^^4- Anno nono Ann^ Reginse. A. D. C. 6. /inno nono / n^ xs^egina;. /.. jj. lyio, Matters and Things, contained in the Aft laft-mentioned, or in any other Aft or Afts of Parlianietit v/hatfoever, as on the faid laft Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and ten were in Force for the laifing, rcceiing, levying, or recovering, or for making Allowances out of the faid Subfidy of Poundage and other Duties on Goods or Merchandizes exported, which had Continuance until the faid firft Day of Augiijl one thoufand fcven hundred ten, fhall be revived, praftifed and put in Execution, for raifing, re- ceiving, levying and recovering, or making Allowances out of the Subiidy of Poundage and other Duties hereby impofed on Goods and Merchandizes to be exported, during the iaid Term of thirty-two Years, and ail Arrearages of the fame, as fully and efFeftually, as if they were particularly and at large recited and fet down in the Body of this prefent Aft. HI. Provided always, and it is hereby declared. That where the Subfidy of Poundage, or other Du- ties formerly granted as aforefaid, on Goods or Merchandizes expoj'ted, have been taken away, in Part, or in the whole, upon any particular Goods or Merchandizes fo exported, by virtue of any Aft or Acb of Parliament, or by any Claufe or Claufes contained in any fuch Aft or Afts formerly made for taking away or diminifhing the fame, in all fuch Cafes, the Subfidy or Duty, or fuch Part of the faid Subfidy or Duty fo taken away, fhall not be revived or continued by virtue of tliis prefent Aft; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding.- IV. And it is hereby alio enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That for and during the Term of thirty- may be exported, ^^^^ Years, to be reckoned from the eighth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and ten, it fhall paying 12 .per ^^j ^^^^ ^^ lawful foT any Perfon or Perfons, Natives or Foreigners, to buy in open Fair or Market, Year's. ^J^^^ 'o export and tranfport from Great Britain into Ireland, or any Foreign Parts beyond the Seas, all Made perpetual Sorts of Leather Sheep-fldns or Calves-fkins, tanned, tawed, or drefled, paying for each hundred Weight by 3 Geo. i.e. 7. of all Sorts of Leather, Sheep-fkins, and Calves-fkins, containing one hundred and twelve Pounds, and
- ■ '• fo proportionably for a greater or lefl'er Quantity, the Sum of twelve Pence, and no more j any former
Concenimg Lea- Law, Statute, or Ufage to the contrary in any wife notwithllanding. ch. II. and likewlfe 10 Ann. c, 26. 12 Ann. St. 2, c. 9. 3 Geo, i. c, 4. 5 Geo. I, c, 2. Ii Gee, 2. c. 25, Subfidy, S:c. ta- ken away or diminiflied by- Ads of Parlia- ment, not re- vived. Leather, &e. Duty upon Coals Shipped to be ex- ' ported ; snade perpetual by 3 Geo. I. c. 7. §. I. Whst to be paid for Coals carried from Scotland to Ireland, or the Me of Man. g Anns, c. 23. Y- And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the feveral and refpeftive Rates and Duties herein after mentioned (and none other) fhall be raifed, levied, collefted and paid, unto and for the Ufe of her Majefty, her Heirs and SuccefTors, for and upon all Coals, which at any Time or Times within or during the Term of thirty-two Years, to commence from the eighth Day oi March in the prefent Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and ten, fhall be exported, or fhipped to be ex- ported beyond the Seas (that is to fay) For all Coals of Wales, or the Wefl oi England, which fhall be (hipped for Exportation to Ireland, or the Ifle oi Man, the Sum of one Shilling for every Chalder (rec- Security to be given for Coale Slipped for Ire- land, or the Jfle cf Man, &c. The Duties on Coals i^ Car. 2. c. 7. and 6 Ann<e, c. zt. £101 to be charged during this Act. Additional Du- ties are laid on Coals exported in Foreig(iBotton)s, by t% AniiK, flat. 2. c. 9 ^.9, pud perpetuated by 60so.i.c..j.|.j. g.-'eater or leflcr Quantity ; and for every Chalder of Coals [Newcajile ^Itzixire.) which fhall be fhipped for Exportation to any Parts beyond the Seas (other than as aforefaid) in Foreign built Bottoms, twelve Shillings, and in Englijh built Bottoms, three Shillings ; and after thofe Rates for greater or lefTer Quan- tities ; and for fuch Coals which at any Time during the faid Term of thirty-two Years fhall be fo exported, or fhipped to be exported as aforefaid, {oy Ireland, or the Ifle oi Man, or for the Planta- tions, or other Parts beyond the Seas (in cafe they are fuch Coals as are ufually fold by Weight) the proportional Rates following : videlicet. For fuch Coals to be exported for Ireland, or the Ifle of Man., eight Pence /li^r Tun, reckdning the Tun to be twenty hundred Weight, and for fuch Coals fhipped for Exportation to the Plantations, fi.Kteen Pence for every fuch Tun ; and for every fuch Tun of fuch Coals which fhall be fhipped for Exportation to any other Parts beyond the Seas, one third Part of the faid Rates charged thereupon, in cafe they were fhipped by Newcajile Meafure as aforefaid, and proportionally for greater or lelFer Quantities : The faid refpeftive Duties on Coals exported to be raifed, levied, up- lifted, and recovered in the fame Manner, and under fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, and by fuch Rules, Ways, and Methods, as any other Cuftoms or Duties, payable to her Majefly upon the Exportation of any Goods or Merchandizes, are by this Aft, or by any other Law or Statute now in force, to be raifed, levied, uplifted, or recovered in £«g-/(7n^ or 5fo//i7««^ refpeftively. VI, Provided always, and it is hereby enafted. That good Security fhall be given to the Officers of the Cuftoms in the refpeftive Ports where any of the faid Coals fhall be fhipped for Exportation to Ireland, the Ifle of Man, or any of the faid Plantations, for landing fuch Coals in Ireland, theIRe of Man, or fuch Plantations refpeftively, and not elfewhere (Danger of the Seas and Enemies excepted) and in cafe the Ship or VeflTel, on which the Coals for which fuch Security ought to be given, fhall depart or go out of Port without giving the fame, then fuch Ship or Veflel, and the Coals therein, or the Value thereof,.fhall be forfeited, and Ihall and may be recovered, to wit. One Moiety thereof to the Ufe of the Queen, and the other Moiety thereof to the ufe of fuch Perfon or Perfons as will feize, inform or fue for the fame. VII. And it is hereby provided and declared by the Authority aforefaid. That during the Term of thirty-two Years laft-mentioned, no Duties fhall be charged or raifed to the Ufe of her Majefty, her Heirs or Succefibrs, for or upon the Exportation of any Coals to or for any of her Majefty's Plantations, by the Aft for the Encouragement of Trade, made in the fifteenth Year of the Reign of the faid late King Charles the Second, or for any Coals to be exported in Foreign Bottoms, by an Aft made in the fixth Year of her Majefty's Reign in that Behalf, or for any Coals whatfoever, upon the Exportation thereof to Parts beyond the Seas, other than the feveral and refpeftive Rates and Duties by this Aft im- pofed upon the fame, during the Continuance thereofj any other Law or Statute whatfoever to the con- trary notwithftanding, VIII. And