Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/318

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266 C. 3 Anno qtilnto Ann^ Reglnas. A. D. 1706. 39 El. C. TJ. 7 jfac. I. <r. 4. Aas for Punirti- ment of Va- grants, &:c. rOn- tinneJ lor liven Years. RET. How Allowances ^nd Exfenccs iu paflirg of Va-

rants Ihal! be

raiTed, ■■ Altered by 17 Geo. 2. c. 5. 5. l6,&c.' 21 H; S, c. 5. 3 Annx, ftat.-I. c. 8. Treafurers to ebey Juftices Or- ders, If they have Mo- ney in their Hand-. Perfons aggriev- ed may appeal to the SelTions, How Juftices ihiU aft in Li- berties and Towns Corpo- zate* Vartber Provi- Jions eoncermvg yagratiti, 6 Geo, 1. c. 19. J4 Ceo. 2. c. 33. J 7 Geo. 2.C. 5. a 5 Geo. a. c, 36. <j>^ ad Geo. 2. ' thence to the End of the next Seffions of Parliament, and no longer ; And whereas the faid Afts have

  • been found of good Ufe for leffening the Charge, and preventing the Abufes and Frauds in conveying

' of Vagrants,' Be it ennfted by the Queen's rr.oft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Con- fent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in Parliament airembled, and by the Autho- rity of the fame. That the faid feveral Ads made in the eleventh and twelfth Years of King Wilham, and in the firll Year of her Majefty's Reign, and every Article, Claufe, Matter and Thing in them, and each of them contained, relating to Vagrants, fhall from henceforth continue and be in full Force, and be put in Practice and Execution, according to the true Intent theieof,. from the Expiration of the faid laft- mentioned Aft, for the Space of feven Years, and from thence to the End of the next Seffion of Parlia- ment, and no longer. ' IL i d for the better raifing of what Monies fliall be found neceffary to fatisfy the Allowances made ' to Ccnitables, and others, for their Lofs of Time, and Expences in paffing of Vagrants, in purfuancc ' of the Acfs before-mentioned, in as much as the Methods already provided for raifing the fame, have ' in many Places been found impradlicable ;' Be it further enaiSed by the Authority aforefaid. That where the Gaol and Marfhalfea Money fliall not be fufHcient to iatisfy and pay the faid Allowances, the Ju- ftices of Peace within the feveral Limits of their Commiffions, fliall in fuch Cafe, at any Time or Timej hereafter, have full Power and Authority at their General or Quarter-Seflions of the Peace, to aflefs upon- every Town, Parifli, or Place within their refpe<5tive CommifTions, fuch Sum and Sums of Money, a^ they in their Difcretion fhall think reafonable for Satisfadtion of the Allowances made to Conftables, and others, for their Lofs of Time, and Expences in pafTmg of Vagrants, and that the Money fo affefTed fliall be levied and colkftLd according to the Rules and Methods prefcribed by an Act of Parliament now in Force, for the levying and collefting of Money for the Repair of County Bridges ; and that the Monies fo levied and collected Ihall be difpofed of in fuch Manner as the faid Juftices, by their Order at fuch Sef- fions, fl'^all in that Behalf diredl and appoint. in. And be it further enadtedj That where there are two or more Treafurers for one and the fame County, Riding, Liberty, or Divifion, the Treafurers thereof fhall be and are hereby obliged to give Obedience to fuch Order or Orders as fhall be made by the Juftices of the Peace, in purfuancc or by vir- tue of this Aft, at their firft General Quarter-Seffions, to be held quarterly for every County, Riding, Liberty, or Divifion, for the Difcharge of all fuch Sums as fhall arife by or from the Conveyance of Vagrants through every fuch County, Riding, Liberty, or Divifion : Provided, That all fuch Charges be levied according to ' the cuftomary Rate of Gaol or Bridge Money ; and that no fuch Order or Orders fliall take Place or be efFeftual, till fuch Time as the Treafurer or Treafurers to whom fuch Order or Or- ders fliall come, have Money in their Hands fufficient for the Payment thereof. ' IV. And whereas it is by Experience found. That the Conftables Rates have fometimes been very un- ' juft and grievous to the Inhabitants of their refpeftive Townfhips or Conftableries j' Be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall find him or themfelves grieved by the De- mands for Difburfments, which any the Conftables, Headboroughs or Tythingmen throughout this Realm fliall charge upon, or require of the Parifhes or Towns unto which they or any of them fhall or do belong, or by any Sefs, Tax, Rate, or other A£l: done by any of the faid Conftables, Headboroughs, or Tyth^ jngmen, or other Perfon whatfoever, which may any Ways concern or relate to any of the aforefaid Demands, it fhall and may be lawful for fuch Perfon and Perfons to appeal to the Juftices at their next General Quarter-Seffions which fhall be held for that County, in which any fuch Caufe of Complaint fhall arife, as often as there fhall be any Occafion for Complaint, which Juftices, or the greater Number of them, fhall take Order therein, as to them fhall feem meet, and the Judgment of the Juftices of fuch County, as aforefaid, at their Quarter-Seflions, fhall conclude and bind all Parties. ' V. And whereas fome Doubts and Difputes have been made about the Privilege and Jurifdiftions of

  • Liberties and Towns Corporate, that lie and are within feveral Counties of this Realm, wherein the

' Juftices of the Peace, and chief Magiftrates of the faid Liberties and Towns Corporate, do keep feparate ' or diftinft Quarter-Seflions of their own, and have feparate Treafurers for their faid Corporations and ' Liberties, or fuch like publick Stocks, whether all fuch Liberties and Towns Corporate fhall be taken ' and deemed as Counties at large, for the feveral Purpofes and Provifions mentioned in the Adls intended

  • to be continued by this ASt :' For the quieting and preventing aU fuch Doubts and Difputes, Be

it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That the Juftices of the Peace, chief Magiftrates, Trea- furer, Conftables, and other Ofiicers refiding in the faid Liberties and Towns Corporate, fhall in the certifying and conveying of Paffengers, Vagabond Beggars, and other idle Perfons, and raifing and paying of Money, aft in fuch Liberties and Towns Corporate, as they were by the (aid Afts impowered and direfted to do in Counties at large. ^ CAP. xxxin. An A£i: for obliging jfokn Rice to account for Debentures granted to him in the laft Seflion of Parliament. P R. CAP. XXXIV.