Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/555

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A.D. i7i<^« Anno nono A N N iE Reginse. C. 24J 503 Perfons who are or fliall be refettled in the faid Iflands, or either of them, and be thereby entitled to a pro- Perfoti! refett:ed portional Part of the faid Sum to be diftributed to or amongft fuch Perfons, according to the true Meaning there. of this Aft. ' XC. And whereas in an Ad: paffed in this prefent Seflion of Parliament, intituled, Jn AElfor reviving, coals carried

  • cnHiinuing, and appropriating certain Duties upon feveral Commodities to be exported, and certain Duties upon from the Weft

' Coals to be ivaterborn and carried Coajlivife, atid for granting further Duties upon Candles, for two and thirty of Scotland to ' Tears, to raife one Million five hundred thoufand Pounds, by Way of a Lottery, for the Service of the Tear '^'^ ^"c^'j' "*

  • one thoufand /even hundred and eleven, and for fupprejfing fuch unlawful Lotteries, and fitch Infiurance Offices, ffom'the Weft

' as arc therein mentioned, feme Doubt may arife what Duty is charged upon Coals exported from the Weft of England to ' of fico/laiid to Ireland, or the Ifie of Man Beit enaiSled and declared by the Authority aforefaid. That Ireland, &c. the faid Coals fliall be charged with the fame Duty, and no more, as Coals exported from the Wefl of 9 •'^""^' <=■ 6. England to Ireland, and the ^le of Man, are and fland charged by virtue of the faid Aft. /"'^DnZT Ctah, 12 Ann. flat. 2. c. 9. 5 Geo. I. c, g, 6 Geo. i. c, 4. ii Geo, z. c. 37. 30 Gen, 2. c, 19. yiS. iS. CAP. XXIV. An Aft for Relief of the Creditors and Proprietors of the Company of Mine /Adventurers, by eftablifhing a IVIethod for fettling the Differences between the Company and their Creditors, and for uniting them, in order to an effeftual Working the Mines of the faid Company. ■ H E R E A S the Governor and Company of the Mi7ie Adventurers of England (by the great Ex- pences in v/orking and manufacturing their Mines and Minerals, and by other Charges incident ' to fo great and difficult an Undertaking) have contraiSled fo great a Debt, that by their Stock or Produce ' of the faid Mines, or Sale or Mortgage thereof, the faid Company is altogether unable to pay the fame : ' And whereas by the unhappy Differences and Difputes that have arifen amongft the R'lembers of the faid ' Company, and alfo between the faid Company and their Creditors, the working and managing the faid ' Mines is almoft totally interrupted, whereby the large Sums of Money expended in bringing them to ' their prefent State and Condition, are in great Danger of being entirely lofl: And whereas the Mines be- ' longing to the faid Company are fo rich and valuable, that if the fame were fettled and eftablifhed under ' good Management, and a regular Conftitution, they might, befides anfwering the Charge of working; ' them, turn more to the Satisfaction of all Perfons interefled or concerned therein, and likewife great Be- ' nefit would accrue to the Publick by fo profitable a Manufadtury : And whereas an Expedient hath been ' propofed for fatisfying the Debts, and compofing the Differences of the faid Company and their Creditors^ ' by an Union or Coalition of their refpedtive Debts and Interefts in and upon the faid Mines, under one ' Denomination, and for raifing a Stock for effectually working and manufaiSturing the faid Mines and Mi- ' nerals ; and for difcovering all unwarrantable Praflices that have been therein, and for preventing the ' like for the future, by fettling the Management under a more regular Eftablilhment, it is therefore hum-

  • bly prayed, that it may be enafted;' And be it enabled by the Queen's moft Excellent Majefty, by and

with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parlia- ment affembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That all Grants, Contrafts, Bargains, Sales, Leafes, All Grants, &c. Mortgages, Conveyances, and Affurances, made of any Mines, Minerals, Lands, Tenements, Heredita- made by the ments, Stocks, Goods, and Chatties, by the faid Governor and Com^2irY of Mine Adventurers of England, ^""^Yj""" to any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, fince the Time the faid Governor and Company of Mine Adventurers rers^^ncrtliey of England fird flopt or poftponed Payment of their Bills or Bonds, or by any Perfon or Perfons feized or fi,ft'flopr Pay- poffefled of any Mines, Minerals, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Stock, Goods, and Chatties, in mentoftheir Truft for the laid Governor 2ind Compzny of Mine Adventurers of England, fliall and are hereby declared. BiUs, &c.vold» to be abfolutely void and of none Effeft. " All new Shares above the 6012 allowed by Charter, void, (s'c. Money advanced on the Call 15 FeU. e X Pi- " 1708, is'c. allowed. Bargains, &c. made fince the Company flopt Payment, good. _ Creditors united " with the Members. A general Meeting of the Company and Creditors to be called within 20 Days af- " ter II fune 1711. Deputy Governor, 6v. dying, &c. others to be chofen. Deputy Governor, &c. to

    • manage the Compafiy's Affairs. A Book to be provided by i; fuly 17 11, to enter Claims. Attendance

" to be given daily for entring Claims, till 16 Sep. 171 1. Claimers Names to be printed. Creditors, C3°c. '* to give in their Claims by 16 Sep. iyi i. Accountants to examine the Claims. A Lift to be printed of •* the Perfons entitled to Shares. Sharers Names, &c. to be entred in a Book. Shares affignable, ^c^ " After Duke of Leeds's Death, Governor to be annually chofen having ten Shares. Qualification of Vo- " ters, yc. after the new Diftribution of Shares. Proxies. Governor, &c. annually to ftate the Condi- " tion of the Company, &c. Penalty for not ftating." IX. And be it further enacled by by the Authority aforefaid. That for the raifing a Stock of Money for Governor, &c; the better carrying on the working and improving the Mines of the faid Company of the Mine Adventurers at a General of England, and for anfwering the Exigencies of the faid Company, and, in the firtt Place, for defraying Meeting, may the neceffary Charges of paffing this prefent Aft ; it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid Governor, slja/j""^"*" *-^ Deputy Governor, and Diredlors of the faid Company, with the Confent and Approbation of a General Affembly or Meeting of the Members of the faid Company, duly called, after fuch new Divifion and Di- ftribution of the fix thoufand and twelve Shares, made in Manner as is by this AQ. required, to call in, or dire£t to be paid to the faid Governor, Deputy Governor, and Directors, or to fuch Perfon or Perfons as they fhall appoint to receive the fame, any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding forty Shillings ^^r Share ; and