Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/407

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A. D. 170.8. Anno feptimo Ann^ Reglnze. C. 8. 355 the are (c (C enabled by the Authority aforefald, That from and immediately after the Time that all the Principal and After the Pr!n Intereft Monies which by the faid foriner Afts, or any of them, are charged or chargeable on the feveral ^'P* ^!'r,°' '* Impofitions and Duties laft particularly mentioned (jointly with other Duties) as aforefaid, Ihall be fully i'l^ZgJ h" paid ofF and fatisfied according to ths true Meaning of the faid former A£ts, or that fufficient Money fhall federal Duties be referved in the Exchequer for that Purpofe, then all the Monies which from thenceforth fhall arife by appropriated for the faid Impofitions upon Wines, Vinegar, and Tobacco, which were firft granted to King James the the uies of this Second in the firft Year of his Reign, and the faid Impofitions on Eq/} India Goods, and other Goods ^^' charged therewith, which were. firft granted to their late Majefties King William and Qiieen Mary, in the fecond Year of their Reign, and the faid additional Impofitions which were firft granted to them in the fourth Year of their Reign, and the faid Duties on Whale Fins imported, which were granted to his " late Ivlajefty King William in the ninth Year of his Reign, for the Remainders of the Terms formerly granted, and therein then to come and unexpired (except the neceflary Charges of raifing, levying, col- leiting, and accounting for the fame) fhall, from Time to Time, be paid into the Receipt of the Ex- chequer diftindly for the Purpofes in this A£t exprefled, and for no other Ufe, Intent, or Purpofe what- foever. ' VIII. And whereas it is found by Experience, That the Duties upon the Exportation of Copper of Brlti(h Copper

  • the Produce and Growth of Great Britain, and upon Brafs Wire made in Great Britmji, have annually and Brafs Wire

' produced very inconfiderable Sums, and neverthelefs do hinder the Exportation of fuch Copper and '° '"^ exportei ' Wire, to the Prejudice of this Nation ;' Be it therefore ena£ted by the Authority aforefaid. That no^"^^'*^' Subfidies or other Duties ftiall be due or payable by any Aft or A£ls of Parliament whatfoever upon the Exportation of any fuch Copper or Wire, which from and after the firft Day oi May one thoufand feven hundred and nine, fhall be exported to or for any Parts beyond the Seas j any Law or Statute whatfo- ever to the contrary notwithftanding. ' IX. And whereas the Governor an-l Company of the Bank oi England hz-ve undertaken the Circula- 7Anna, c, 7. ' tion of Exchequer Bills, amounting^ to two millions and five hundred thoufand Pounds, for her Ma-

  • jefty's Supply, in fuch Manner and Form, and upon fuch Terms and Advantages as are mentioned otSee g/tM.c.j.
  • intended by another Ait of this Seffion of Parliament in that Behalf j' Now it is hereby provided, bfc,

" The Bank may agree to circulate further Exchequer Bills for 612,739/. iffc. with the fame Advantages, i^c. as by the former A£t, &c. Oath upon importing Italian thrown Silk, to be made before the Col- , Anna ftat. j, le£tor, &c. Oils and Plantation Goods of Foreigners, taken as Prize, to pay Cuftoms, purfuant to c. 27. ' her Majefty's Declaration, 12 May 2 Annae. EXP. See 8 Jnna:, c. i." 6 Anns, c. 19. XII. And be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the four and twentieth Day of ^'"E' of Ameri- June one thoufand feven hundred and nine, "Jefuits Bark, Sarjaparilla, Balfam oi Peru and Tulu, and all porti7 frraiT other Drugs of the Growth and Product of America, may be imported from any of her Majefty's Planta- Majefty's'piaji!' tions

America, in Ships regularly manned and navigated, paying the fame Duty and no more, asiftations. 

they were imported direftly from the Place of their Growth ; any Law or Statute to the contrary not- ^ . _ withftanding. /«>,ifr. ^ ' lt7«. I. r. 43, iCio.i.c.i^. 10 Ga. 1 , c, 20. ijGto. 2. c. 31. 15 C«o, 2. c, 32, jj Geo. 2. c. 12 Sf 357 5nil. Provided always, and it is hereby enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall and may be Claufeof Loan lawful, to and for any Perfon or Perfons, Natives or Foreigners, Bodies Politick or Corporate, to ad- for 645,0001. vance or lend to her Majefty at the Receipt of her Majefty's Exchequer, as well upon Credit of the feve- ral Impofitions and Duties by this A&. granted or continued, as alfo upon Credit of the Monies which by the faid former Ads, after Satisfaction of the Principal and Intereft thereupon as aforefaid, fhall arife by the Impofitions and Duties thereby granted, any Sums which fhall not exceed in the whole fix hun- dred forty-fiv.e thoufand Pounds, for the Service of the War, and other her Majefty's Occafions ; and moreover, the Treafurer of the Exchequer for the Time being, or any three or more of the Com- and of a farther mifHoners of the Treafury for the Time being, are hereby authorized and diredted to caufe the Sum for makins Officers of the faid Receipt of Exchequer, to receive from Time to Time, by way of Loan, from S"". '*>« '""'- any Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, willing to make the fame at the faid Receipt, any ■"^"^ Intetdl, further Sum and Sums of Money, over and above the faid Sums not exceeding fix hundred forty-five thoufand Pounds, as fhall be fufficient to make good the Payment of all the Intereft Monies appointed or allowed by this Adt, every three Months, until the faid Impofitions and Duties arifing by this or by the faid former A(Ss, or any of them firft happening, fhall come into the Exchequer, and be fufficient for that Purpofe, purfuant to the Intent and Meaning of this Aft ; and that all the Lenders as well of the faid Sums not exceeding fix hundred forty-five thoufand Pounds, as of the faid further Sums for making good the Payment of the intermediate Intereft as aforefaid, fhall have and receive Intereft for the Forbear- at 6 per Ceat, ance thereof, after the Rate of fix Pounds ^^r Centum per Annum, and that no Money to be lent upon the Tax-free. Security of this Aft, fhall be taxed, rated, or afleffed by any A61 of Parliament whatfoever. &es%Am,e, 13. " Lenders to have Tallies ftruck, i^c. Orders to be paid in Courfe, fcfr. No Fee, i^c. to be taken. " Penalty. Tallies of the fame Date no undue Preference. No Penalty to incur, if fubfequent Orders " be firft paid. Orders affignable. EXP."

  • XVIII. And whereas in and by one Adt of the fifth Year of her Majefty's Reign, a Credit was given j Anns, c, 27,

' for any Sums not exceeding eight hundred twenty-two thoufand three hundred eighty-one Pounds fif- ' teen Shillings and fix Pence Farthing ; and by another Kdi of the fixth.Year of her Majefty's Reign, * Anns, c. 19,

  • a further Credit was given for any Sums not exceeding feven hundred twenty-nine thoufand fixty-feven

Z z 2 ' Pounds