Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/421

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A. D. 1708. Anno feptimo Ann^ Regliije. C.20 . 369 High Court o{ Chancery, who is appointed to inrol for the County oi Middkfcx, the chief Clerk to inrol Siez^Cto. 2, Pleas in the ^ieen's Bench, the Clerk of the Warrants in the Court of Commm Pleat, and the Qiieen's '^.' '^'£°/^'f"'i Remembrancer, or his Deputy in the Couri- of Exchequer, fhall be the Regifters or Mafters of the OfHce "tan-^sBcmh n ' for the Matters and Things in this A£t contained, and alfo fhall and may, from Time to Time, nominate oftteRemjhi-s. and appoint one or more able and fufficient Perfon or Perfons, for whom they fliall be accountable, to be Who miTy make their Deputy or Deputies ; which faid Regifters or their Deputies fhall well and truly do and perform all a Deputy, and every the Matters and Things intended by this Adt to be done and performed, in fome convenient ?"'" "^^ '"^.'"^P' Office or Place to be provided by the faid Clerks or Regifters in or near fome of the Inns of Court or inns "f "ourt or Chancery, whereto all Perfons may have free Refort at the Times appointed by this Aft; and that the chancery, faid Clerks or Regifters fhall prefent fuch Deputy or Deputies to the Lord High Chancellor, or Lord Deputy to heap- Keeper, or Lords Commiffioners of the Great Seal c^ Great Britain, to the Chief Juftice of the Queens P™^'^ °^^1 'he Bench, to the Chief Juftice of the Common Pleas, and to the Chief Baron of the Court of ^;cf%»£r for the Lord Chancellor, Time being, to be by them, or any three of them, approved of, before fuch Deputy or Deputies ihall enter upon the Execution of the faid Office; and that fuch Deputy or Deputies fliall and may be dif- ^'^^ ""^X bedif- placed and removed by the faid Lord High Chancellor, or Lord Keeper, or Lords Commiffioners of the pI^" '" ''^ Great Seal, the Chief Juftices of the ^^een's Bench and Common Pleas, and Chief Baron, or any three of ^'"^ ,, . , them, by any Writing under their Hands and Seals ; and that the faid Lord Chancellor, or Lord Keeper, Lord Chancellor, or Lords Commiffioners of the Great Seal, the two Chief Juftices, and Chief Baron, or any three of them, ^^ "^^ '™'"^ fliall, from Time to Time, have full Power and Authority to make fuch Rules and Orders for the bet- M^anagement of ter Management and Government of the faid Office, agreeable to the Form and true Intention of this the office. Aft, as they fhall find convenient and necelfary. HI. And be it further enacted, That every fuch Regifter or Matter, before he enter upon the Execu- Regiftetto ba tion of the faid Office, fliall be fworn before the Lord Chancellor, or Lord Keeper, or Lords Commiffi- ^'*°™' oners of the Great Seal of Great Britain, or the Chief Juftice of the ^^eat's Bench, Chief Juftice of the Common Pleas, and Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer, or any one of them (who are hereby impower- ed and required to adminifter fuch Oath] in thefe Words : ' "T 7" O U fliall fwear. That you will truly and faithfully perform and execute the Office and Duty His Oath, ' JL that is directed and required by you to be done by Aft of Parliament, intituled. An Aci for the ' puhiick regijlring of Deeds, Conveyances, and IVills, and other Incwnbrances zuhich Jhall be 7nade of, or that ■' inay affeSl any Honors, Afanors, Lands, Te?iements, or Hereditaments, within the County ij/'Middlefex, af- ' ter the twenty-ninth Day a/" September otte thoufand fevcn hundred and nine; and that you have not given or ' promifed, direftly or indireftly, nor authorized any Perfon to give or promife any Money, Gratuity, or ' Reward whatfoever, for procuring or obtaining the faid Office for you :' So help you God. IV. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That if fuch Perfon fo appointed Regifter or Regifter mifde- Mafter, fliall be lawfully convifted of any Negleft, Mifdemeanor, or fraudulent Praftice in the Execu- msMjng himfelf, tion of the faid Office, he fliall be liable to pay Treble Damages, with full Cofts of Suit, to every Perfon '^^ P""'*^^- that fliall be injured thereby, to be recovered as is herein after direfted. V. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every Memorials, fo to be en- Memorials to be tred and regiftred, fliall be put into Writing in Vellum or Parchment, and brought to the faid Office, '^J'a'chment, and in cafe of Deeds and Conveyances fliall be under the Hand and Seal of fome or one of the Grantors, or fome or one of the Grantees, his or their Heirs, Executors or Adminiftrators, Guardians or 'I'ruftees,- attefted by two WitnelTes, one whereof to be one of the Witnefles to the Execution of fuch Deed or Con- Memorials of ■veyance ; which Vvitnefs fliall, upon his Oath before one of the faid Regifters, or Mafters, or before a P^^iisj &c. how Mafter in Chancery ordinary or extraordinary, prove the Signing and Sealing of fuch Memorial, and the t" ^ attefted, . Execution of the Deed or Conveyance mentioned in fuch Memorial ; and in cafe of Wills, the Memorial and how Memo- Ihall be under the Hand and Seal of fome or one of the Devifees, his or their Heirs, Executors or Ad- rials of Wills, miniftrators. Guardians or Truftees, attefted by two Witneffes, one whereof fliall, upon his Oath be- fore the faid Regifters or Mafters, or before fuch Mafter in Chancery as aforefaid, prove the Signing and Sealing of fuch Memorial ; which refpeftive Oaths the faid Regifters or Mafters, and Mafters in Chancery, are hereby impowered to adminifter, and fliall indorfe a Certificate thereof on every fuch Memorial, and iign the fame. VI. And be it further enafted, That every Memorialof any Deed, Conveyance, or Will, fliall con- Memorials to' tain the Day of the Month and the Year when fuch Deed, Conveyance, or Will bears Date, and the contain the Day Names and Additions of all the Parties to fuch Deed or Conveyance, and of the Devifor or Teftatrix of ^"^ ^""^ °f '^^ fuch Will, and of all the Witnefles to fuch Deed, Conveyance, or Will, and the Places of their Abode, Date, &c. and fliall exprefs or mention the Honors, Manors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments contained in fuch Deed, Conveyance, or Will, and of all the Pariflies, Townfliips, Hamlets, Precinfts, or Extraparochial Places within the faid County where any fuch Honors, Manors, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments are lying or being, that are given, granted, conveyed, devifed, or any Way affefted or charged by any fuch Deed, Conveyance, or Will, in iuch Manner as the fame are exprefifed or menti- oned in fuch Deed, Conveyance, or Will, or to the fame Effeft ; and that every fuch Deed, Convey- ance, and Will, or Probat of the fame, of which fuch Memorial is fo to be regiftred as aforefaid, fhall be Every fuch Deed, produced to the faid Regifters or Mafters at the Time of entring fuch Memorial, who fliall indorfe a *<^- 'I'al' tepr.>- Certificate on every fuch Deed, Conveyance, and Will, or Probat thereof, and therein mention the iftefs'°&c wlio certain Day, Hour, and Time pn which fuch Memorial is fo entred or regiftred, expreffing alfo in what fliau indorfe^ ^^ Vol. IV. Bbb Book, Ceniiicate,