Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/340

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288 C. 12. Anno fexto ANNiE Reginse. A. D. 1707. of this A£V, upon every quarterly Payment fo to be advanced, fo much as an Intereft after the Rate of four Pounds ^«- Centum per Annum fhall amount unto, from the Time of fuch Advance, until fuch quar- terly Payments refpeftively would grow due by the Days of Payment limited for the fame by this K& any Thing in this A£l contained to the contrary notwithftanding. CAP. XII. An A61 to explain the A£l: of the laft Seffion of Parliament, for the Eafe of her Majefty's Sub- jedls in Relation to AUov/ances out of the Duties upon Salt carried Coaftwife, and alfo an Aft of the firfh Year of her Majefty's Reign, in Relation to certain Salt Works near the Sea-fide and Bay Q^i Holy-head in the County of Anglejea. 5 AniiEc, c. sg. Ordinary Wafte of Salt. Allowances for Salt carried Coaftwife 20 Miles, or from Varmouth to Loweftoff or Southwold Bay. 5 ^. Gf M. c. 7. aSf 3^B». c. 14. ^Am. c. 12. J Annse, flat> i. e. ai. f- lo- S Geo. 2. c. 12. Rock Salt may be ufed in ma- king Salt in Salt Worlts near Holy-head. See farther 9 ^nn. c. 23. i Anns, c, 29. ' ^' WT f^ERE AS by an AQ: paffed the lafl Seffion of Parliament, intituled, Jn Aafor the Eafe of her ' V V Majefty's Suhjcils in Relation to the Duties upon Salt, and for 7naking the like Allowances upon the ' Exportation of IVhite flerrings, Fle/h, Oatmeal, and Grain called Beer, alias Bigg; as are to he 7nade upon ' Exportation of the like from Scotland ; it was provided and enaiSted, That any Perfon that {hall fliip any

  • Englijli White Salt or Rock Salt to be carried Coaftwife, after the firPc Day oi May one thoufand feven

' hundred and feven, from one Port oi England or Wales, or the Port of Berivick upon T%ve:d, to any Port ' oi England or Wales, or Bcnvick upon Tweed, the Duties having heen paid or fecured to be paid, accor- ' ding to former Laws, fhall have an Allowancs made to him after the P.ate of three Buftiels for every ' forty Bufliels oi Englifl) White Salt, and after the Rate of one Bufhel and an Half for every forty Bu- ' (hels of Englijh Rock Salt fo ihipped to be carried Coaftwife, and proportionably for a greater or lefs ' Quantity, in Confiderauon of the ordinary Wafte in the Carriage thereof; which Allov/ance fn.ijl be ' but one made for the fame Salt, although fuch Salt fhall be carried from feveral Ports Coaftwife as afore- ' faid : And whereas there has been fome Doubt in Relation to the xAUcwance for the ordinary V/afte of ' Salt, where the faid Salt has been (hipped to be carried to a Member of the fame Port, though at a con- ' fiderable Diftance from the Hime ;' Be it enabled by the Queen's moft Excellent Majsfty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Conim-ons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That all Perfons that Ihall (from and after the lirft Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and feven) fhip Salt to be carried Coaftwife by Cocket or Tranfire, twenty Miles by Sea or more, or from the Port oi Great Yarmouth, in the County oi Norfolk to Loivejhjf, or Southwold Bay in the County of Suffolk, although unto a Member or Creek of the Port from whence it was firft fhipped oiF, fhall have an Allowance after t/ie Rate of three Buflaels for every forty Bufhels of Englip White Salt, and after the Rate of one Bufliel and an Half for every forty Bufhels oi Etigltjh Rock Salt fo ihipped to be carried Coaftwife, and proportionably for a greater or lelTer Quantity, in Confide- ration of the ordinary Wafte in the Carriage thereof, the Duties having been firft paid, or fecured to be paid, according to former Lav/s ; which Allowance fhall be but once made for the fame Salt, although fuch Salt fliall be carried Coaftwife from feveral Ports as aforefaid, or Members or Creeks of Ports. ' n. And whereas by an Aft made in the firft Year of the Reign of her prefent Majefty, it is enafled, ' That no Rock Salt whatfoever fhall be refined or made into White Salt in any Place or Places whatfo- ' ever, within the Kingdom oi England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Bcnvick upon Tweed, except ' in fuch Places as are or fhall be within ten Miles Diftance of the refpecbive Pit or Pits from whence fuch ' Rock Salt fliall be taken, or at fuch Places as, on or before the tenth Day oi May one thoufand feven ' hundred and two, fhall have been ufed for the refining of Rock Salt, under a Penalty therein exprelTed : ' And whereas certain Salt Works have been with great Charges erefted near the Sea-fide and Bay of ' Holy-head in the County oi Anglefea in North Wales, for the making of White Salt from Sea Water; ' and upon feveral Occafions Rock Salt is very ufeful to ftrcngthen the Brine in the faid Works, when ' weakened by frefh Water, or other Aiccidents; but the proper ufe of the faid Salt Works not being for ' the refining Rock Salt, it hath been doubted whether Rock Salt might be there ufed :' For preventing ' fuch Doubts for the future, be it enabled by the Authority aforefaid, That Rock Salt may be fo ufed in the making Salt from Sea Water in the faid Salt Works near Holy-head aforefaid, any Thing in the faid Aft, or in any other Law or Statute to the contrary notwithftanding, fo as her Majefty's Duties for all the Salt proceeding as well from the faid Rock Salt as from the Sea Water be duly charged, anfwered, and paid to her Majefty's Ufe. ' in. And whereas by the faid AcSt it is enafled. That for all White Herrings which fhall from and af- ' ter the firft Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and feven, be exported from any Part or Place in ' the Kingdom of England, Dominion oi Wales, or Town oi Berivick -u-pon Tweed, to Parts beyond the ' Seas, by any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, there flaall be the like Allowances as are to be made upon ' the Exportation of White Herrings from Scotland, upon the Oath of the Exporter or his Agent, takeri ' before the principal OfEcers of the Port from whence the fame are exported, that fuch Herrings were ' cured v/ith Salt for which the Duties have been paid, and not drawn back, and that the fame are really ' exported to Parts beyond the Seas, and not re-landed or intended to be re-landed in England, Wales, or ' Berwick upon Tweed: And whereas many of her Majefty's Subjects cannot have the Benefit that was in-

  • tended for them by the faid Act, in Regard the Salt with which the White Herrings are falted in many

' Parts oi England pafs through many Hands, and the Perfons who export fuch Herrings buy the fame al- ' ready cured of Perfons to whom they are fent to be fold and difpofed of at Ports far diftant from the

  • Places v^here they are cured, and by Reafon thereof fuch Exporters are uncapable of making fuch Oatlj

^ as by the A^c^ is required :' For P^emedy whereof, be it enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That for 3 sU