Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/408

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S5^ C. 8. Anno feptlmo Ann^ Reginze. A. D. 170?, This Aft not to prejudice tlie Se- curity of the Afls above men- tioaed. Clavife of ApprO' priation. 7 Anna?, c. I.

  • Pounds fifteen Shillings and fix Pence three Farthings, to be borrowed Upon thofe A(3:s refpeftively, at

' an Intereft after the Rate of fix Pounds per Centum per Annum, upon the feveral Subfidies, Impofitionsj

  • and Duties in the fame ASts refpe<Sively mentioned ; and the Lord High Treafurer, or any three or

' more of the Commiflioners of the Treafury for the Time being, are by the fame Afts refpeiStively au- ' thorized and directed to caufe the Officers of the Excliequer to receive, from Time to Time, by way

  • of Loan, at the like Intereft at the faid Receipt, any further Sum or Sums of Money as fliould be fuffi-

' cient to make good the Payment of all the Intereft Monies, appointed or allowed by the fame Adls re- ' fpe£tively, every three Months, until the Subfidies, Impofitions, and Duties therein mentioned, ftiould ' come into the Exchequer, and be fufficient for that Purpofe, purfuant to the Intent and true Meaning ' of the fame A£ls refpedively :' Now it is hereby provided and enacSted by the Authority aforefaid, That nothing in this A£t contained ihall extend or be conftrued to extend to the taking away, altering, or lef- fening the faid Power and Direction of borrowing Monies to make good the Payment of the faid Intereft Monies every three Months, until the faid Subfidies, Impofitions, and Duties in the faid refpecStive AcSs mentioned (hall come in, and be fufficient for that Purpofe as aforefaid, or in any wife to alter or preju- dice the Security given by the faid feveral Afts of the fifth and fixth Years of her Majefty's Reign, or either of them, for the Repayment and Satisfaftion of the fame, or any other the Principal and Intereft Monies, which were fecured or intended to be fecured by the fame ASts refpeflively, but that the Ol'ders for the fame fhall be regiftred in Courfe, and paid in the fame Manner upon each of thofe Afts, as if this Act had never been made ; this prefent A£t, or any Thing therein contained, or any other Matter or Thing whatfoever to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. XIX. And be it enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That all the Monies lent and to be lent unto her Majefly ort one A£i: of this SefTion of Parliament, intituled, Jn AB for granting an Aid to her Majvjiy to be raifed by a Land Tax in Great Britain, for the Service of the Tear one thoujand feven hundred and nine, and fa much Money (if any fuch be) of the Tax thereby granted, as Siall arife and remain after all the Loans made, or to be made upon that A£t, and the Intereft thereof, and the Charges thereby allowable for the ■ raifing the faid Tax, fhall be fatisfied, or Money fufficient (hall be referved to difcharge the fame ; and all the Money lent and to be lent under her Majefty upon one other Aft of this Seffion of Parliament, inti- 7Annae, c, 3. tuled, An ASi for charging and continuing the Duties upon Malt, Alum, Cyder, and Perry, for the Service of the Year 07ie thoufand feven hundred and nine, and io much Money of the faid Duties of Malt, Mum, Cy- der, and Perry thereby granted, as fhall arife and remain after all the Loans made, or to be made upon that Act, or thereby transferred, or direfted to be transferred thereunto, and the Intereft thereof, and the Charges thereby allowable for raifing the faid Duties thereby granted, (hall be fatisfied, or Money fuffi- cient (hall be referved to difcharge the fame; and the Sums payable by the Governor and Company, of the Bank of the England, for or upon Account of the Sum of four hundred thoufand Pounds to be ad- j Anns, c. 7. vanced by way of Dii'count, according to another A6t of this Seffion of Parliament, intituled. An Act for enlarging the Capital Stock of the Bank it/" England, and for raifing a further Supply, granted to her Majefly for the Service of the Tear one thoufa?td feven hundred and nine, and the Exchequer Bills not exceeding two mil- lions five hundred thoufand Pounds ilTuable by that A&, for her Majefty's Supply ; and the Sums in- tended to be raifed by Loans and Exchequer Bills, by or in purfuance of this prefent Aft; fliall be appro-* priated, ilTued, and applied, and the fame are hereby appropriated, for or towards the feveral Ufes and Purpofes herein after expreffed ; that is to fay. For or towards the defraying the Charges of the Ordinary of her Majefty's Navy, and for Viftuals, Wages, Wear and Tear, and other Services of the Navy, and the Viftualling thereof, performed and to be performed ; and for the Sea Service in the Office of the Ord- nance, performed and to be performed; and for or towards the Land Service performed and to be per- formed by the Office of the Ordnance; and to and for Subfiftence, Off-reckoningSiand Clearings for one Year, from the three and twentieth Day of /)(r^««^^r one thoufand feven hundred and eight, to her Ma- jefty's Guards and Garrifons in Great Britain, and the contingent Charges of the fame, and for Payment of Invalids for the faid Year, beginning from the faid three and twentieth Day oi December one thoufand feven hundred and eight ; and for or towards the defraying the Charges of her Majeflry's Army, and fuch , Forces as are or (hall be added thereunto, in the Low Countries or Germany, within, or for one Year, to be reckoned from the faid three and twentieth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and eight, and the contingent Chargels thereunto belonging ; and for or towards her Majefty's Pl'oportion of the Charge of three thoufand Palatines, formerly taken into the Service of her Majefty and the States General^ for the Year One thoufand feven hundred and nine ; and for or towards her Majefty's Proportion of the Charge of four thoufand fix hundred thirty-nine Saxons, formerly taken into the Service of her Majefty and the States General, for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and' nine ; and for or towards her Ma- jefty's Proportion of the Charge of Bothnar's Regiment of Dragoons, confifting of eight hundred- Me% formerly taken into the Service of her Majefty and the States General, for the Year one thoufand feveri hundred and nine ; and fOr defraying her Majefty's Proportion of the Charge for augmenting the Troops^ which have been refolved for afting in Conjunftion with her Allies in Flanders, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and nine ; and for defraying the Charge of maintaining the Forces i» her Majefty's Pay to ferve in Spain and Portugal, for the Service of the faid Year one thoufand feven.huii- d'ed and nine; and for or towards the Payment of her Majefty's Proportion of the Subfidies due uponi Treaties made or to be made with her Majefty's Allies, and other Charges for the Service of the War. fop any Time before, or until the five and twentieth Day c^ Dmmber one thoufand feven hundred and nine; and for or toVv'ards the Payment of a Yeai's Intereft further on the unfatisfied Debentures, charged upbn the Irifo Forfeitures ; and for or towards the tranfponing of Land Forces performed and to be perform- el; and- for or towards difcharging the Premiifins and other Charges, for circulating, the old Exchequer . -Bills