Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/485

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the A. D. 17 10. Anno nono Ann^ Reginae. C. "J. 4^3 iied out of all and every, or any the Aids or Supplies granted or to be granted to her Majefty in this SeiTion of Parliament, for the carrying on the War, or other her Majefty's Occafions, and are not or {hall not be actually applied thereunto on or before the twelfth Day oi March one thoufand feven hundred and ten ; and the Commiffioners of her Majefty's Treafury now being, and the High IVeafurer, or Commif- fioners of the Treafury for the Time being, are hereby directed, authorized, and required (without any further or other Warrant or Authority to be fued for, had or obtained in that Behalf) from time to time, as the faid Payments fhall incur or grow due, at or before the faid one and thirtieth Day of ^uly one thoufand kvtw hundred and fourteen, to difcharge and fatisfy the fame out of the Aids and Supplies lail- mentioned, and to caufe fo much of the fame Aids or Supplies, in Monies, Tallies, or Orders, as (hall be fufficient for that Purpofe, to be referved and fet apart, and to be applied thereunto from time to time, as the faid Payments fliall incur and become due. II. And it is hereby enadled by the Authority aforefaid, That all the Payments which fhall grow due After 31 July by or in purfuance of this A6t, of or for the faid Sum of forty-five thoufand Pounds per Annum, or after lyH- '" be fa- that Rate, from and after the faid one and thirtieth Day of y^/y ^^^ thoufand feven hundred and fourteen, ^^^'^ out of th during fo long Time as the fame is to continue as aforefaid, according to this Aft, (hall from time to ^j^"'^^^"""^ "^ time be well and truly made and fatisfied, as from time to time the fame Payments fliall incur and grow ^ Anna, c 7. •due, unto the faid Governor and Company, and their SuccefTors, out of the Duties, Revenues or Funds, 8 Anns, c. i. or fome of them, which were by the Afts of Parliament above recited or mentioned, or any of them, fettled, eftabliftied, or appropriated, as well for paying the faid Intereft after the Rate of two Pence /i:r Centum per Diem., and the faid Allowance after the Rate of three Pounds />«■ Centum per Annum as for dif- charging and cancelling the faid Exchequer Bills in the Manner and Form herein after fpecified, that is to fay. When and as foon ,as any Payment fhall, after the faid one and thirtieth Day oi July one thou- fand feven hundred and fourteen, become due by virtue of this Adt, of or for the faid Sum of forty-five thoufand Pounds per Annum, or after that Rate, the Commiffioners of her Majefty's Treafury, or the High Treafurer for the Time being, fhall, from time to time, within ten Days then next enfuing, caufe an exaft Account to be taken of fo much as fhall be due to the faid Governor and Company upon the faid Allowance, after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum for Circulation, and an Eftimate to be made as near as they can, of fo much as fhall be then due or demandable, for the faid Intereit at two Pence /)«• Centum per Diem ; and after the Payment of the fame Allowance and Intereft Money, as the faid former A£ts do direct, or referving from time to time Money fufiicient to difcharge the fame, fhall iflue out of tlie faid Duties, Revenues and Funds laft-mentioned, unto the faid Governor and Com- pany, from time to time, the Money, which upon the taking of every fuch Account, fhall be due to them of or for the faid Sum of forty-five thoufand Pounds per Annum, Or after that Rate as aforefaid : It being the Intent and true Meaning of this Adt, that the fame Allowance for Circulation, and the faid Intereft Monies, fhall take Place and be preferred in Point of Payment out of the faid Funds, before the faid Sum of or after the Rate of forty-five thoufand Pounds per Annum ; and that the faid forty-five thoufand Pound per Annum fhall, from time to time, take place, and be preferred in Point of Payment, before the faid yearly Sum of two hundred thoufand Pounds per Ayinum, which was intended and fettled by the faid fonner Afts, or fome of them, for cancelling and difcharging the faid Exchequer Bills ; the faid former A'5ts, or any of them, or any thing therein contained, or any other Law or Statute whatfoever, to the contrary notwithftanding. III. Provided always, and it is hereby enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That after paying, or re- ferving fufficient to pay io much as fhall, from time to time, be incurred, and grown due for or upon the faid Intereft after the Rate of two Pence ^fr Ci'Kfz/OT />?r DzV.w, and the faid feveral Allowances after After difcharging the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, and forty-five thoufand Pounds per Annum as aforefaid, Intereft, AUnw- the faid yearly Sum of two hundred thoufand Pounds, intended by the faid former A£l:s for difcharging ^""' *'^' f and cancelling the Piincipal Money contained or to be contained in all the faid Exchequer Bills, 3"oooort°o or fo much thereof as the faid Funds fliall produce for that Purpofe, fhall and may be applied, from be applied for time to time, for difcharging and cancelling the faid Exchequer Bills, until they fhall be entirely dif- cancelling Ex- charged and cancelled according to the faid former A<3:s ; anything herein contained to the contrary <^'*^1"" ^'^» notwithftandjng. ^'^^ IV. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid former Afls above recited or Recited Afts to mentioned, and all the Powers, Authorities, Privileges, and Advantages, Rules, Direftions, Pains of c^ontmat'mfoite. Death, and other Penalties and Forfeitures, Claufes of Redemption, and other Claufes, Matters, and*'" •' Things therein contained (being now in Force) touching or concerning the faid Exchequer Bills, or any the Funds thereof, or any Way relating thereunto (fuch Alterations as are therein made by this AtS only " excepted) fhall. continue and be ufed, exercifed infli£ted, raifed, levied and put in Pradlice and Execu- >tion, to all Intents and Purpofes, in the fame Manner and Form as if this Adl had never been made ; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. And it is hereby declared, That the faid yearly Sum of forty-five thoufand Pounds, or any Part thereof, fhall not be liable to any Tax or AfTeff- iment whatfoever. " Bank obliged to exchange for ready Money, all the faid Exchequer Bills. In Default may be fued. yAnns, c. 7. " Bank may contract with others for furnilhlng Monies. Such Contradls not chargeable with the Stamp S Annse,' c! i.' " Duties. Further fealed Bank Bills may be iHu.d to the amount of the Contraift, i^c. Exchequer

  • ' Bills of 5000/. each may be ifl'ued, ^c. Exchequer Bills of 6 /. 5 s. each may be iffued, i^c. Trea-
  • ' fury to dired Impreft Money for difcharging Intereft on Exchequer Bills. Treafury may contraft, or
  • ' jdter Endorfemeuts., &c. EXP.

Vol. IV, K k k XI, Ar.U