Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/556

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5^4 C. Anno nono Ann^ Regin^. A. D. 1 710. Penalty on Members not paying. EXP, PubSck Aft. PR. and that all Executors, Admlniftrators, Guardians, and Truftees, fliall be indemjiified in paying the fameJ and in cafe any Member of the faid Company fhall neglecft or refufe to pay his, her, or their Share of the Money fo called in at the Time or Times appointed for that Purpofe by Notice in the London Gazette, he, fhe, or they fo negledting, ftiall forfeit one Moiety of his or their refpcdive Shares or Intcreft in the faid Company, which faid Moiety fo forfeited, as aforefaid, fhall remain and be for the Ufe of the faid Compa- ny, who may difpofe thereof at a General Court ; and it fhall and maybe lawfulfor the faid Governor, Deputy Governor, and Dircdtors, and their Succeffors, to reftrain or hinder the faid Member or Members from transferring his or their other Moiety of Shares or Intereft, or any other Part thereof, in the faid Company: Provided always, That the faid Governor and Company may, by feveral Calls, in Manner as before directed, appoint the Payment of any Part of the faid Sum of forty Shillings, and at feveral Times ; but the faid Governor and Company are hereby reftrained from calling in upon their faid Members at any Time or Times, any Sum or Sums exceeding in the whole forty Shillings per Share ; and every. Call fo made and appointed, after the refpeftive Proprietors of the fix thoufand and twelve Shares have paid in, for the Ufe of the Company, forty Shillings per Share, fhall be void, and of no Force or EfFedt. " Accountants to examine the Accounts, ^c. of the Company, and to examine thofe who managed the " Company's Affairs, isfc. No Transfer to be where Accounts are depending. Deputy Governor, i^c. " in 1707. or fmce, not capable to be defied again before 16 Nov. 1712. Shares, i^c. not claimed before " 16 Sep. 1711. forfeited. Except in cafe of Difpute." XVI. And be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That this Aft ftiall be deemed and taken to be a Pub- lick Acl of Parliament, of which all Judges, Juftices, and other Perfons are to take Notice. " Provifo for the Parifli Children o^ Saint Sepulchre's, and Elizabeth Hammond. For Richard Sterne oiTork " Efq; For the Duke of Leeds." C A P. XXV. An Aft for making the Aft of the fifth Year of her Majefl'y Reign, for the better Preferva- tion of the Game, perpetual, and for making the fame more efFeftual. HERE A S the Aft made in the fifth Year of her Majefty's Reign, intituled. An ASi for the bet- ter Prefervation of the Game, will expire at the End of this prefent Seffion of Parliament, unlefs ' the fame be continued : And whereas the faid Aft hath been found to be an ufeful Law for the Prefervation ' of the Game of this Kingdom ;' Be it therefore enafted by the Queen's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parlia- ment affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid recited Aft, and all the Claufes, Mat- ters, and Things therein contained, fnall ftand in full Force and Virtue, and be continued, and deemed, and taken to be a perpetual Law, fubjcft neverthelefs to the Additions or Alterations herein after in this Aft contained : That is to fay. Whereas by the faid recited Aft, any Lord or Lady of a Manor might appoint feveral CJame Keepers in the fame Manor, and every one of the Game Keepers fo appointed might kill any G&me in the fame Manor ; For the Preventing therefore of the Deitruftion of the Game of this King- Manors fhall ap- dom, which may happen by appointing feveral Game Keepers in the fame Manor, with Authority to kill point but one the Game therein -, Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the firlt Day of ^^"iw^"'^ '" ■^'^y °"^ thoufand feven hundred and eleven, no Lord or Lady of a Manor fliall make, conflitute or ap- wWfe Name point above one Perfon to be a Game Keeper within any one Manor, with Power or Authority to kill or deltroy the Game thereof; and that the Name of fuch Perfon, fo to be authorized to kill the Game, fnall, from time to time, be entred with the Clerk of the Peace, for the time being, of the County, Riding, or Divifion wherein fuch Manor doth lie, fuch Entry to be made and viewed without Fee or Reward, and a Certificate thereof to be granted by the Clerk of the Peace, upon Payment of one Shilling for the fame ; and in cafe any other Game Keeper, whofe Name fliall not be fo entred, as aforefaid, who fhall not be otherwife qualified by the Laws of this Kingdom to kill Game, fliali prefume to kill any Hare, Pheafant, 5 Annse, c. 14. 32//. S. c. S. 5 £/. IT. 21, z5 El, c. 10. I Jac. I. c. 27. 2Z & Z3 Car. 2 c. 15. 4 fef 5 jr. & M. c. 23 The AG 5 Anns, c. 14. made perpetual. After I May 1711, lords of Partridge, Moor, Heath -Game, or Groufe, or if any Game Keeper or Game Ke?pers, .or other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, not being qualified in his own Right to kill Game, fliall fell, or expofe to Sale, any Hare Pheafant, Partridge, Moor, Heath Game, or Groufe, the refpeftive Offender or Offenders herein IHall be entred with the Clerk of the Peace. By 3 Gei> i, c. II. the Game Keeper mtiftbe either qualifiedj or the Lord's Servant. Game Keepers cr°o'he^u"nq'ua-' ^"'1' for every Offence, incur fuch Forfeitures, Pains, and Penalties, as are inflifted by the faid recited Jified Perfon, Aft upon Higlars, Carriers, Inn Keepers, or Viftuallers, for buying or felling of Game, fuch Forfeitures killing or felling to be recovered by fuch Means, and in fuch Manner and Fo;m, and within fuch Time, and to fuch Ufes, any Hare, &c. gs are prefcribed by the faid Aft ; any thing in the faid recited Aft, or in any other Law or Statute to the to beliable to contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. the Forfeitures ■' ■" '^ inflifled by the faid ACs. on Higlars, &c, 5 Anna?, c. 14. If any Hare, S:c. , And be it farther enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That If any Hare, Pheafant, Partridge, Moor, be found in the J^gath Game, or Groufe, fhall be found in the Shop, Houfe, or Poffefllon of any Perfon or Perfons what- Shop, S:c. or_any ^Qg^g^^ jjqj qualified in his ov/n Right to kill Game, or being entitled thereto under fome Perfon fo quali- fcn^&c. it fliailfied, the fame fliall be adjudged, deemed, and taken to be an expofing thereof to Sale, within the true la- be judged an ex- tent and Meaning of this and the faid recited Aft; any thing in this or in the faid recited Aft contained to pofing to Sale, the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftandlng. Killing any III. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever fhiU Hare, &c. in take, kill. Or deftroy any Hare, Pheafant, Partridge, Moor, Heath Game, or Groufe, in the Night Time, the Night, to ■ . ■ . j)^g