Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/430

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^7^ C. 4. Anno odlavo Ann^e Reginje. A. D. 1709, or during the (iild Term, fhall be imported, brought, or landed in any other Port or Place within the faii Kingdom oi Great Britain, being inoft ufually fold by the Chalder, or by any other Meafure whatfoever reducible to the Chalder, the Sum of three Shillings of like Money for every Chalder, to be reckoned, as aforefaid, and after that Rate for a greater or lefTer Quantity ; and for all Sorts of Coals from time to time fo fhipped or waterborn in order to be fhipped and carried by Sea from any Port or Place of the King- dom oi Great Britain, and which at any Time or Times, during the faid Term, (hall be imported, brought, or landed in any other Port or Place of the fame (in cafe they are fuch as are moft ufually fold and IS. per Tun. by Weight) the Sum of two Shillings for every Tun, and according to that Proportion for more or lefs, the faid feveral Duties for Coals fo fhipped or waterborn to be fhipped and carried by Sea, as aforefaid, from time to time to be paid at the refpeftive Ports and Places of Importation or Landing of fuch Coals, 3nd to be charged upon the refpeftive Owner and Owners, Mafler or other Perfon having the Charge ForCulm water- of every fuch Ship or VefTel, or of the Coals fo carried, imported, or brought in the iame ; and for all born 7d. two Culm whatfoever, which at any Time, during the faid Term of thirty-two Years, fhall be waterborn in Tenths per Chal- order to be {hipped within the faid Kingdom oi Great Britain, or brought into the feme, the Sum of feven "' Pence and two Tenths of a Penny for every Chalder, and after that Rate, to be paid at the refpedlive Ports and Places of Importation or Landing of fuch Culm, and to be charged on the refpeftive Owner and Owners, or Mafter or Mafters, or other Perfon having the charge of the Ship or Veffel, or of the ForCynders wa- CuJm {q carried, imported, or brought in the fam.e ; and for all Cynders made of Pit Coal, which at any Chalder ^^' " Time or Times, during the faid Term of thirty-two Years, fhall be fhipped or waterborn in order to bs fhipped within the faid Kingdom oi Great Britain, or brought into the fame, the Sum of three Shillings of like Money for every Chalder, reckoning the Chalder to confifl: of thirty-fix Bufhels Winchejler Mea- fure, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer Quantity, to be paid at the refpedlive Ports and Places of Importation or Landing of fuch Cynders, and to be charged upon the refpeftive Owner and Owners, Mafter and Maflers, or other Perfons having the Charge of the Ship or Veilel in which the faid Cynders fhall be carried, imported, or brought. II. And for the better levying and raifing the faid feveral Duties, and Sums of Money, by this Ait Under whofe impofed upon fuch Coals, Culm, and Cynders, as aforefaid ;' It is hereby ena£led. That fuch of the Management faid Duties, and Sums of Money, as fhall arife, or be due or payable in that Part oi Great Britain called thefe Duties fhall £',2g-/^„^^ ij/ales, or the Tovivi oi Berwick xx'^onTweed, for or upon fuch Coals, Culm, and Cynders, as

  • ' aforefaid, fliall from time to time, be under the Management and Government of the Commiffioners of the

Cufloms in England for the Time being, who fhall caufe thofe Duties, from time to time, to be raifed, le- vied, collefted, and paid to the Receiver or Receivers General of the Cufloms in England for the Time being; and that fuch Receiver or Receivers General in England for the Time being, fhall pay all the Monies arifing thereby (the necefTary Charges of receiving, levying, managing, paying, and accounting for the fame, excepted) into her Majefty's Receipt of Exchequer, diftinct and apart from all other Branches of the publick Revenue, weekly, to wit, on Wednefday in every Week, if it be not an Holyday, and if it be, then on the next Day after, that is not an Holyday, for the Purpofes in this A<5t exprelfed, and un- der the Penalties, Forfeitures, and Difabilities herein after mentioned ; and that fuch of the faid Duties,, and Sums of Money, by this Act impofed upon Coals, Culm, and Cynders, as aforefaid, as fhall arife» or be due or payable in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, fhall, from time to time, be under the Management and Government of the CommifHoners of the Cuftoms in Scotland for the time being, whoi fhall caufe thofe Duties, from time to time, to be raifed, levied, collected, and pvaid to the Receiver or Receivers General of the Cuftoms in Scotland for the Time being ; and that fuch Receiver or Receivers General of the Cuftoms in Scotland for the Time being, fhall tranfmit and pay, or caufe to be paid, all the Monies arifing thereby (the necefTary Charges of receiving, levying, managing, paying, ad account- ing for the fame, excepted) into her Majefty's Receipt of Exchequer in England, diftindl and apart, as aforefaid, from time to time, as fuch Receiver or Receivers General in Scotland ^iW have received any fuch Monies, as aforefaid, for the Purpofes in this Kdi exprefTed, and under the Penalties, Forfeitures, and Difabilities herein after mentioned. How thefeDuties III. And it is hereby enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid feveral Duties by this Ail im- ihaii be raifed, pofed within and throughout the faid Kingdom oi Great Britain, for and upon all fuch Coals, Culm, and'

  • '^' Cynders, as aforefaid, ihall during all the Time and Term by this Aft granted therein, be raifed, levied,

collefted, and paid into her Majefty's Exchequer (for the Purpofes in this Aft expreffed) in fuch or the like Manner and Form, and fubjeft to fuch Allowances and Repayments, and under fuch Penalties, For- feitures, and Difabilities, and according to fuch Rules, Methods, and Directions, as are prefcribed or appointed by any Law or Statute now in force, for and concerning the Duties upon the like Coals, Culm,, and Cynders, v/hich have Continuance until the thirtieth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred 4-AnnK, e. 6, gnj j-en, by virtue of the AiSt of Parliament made in the fourth Year of her Majefty's Reign, intituled,, An ASi for continuing an additional Subfidy of Tonnage and Poundage, and certain Duties upon Coals, Culm, and Cynders, and additional Duties of Excife ; and for fettling and eflahlijlnng a Fund thereby, and by other Ways ani , Means, for Payment of Annuities, to be fold for raifing a further Supply to her Majefty, for the Service of the mCoah^ST.'^ '^'^'^^ '"^^ thoufand feven hundred and fix, and other Ufes therein mentioned; and that all and every the Powers, fee farther 9" Authorities, Rules, Directions, Penalties, Forfeitures, Claufes, Matters, and Things now in Force, con- ^nn. c. 6 & 22. tained in the A£l laft-mentioned, or in any other A6ls or Statutes thereby referred unto, for the govern- 12 /inn. St. 2, ing, managing, raifing, levying, fecuring, collecting, receiving, paying, and accounting for the faid Du- e. g. 5 Geo. i. jjg^ upon Coals, Culm, and Cynders, which were granted or continued until the faid thirtieth Day of «. 4" zzGm^^ September one thoufand feven hundred and ten, as aforefaid, fhall be and are, by force and virtue of this .-'. 37. 30 Gee. z, prefent Ail, revived, and fliall be in full force, and be duly obferved, praCtifed, and put in Execution, in ig./. 28. and t,