for a Mifderneanor, to be punilhed by Fine and Imprifonment, or other fuch a°MiTdetneJK)r" corporal Punifhment as the Court fhall think fit to inflift, although the principal Felon be not before convift of the faid Felony, which fhall exempt the Offender from being punifhed as Acceffary, if fuch principal P'elon fhall be afterwards taken and convifted. ■ientitled to the Certificate herein direfted to be given, and fhall alfo (being thereunto required) make Certificate, &c. -out and deliver, or caufe to be made out and delivered, the faid Certificate without Fee or Reward to fuch Perfon or Perfons entitled thereunto, before the End of fuch Affizes or Seffions wherein fuch Con- viftion, as aforefaid, fhall be had. ' VIII. And whereas the Offences mentioned in this Aft are generally committed in London and Mid- ^"^"^"^-j ' dlefex, and the Rewards hereby granted being to be paid by the Under-Sheriffs of the faid Counties, by diefexTo°ake of ' reafon whereof they will be obliged to difburfe great Sums of Money;' Be it therefore enafted by the his Under-She- Authority aforefaid, That no Sheriff of £»«<;/»« and JUiddiefex, fliall accept, dem.and, take, or receive of riff any Gratuity his or their Under-Sheriff, direftly or indireftly, either by himfelf, or any Perfon or Perfons in for his pjace of Trufl: for him or them, any Sum or Sums of Money, Gratuity, or Prefent whatfoever, for the Exe- ^"""^"'^•' cution of the Place of Under-Sherifh ; nor in any Manner oblige his or their Under-Sheriff, by Co- Nor oblige him venant, Promife, or otherwife to be at any Expence or Charge in Relation to the faid Place of Under- '° '"^ ^^^"^ ^"^ Sheriff, which ought and hath been ufually paid and diiburfed by the High Sheriff; except the Re- f^""'_ '^• wards given by this or any other A6t for the apprehending Highwaymen, Clippers, Coiners, and """P'^'""' Houfe-breakers, and the Fees of pafTing fuch High Sheriff's Accounts in the Exchequer, and fuch other Difburfements as hath been heretofore cuftomarily luflained by the Under-Sheriff. CAP. XXXII. An Aft for the Continuance of the Laws for the Ptinifhrnent of Vagrants, and for making fuch Laws more effedtual. Expiration of the faid firfl Aft made in the eleventh and twelfth Years of King William, and from Voi. IV, M m ' thence