Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/486

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434 C. 8 — 10. Anno nono Ann^ Reginae. "A. D. 1710. None may be XI. And be it enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That in all future E!e£lions of Governor, Deputy ot°the"Bank and ^^^overnor, or Direftors, of the refpeitive Corporations of the Bank of England, and of the united Com- Eaft India Com- pa^V of Merchants oi England trading to the Eaji Indies, all and every Perfon or Perfons, who fhall be pany at the fame eledted Governor, Deputy Governor, or DireiStor of the Bank of England, fhall, during the Year for Time. which he or they fhall be ele£ted, be incapable of being chofen a Director or Dire£tors for the Manage- Farihir Pravi- ViitM of the Affairs of the faid united Company; and all and every Perfon or Perfons, who fhall be JSons conceiting elefled a Dire£tor or Directors of the faid united Company, Ihall, during the Year for which he or they Bank, iz^nn. iha,l be fo elected, be incapable of being chofen a Governor, or Deputy Governor, or Direftor or Direc- &. I. .. ii. 12 toj-s of the Bank of England.

Ceo. 1, c, S. II Geo, 1. c> 9. i Geo, 2. -S/. 2. c» 8, 2 Geo. 2. c. 3. 11 Geo, 2. c. 27. /". 16. 15 Geo, %, c. 13. i^Geo, 2. c. 6, 24 Geo. 2. c, 4. 

CAP. VIII. An Aft to repeal the hOi of the third and fourth Year of her Majefty's Reign, intituled, Jn Acl for prohi- biting all Trade and Commerce with France ; fo for as it relates to the prohibiting the Importation of French Wines. After March 25, 1711. fomuch of the A£t 3 & 4 Anna, c. 13. as relates to the Impor- tation oi French Wines is repealed. French Wines may be imported in any Ship of 70 Tuns, belong- ing to the Subjefls of any Foreign Princes in Amity with the Queen, dtiring the War, ^c. To be irrported direftly from France to Ireland, and thence to Great Britain. The faid Ship to take on Board Englijh Goois to the full Value of the Wines contraband Goods excepted.) Proof to be made upon Oath, that the Goods were landed, i^c. in France. EXP. C A P. IX. An Aft to continue the Afts for punifhing Mutiny and Defertion, and falfe Mufters, and for the better Payment of the Army and Quarters, and for approving of Medicines for the Army. EXP.

52 Car. 2. c. 35

C A P. X.

An Act for eƒtabliƒhing a General Poƒt Office for all her Majeƒty's Dominions, and for ƒettling a weekly Sum out of the Revenues thereof, for the Service of the War, and other her Majeƒty's Occaƒions.

' M O S T gracious Sovereign; Whereas by an Act made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of his late Majeƒty King CHARLES the Second, a General Poft Office was erected and eƒtabliƒhed in that Part of Great Britain called England, and by the twentieth Act of the fifth Seƒƒion of the firƒt Parliament of his late Majefty King WILLIAM the Third, a General Poft Office was erected and eftabliflied in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, and ƒeveral Rates of Poƒtage were thereby ƒeverally appointed to be received, under ƒeveral different Powers and Authorities; which two Kingdoms being ƒince united, it is moƒt likely that a Correfpondence by Poƒt will be beƒt managed and ordered for the publick Good, by uniting alƒo the ƒaid two Poƒt Offices under one Poƒtmaƒter General: And whereas alƒo Pofts have at great Charges been eƒtabliƒhed by Packet Boats between that Part of Great Britain called England and the West Indies, and alƒo on the main Land in North America, through moƒt of her Majeƒty's Plantations and Colonies in thoƒe Parts, as alƒo to divers Parts in Europe, to which no Packet Boats were till lately ƒettled, and more Poƒts may yet be ƒettled and eƒtabliƒhed for the publick Good and Welfare of all your Majefty's Subjects: And whereas the ƒeveral Rates of Poƒtage may in many Parts, with little Burthen to the Subject, be encreaƒed, and other new Rates granted, which additional and new Rates may, in ƒome Meaƒure, enable your Majefty to carry on and finiƒh the prefent War, ƒo as ƒuitable Powers and Authorities be made for collecting the ƒame, and ƒufficient Proviƒion be made, as well for preventing the undue collefting the Delivery of Letters by private Poƒts, Carriers, Higlers, Watermen, Drivers of Stage Coaches, and other Perfons, as all other Frauds to which the Revenue might otherwiƒe be liable; which cannot be well and properly done, to anƒwer the Ends aforeƒaid, without the Authority of Parliament in a new Act to be made for the ƒaid Office, and for the Revenues to ariƒe thereby:' We therefore your Majeƒty's moƒt dutiful and loyal Subjefts, the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament aƒƒembled, do Termer Afls in moƒt humbly beƒeech your Majeƒty, that it may be enafted; And be it enaƒted by the Queen's moƒt Excellent Majeƒty, by and with the Advice and Conƒent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal,

and Com- M the Office""^ ™°"'?' '" '^'^ prefent Parliament affembled, and by Authority of the fame. That the faid Aft madein Eng- repeaied. ^"^ '1 t^ie twelfth Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty King Charles the Second, intituled, An A£l IS Car. a. c. 35. for ereiiing and ejlahlijhing a Poft Office, and the faid Aft made in Scotland in the fifth Seffion of the firft Par- liament of his faid late Majefty King William the Third, intituled. An ASi anent the Poji Office, and every Article, Claufe, and Thing therein or in either of them contained, ftiall be, and is and are hereby, from and after the firft Day oi June one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, aftually repealed, except as is herein after mentioned. II. And to the End a General Poft Office may be eftabliflied for and throughout her Majefty's YAng- Aoms oi Great Britian znd Ireland, her Colonies and Plantations m North-America, and te I'FeJi IndieSy and all other her Majefty's Dominions and Territories, in fuch Manner as may be moft beneficial to the People of thefe Kingdoms, and her Majefty may be fupplied, and the Revenue afifing by the faid Office better improved, fettled, and fecured to her Majefty, her Heirs and SuccefTors, in fuch Manner as is p'ft Offi""*'h ^'^^'" ^^*^'^ mentioned ; Be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid firft Day - ereaed "'" ©^ J««? OHC thoufand feven hundred and eleven, there be from thenceforth one General Letter Office ' antk-