Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/500

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448 C. II, Anno nono Ann^ Reginse. A. D. 17 10. Goods landed be- any of the fame Commodities or Manufactures ftiaU be landed or put on Shoar out any Ship or Vcflel, fore entry, &c. before due Entry be made thereof at the Cuftom-houfe in the Port or Place where the fame (hall be im- ^rfeiud, 01 e pQ^^gj^ ^j^j before the faid Duties by this AtSt charged or chargeable thereupon fhall be duly paid, or with- out a Warrant for the Landing or Delivering the fame firft figned by the Commiffioners, Colledtors or other proper OiEcer or Officers of the Cuftoms refpettively, that all fuch imported Commodities and Ma- nufactures by this A£t chargeable as aforefaid, as fhall be fo landed or put on Shoar, or taken out of any Ship or Vefl'el, contrary to the true meaning hereof, or the value of the fame, {hall be forfeited, and (hall and may be feized or recovered of the Importer or Proprietor thereof, to wit, one Moiety of the fame to the Ufe of her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, and the other Moiety to the Ufe of fuch Perfon or Per- fons as will feize, inform or fue for fuch Commodities or Manufactures chargeable by this Act, as fhall be fo imported and forfeited, .or the 'Value thereof, in any of her Majefty's Courts of Record at Wejlminjier^ or in her Majefty's Court oi Exchequer in Scotland, by Aftion, Bill, Suit or Information, wherein no Effoin, Protection or Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance, fhall be granted or allowed. After Duty paid VI. And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the Duti6s here- Skins, &c. to by granted upon fuch imported Hides or Skins fhall be paid and fatisfied, the Officer or Officers of the be maiked. Cuftoms of the Port or Place where the fame fhall be imported, fhall caufe every fuch Hide or Skin to be marked with fuch diftinCl Mark as this ACt direCts to be provided and ufed, to denote the Payment of the Duty of fuch imported Hides or Skins as aforefaid. How thefe Du- VII. And be it further enaCted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Duties on all fuch Commodi- ties fliall be j jgg ^j^j ManufaCtures chargeable by this ACt, as fhall be imported or brought into Great Britain, during '^" ■ the Continuance thereof, fhall be afcertained, fecured, raifed, uplifted, levied, recovered and anfwered, for the Ufes and Purpofes in this ACt expreffed, by fuch Rules, Ways, Means and Methods, and under fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, and in fuch Manner and Form as her Majefty's Duties, called the Subfidies upon Poundage Goods imported or any of them, are by any Law or Statute now in Force to be afcertain- ed, fecured, raifed, uplifted, levied, recovered or anfwered, during the Continuance thereof refpeCtively. Imported Goods VIII. And it is hereby declared and enaCted, That the Values of fuch of the faid imported Commodi- that pay ad Va- j.jgg ^^^ ManufaCtures chargeable by this ACt, as are to pay Duty ad Valorem, upon the Importation there- he'afcsrt^ned! °^» ^" '" ^'^ Cafes be taken to be fo much as fuch Imported Kinds are really worth to be fold at the Port of Importation, without any Abatement for the Duties thereupon charged by this or any former ACt ; and that the refpeCtive Cuftomer or Collector, or other Perfon or Perfons, Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms for the time being, fhall receive and levy the faid Duty, payable ad_^ Valorem, upon the Oath of K the Merchant or Importer accordingly ; and fuch Oath fhall and may be adminiftred, and all other Mat- ters done for afcertaining the faid Duties fo payable ad Valorc?n, in the fame Manner and Form as are law- ... .' fully ufed and praCtifed, or ought to be praCtifed, for afcertaining any other the Duties payable «^/^«- lorem, upon the Importation of Leather. Thefe Duties to IX. And be it enaCted and declared by the Authority aforefaid. That fuch of the Duties impofed by be under the this ACt for or upon the faid Commodities or Manufactures to be imported as aforefaid, as fhall arife in Government of England, Wales, and the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, fhall be under the Management of the Commif^ fioners'orthe fton^rs and Officers of the Cuftoms in England for the time being ; and fuch of the Duties impofed by this Cuftoms. ACt on the faid Commodities and Manufactures to be imported as aforefaid, as fhall arife in Scotland, fhall be under the Management of the Commiffioners and Officers of the Cuftoms in Scotland for the time be- ing ; and that the refpeCtive Receivers General of the Cuftoms in England and Scotland for the time being fhall from time to time pay, or caufe to be paid, all the Monies that they refpeCtively fhall receive of the faid Duties on the faid Commodities and Manufactures to be imported as aforefaid (the necefTary Charges of raifing and accounting for the fame excepted) into the Receipt of her Majefty's Exchequer in England, diftinCtly and"apart from all other Branches of the publick Revenues, and under the like Penalties, For- feitures and Difabilities as are to be infliCted by this ACt, for diverting or mifapplying any Monies by this ACt required to be paid into the Exchequer. J Jac t. c. 24. ' X. And whereas in the firft Year of the Reign of King James the Firft of happy Memory, a good ' and wholfome Statute was made concerning Tanners, Shoemakers, Curriers and other Artificers in Lea- ' ther wherein ample Provifion was made for the -true and well Tanning, Currying and Working of Lea- ' ther, and for and concerning the Buying and Selling of Leather, Red and Unwrought, in open ' Fairs and Markets, and for fuch other Matters and Things relating to Leather, as in the faid Statute ' are plainly and largely expreffed, the due Execution whereof hath been and is of great Importance to ' the publick Good and Service of this Realm, and will very much contribute to the- Afcertaining and

  • Collection of feveral of the Duties by this ACt intended to be granted :' Be it therefore enaCted by the

Mayors, Bailiffs, Authority aforefaid. That all Mayors, Bailiffs or other Head Officers for the time being, in the feveral &c. and all Tan- Cities, Boroughs and Market Towns of this Realm; and the refpeCtive Lords of Liberties, Fairs and ners, &c. are to Markets ; and the Mafters and Wardens of the feveral Companies in the faid ACt expreffed ; and all Tan- £omT'w?th the "^'"'^s Curriers, Shoemakers, and other Artificers, and all and every other Perfon and Perfons whatfoever, s°atf ^i ja. i.e. who are or ought to be concerned in the Execution of the faid Statute, or to give Obedience thereunto, %z, fhall (under fuch Pains, Penalties and Forfeitures as are therein feverally expreffed) duly execute, obferve and comply with the fame Statute, and all the Claufes, Matters and Things therein contained, in tela-, tion to the Tanning, Dreffing, Making, Buying, Selling, Trying, Sealing, Regiftring or other Mat- ^ ters concerning Leather, other than fuch as have been altered by any Law or Statute lince that Time made, and now in Force, Penalty on galh- XI. And for the better preventing the Gafhing and Cutting of any Hides in Flaying thereof, whereby sk-^'*" °' *^^ fame fhall be impaired or hurt ; It is hereby enaCted, That from and after the four and twentieth Day " oijune one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, if the Raw Hide of any Ox, Bull, Steer or Cow, or the { Skin