Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/511

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A..D. 1710. Anno nono Ann ^ Regius. C. 12. 459 XV. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every the Officers of the faid Officer may en- Duty, fliail at all Times, by Day or by Night, and (if in the Night) then in the Prefence of a Con- teranyOuft,&o ftable, or other lawful Officer of the Peace, be permitted, upon his or their Requeft, to enter into the pj^^^f jol."" Ouft, Store-houfe, or other Place, made ufe of by any Perfon or Perfons, within or during the faid Term, for the Growing, Curing or Keeping of Hops, whereof iuch Notice (hall or ought to have been given as aforefaid, in order to his viewing the fame, and difcovering any Frauds in Relation to her Majeily's Duties thereupon ; and if any Planter or Owner of Hops fhall obftrudt or hinder any of the faid Officers in the Execution of the Powers and Authorities given to him or them by this Ad, for the afcertaining and fecuring the faid Duties upon Hops, the Perfon or Perlbns offending therein, (hall for every fuch Offence forfeit and lofe the Sum of twenty Pounds. XVI. And be it further ena(Sted by the Authority aforefaid. That no Planter or Owner of Hpps, after Hops not tote the faid firft Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, during the Continuance of the faid removed before Duties upon Hops, (hall (under Pain of forfeiting the Sum of fifty Pounds for every Offence) remove, '^'^^ P^^'^ "^^'" carry or fend away, or futfer to be removed, carried or fent away, from his, her or their Ouft, Store- p^in'of jol. houfe, or other Place (whereof Notice fliall or ought to be given as aforefaid) any Hops chargeable with the Duty by this AcS impofed, until the fame fhall have been cured, bagged and weighed, and the Du- ties thereof (hall be afcertained according to the true Meaning of this Adl, unlefs in fuch Cafes where the Officers of the faid Duties (having due Notice firft given or left as aforefaid) (hall neverthelefs negle£t to attend the Bagging and Weighing of the fame. XVII. And be it further enafted. That if any Planters or Owners of Hops (hall fraudulently hide or Fraudulently ' conceal, or caufe or procure to be hid or concealed, any Hops chargeable by this A£t, to the Intent to concealing for- deceive her Majefty of the juft Duties by this Aft granted ; that then, and in every fuch Cafe, the Party "" *°'" ^'^' fo offending fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds, and all the Hops fo con- cealed and hid, to her Majefty's Ufe. ' XVIII. And whereas great Numbers of poor and indigent Perfons are commonly employed in the picker of Hops ' gathering and picking of Hops, who may clandeftinely carry off, and convey fuch Hops from the carrying off any ' Places where they gather and pick the fame, and thereby defraud her Majefty of the Duties hereby "^^ ^°P= °^- ' granted, without the Privity or Confent of the Proprietor of fuch Hops :' For Prevention whereof, be '^^^"i-^n't w^hLd it "further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, i hat if any Picker or Gatherer of Hops, or any other labour for T Perfon or Perfons, Ihall privately carry off, or convey any Hops from the Place of growing, or the Month. Place where the fame (hall he put in Order to be cured, bagged, and weighed, with an Intent to defraud her Majefty of her faid Duties, and the Owner of the faid Hops ; then, and in every fuch Cafe, the Perfon or Perfons offending therein ftiall forfeit and lofe the Sum of five Shillings for every Pound of Hops fo clandeftinely carried off and conveyed ; and in every fuch Cafe it fhall and may be lawful for the Officers of the faid Duties, not only to feize the Hops fo clandeftinely carried off and conveyed, but alfo to apprehend the faid Offender or Offenders, and carry him or them before one of her Majefty's Juftices of the Peace of the County or Place where fuch Offence fliall be committed ; and in cafe the faid Offence fhall be proved before the laid Juftice of the Peace, and the Offender or Offenders fhall not forthwith pay down the Penalties by this Ad: impofed on fuch Offender or Offenders, for the Offences fo proved on him, her or them refped ively as aforefaid, and no fufficient Diftrefs can be found to levy the fame, it fhall and may be lawful for the faid Juftice of the Peace to commit fuch Offender or Offen- ders to the Houfe of Correftion, there to be whipt and kept to hard Labour, for any Time not exceeding one Month ; and if any Perfon or Perfons (hall obftrud or hinder any Officer or Officers for the faid Perfons obftrua» Duties, in the Execution of his or their Offices, or the Powers given them by this Aft, or (hall beat or ing officer for- abufe the faid Officers, or any of them, in the Execution of his or their Offices, fuch Perfon or Perfons f='" s'- "^ ^=»' (hall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit and lofe the Sum of five Pounds ; and in Default of Diftrefs, fo^^'MontC whereby to levy the fame, it (hall and may be lawful for any of her Majefty's Juftices of the Peace, upon due Proof of fuch Offence, to commit fuch Offender or Offenders to the Houfe of Correftion, there to be whipt and kept to hard Labour, for any Time not exceeding one Month. XIX. And it is hereby enafted. That all the Hops in the Cuftody of any Planter or Owner of Hops, Hops chargeable or any other Perfon or Perfons, to the Ufe of, or in Truft for fuch Planter or Owner, fhall be liable and with all Duties fubjed to, and are hereby made chargeable with all the Debts and Duties for Hops in arrear and owing in Artear, &c. by fuch Planter or Owner refpedlively, and to all Penalties and Forfeitures incurred by fuch Planter or Owner, for any Offence againft this A£l ; and that it (hall and may be lawful in all fuch Cafes to levy Debts and Penalties, and ufe fuch Proceedings as may lawfully be done by this Aft, in cafe the Debtor or Offender were the true and lawful Owner of the fame. XX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That for all Hops, whether Foreign or of Stock in Hand Brltijh Growth, which any Hop Merchant, or other Sellers and Dealers, Faftors in Hops, or common °^ ' '"h^ rU^' Brewers in Great Britain, or any Perfon or Perfons in Truft for him, her or them, or for his, her or putf/s 'as° the^ their Ufe, fhall be poffeffed of, or interefted in, upon the faid firft Day of June one thoufand feven hun- fame Hops after dred and eleven, there fhall be yielded and paid to her Majefty the like refpeftive Rates as are by this Aft i June. to be paid for the like Sorts of Hops imported or grown in Great Britain, after the faid firft Day of June; Owners to enter and that all and every the faid Hop Merchants, Sellers and Dealers, Faftors in Hops, common Brewers, ^^t; o'ffic"on* and all and every other Perfon or Perfons, who in Truft for them or any of them, or for the Ufe of pJi„of eol. and them or any of them, (hall be poffeffed of, or have in his, her or their Cuftody or Poffeffion, or in his. Forfeiture of the her or their Ouft, Store-houfe, Ware-houfe, or other Place or Places vvhatfoever, upon the faid firft Day Hops, &c. of June one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, any Stock, Parcel or Quantity of Hops whatfbever, for Sale, fhall on or before the faid firft Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, make a true and particular Entry thereof at the Excife Office within the Limits of which they fhall refpeftively in- N n n a habit.