Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/512

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460 C. 12. Anno nono Ann.e Reginse. A. D. 1.710.. habit, upon Pain to forfeit the Sum of fifty Pounds, and the faid Hops, for which no fiich Entry fhall have been made; and within fix Days after he, {he or they ihall have made or ought to have made fuch Entries as aforefaid, (liall pay down the Duties hereby psyable for fuch Hops, or within fix Days (hall give Security to the proper Officers, for paying the lame Duties to her IVIajefty's Ufa within three Difcount of lol. Months then next enfuing; and in cafe the faid Duties for fuch Stock of Hops be paid down v/ithin the per Cent for fajj fix Days, then there fnall be allowed out of the fame Duties for fuch prompt Payment an Allowance promptPayment. ^^j.^,. ^j^^ ^^^^ ^f ^^^ Pounds per Centum per Annum, for the faid Time of three Months; and that all and every fuch Hop Merchant, Sellers, and Dealers in Hops, Fa(£l:ors and Common' Brewers, who fliall Penalty for Non- refufe or Negleft to make fuch Payment, or to give fuch Security for Payment of the laid Duties for his, payment, &c. her or their faid Stock of Hops, within the Time by this Aft limited for that Purpofe, fliall forfeit double the Sum of the faid Duty which iTiould have been (b paid or fecured by him, her or them as aforefaid; Not permitting and that the proper Officers of the faid Duties fhall be permitted to take a true and particular Account Officer to take of all fuch Stock or Qtiantity of Hops, as any fuch Hop Merchant, or other Sellers or Dealers in Hops,- Stoc'k"forftits Fadors, com.mon Brewers, or any in Truft for them, fliall, on the faid liril Day oi June one thoufand 20I. and the feven hundred and eleven, have or be pofTeffed of, by weighing the fame on the faid firft Day oi 'June Value, one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, or afterwards, at any Time before the Duty lafl: mentioned {ball be paid or fecured; upon pain of forfeiting twenty Pounds, and the Value of the Hops whereof the Of- Clancieftinely re- {icers fhall not be permitted to take an Account as aforefaid; and if any Perfon or Perfons, having on moving Hops (j^g fj,;j f^y[ £)j^y of ^aK^ in his, her or their CuPcody and Foffeffion, any Stock or Qiiantity of Hops, HopT'^" ' °° chargeable by this Act with the faid Duty for Stock as aforefaid, {hall clandeftinely remove or carry away, or caufe or {'ufFer to be removed or carried away, the fame or any Part thereof, before her Majefty's Duties thereupon fhall be paid or fecured as aforefaid, or {hall fraudulently conceal or Hide any Part of his, her or their faid Stock of Hops; that then, and in every fuch Cafe, he, fhe or they fo of- fending, for every fuch Offence {hall forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds; and in all and every fuch Cafe and Cafes, the Stock or Quantity of Hops, which fliall be ib clandeftinely removed or carried away, or Iraudulently concealed or hid, fhall be forfeited, and fnall and may be feized by any of the Officers for Concealerforfeits the faid Duties; and the Perfon or Perfons in whofe Cuftody fuch Stock of Hops {hall be found, who 10 5. per lb. {)[ii not, before the Difcovery thereof, give Notice at the next Office of Excife, of the Stock or Quan- tity of Hops fo in his, her or their Cuftody, fhall alfo forfeit and lofe the Sum of ten Shillings for every Pound Weight. Britifli Hops, XXI. Provided always, and be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall and may be ^e'Du'r'm^a^"^ lawful to and for any Perfon or Perfons, vvho {hall have aiSlually paid her Maje{ly's Duties, by this Ad 'be^xport'cdfe Payable for any Quantity of Hops, whatfoever of Britifi Grov/th, and to and for any other Perfon or Ireland, &c. Perfons who fhall buy, or be lawfully entitled to any fuch Qiiantity of Hops of BritiJI} Growtb, from the faid Perfon or Perfons who adually paid her Majefty's Duties for the fame, to export fuch Hops, being of Briti//} Growth, for Ireland, by Way of Merchandize, giving fufficient Security before the {hipping thereof for Exportation, that the particular Qiiantity of Hops, which ilrall be intended to be exported, as aforefaid, and every Part thereof, fliall be fhipped and exported, and that the fame, or any Part thereof, fhall not be re-landed or brought again into any Part or Parts oi Great Britain; which Security the Cu- flomer or Colledor of the refpedive Ports for fuch Exportation is hereby direded and authorized to take in her Majefty's Name, and to her Ufe : Provided always. That if after the flripping of any fuch Hops to be exported as aforefaid, and the giving or tendring fuch Security in order to obtain the Allowance or Drawback herein after mentioned, the Hops fo {hipped to be exported, or any of them, fhall be re-landed in any Part oi Great Britain, then, and in every fuch Cafe, over and above the Penalty of the Bond, which fliall be levied and recovered to her Majefty's Ufe, all the Hops which fliall be fo landed, or the Value thereof, fliall be forfeited. Exporter to make XXII. And it is alfo 'hereby enaded, That any Perfon or Perfons who fliall export any Hops of Britijh Oath, &c. Growth to or for Ireland, fl.iall or may make Oath that he believes the fame Hops are all of Britifli Growth, The Drawback ^TJ^hout any Mixture of Foreign Flops, that the Duty of fuch Hops hath been paid or fecured, according "rf f*°i^ T^ d^"^' '-° '■^'^ ^'^ (which Oath the Colledor, who received the faid Duty, is hereby required and impowered to taken off by 6 adminifter) and thereupon the faid Colledor for the lame Duties upon Hops {hall give to fuch Perfon or Geo. I.e. II. Perfons gratis, a Certificate or Certificates, expreffing the Kinds and Qiiantities of fuch Hops, and the ^. 40. Duties paid, or fecured to be paid for the fame, purfuant to this Ad; which Certificate being produced Colleaor to give ^^ f]^g Cuftomer or Colledor of the Port where the faid Hops fhall be exported, and Oath being alfo ^^"f "d^Cu- ™^'is W ■'2 Exporter before the f.vid Cuftomer or Colledor of the Port (v/ho is hticby alfo authorized ftomer,'&c. to and required to adminifter the fame without Fee or Charge) that the Hops fo exported are the fame m.en- lepay the Duties, tioned in the faid Certificate, then the faid Cuftomer or Colledor fhall give to the Exporter a Debenture, expreffing the true Quantity of the Britifl) Hops fo exported; which Debenture being produced to the Colledor appointed to receive the faid Duty upon Flops in fuch County or Place v/here the faid Hops ' did pay Duty, he fnall forthwith repay the faid Duty which he fliall have received upon this Ad to the Perfons, or their Agents, fo exporting the fame; and if fuch Colledor fhall not have Money in his Hands to pay the fame, then the faid refpedtive Commiffioners of Excife are hereby required to pay the faid De- benture out of the Duties upon Hops, arifing by this Ad; or if the Duty on fuch Hops fo exported ' were only fecured, and fhall remain unpaid, then the faid Duties {hall be difcharged upon the Securities for the fame; any thing in this Ad contained to the contrary notwithftandine. XXIII. And it is hereby enaded, That no Perfon whatfoever {hall, during the Continuance of this reign Hops in Ad, take any Hops of Foreign Growth out of the Bags in which they are imported, and rebag the fame Britifli Bags, for- j^^ Britifli Bagging, in order to fell, difpofe, or export the fame as Britifli Hops, under the Penalty often ^us lol. pel . pgyjjjj foj every hundred Weight, and after that Rate for a greater or lelTer Quantity; and if any Per- fon