Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/587

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A. D.'iyir. Anno declmo Ann^ Regincei C. 19. her Majefly's Courts of Record at TFeJ}min/ler, or in her Majefty's Court of Sefflon, Court of Jufticiary,., or Court of Exchequer in iSfa/^Wrefpcdtively, by Aftion, Suit, Bill, or Information, wherein noEffoin,- Protedlion, or Wager of Law fhall be allowed. III. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Duties upon imported Sope,' by HowthefeDu— this Act granted, during the Continuance thereof, fliall be afcertained, fecured, raifed, levied, recovered, "^^" '^« and anfwered, for the Ufes and Purpofes in this AGt exprefied, by fuch Rules, Ways, Means, and Ms- "-'^'^•■ thods, and under fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, and in fuch Manner and Form, as the prefent Duties upon Sope imported, or any of them, are by any Law or Statute now in Force to be afcertained, fecured, levied,', raifed, recovered and anfwered, during the Continuance thereof refpeftively. IV. And be ic enafted and declared by the Authority aforefaid. That fuch of the Duties impofed by P""^^ "" ^'^F^' this A6t upon imported Sope, as {hall 2.r'ie. m England),- Wales, and the Town of Berwick upon Tvjeed, fliall u'^^leTthe'lWa- be under the Management of the Commiffioners and Officers of the Cuftoms

England for the time be- nagcmert of the^- : 

ing ; and fuch of the Duties impofed by this Aft upon imported Sope, as fliall arife in Scotland, fliall be Commiffioners ■ under the Management of the Commiffioners and Officers of the Cuftoms in Scotland for the time being ; of ths Cuftemia .. and that the refpective Receivers General of the Cuftoms in England and Scotland for the time being, fliall, from time to time, pay or caufe to be paid, all the Monies that they refpedlvely fliall receive of the faid> Duties for imported Sope (the neceflary Charges of raifing and accounting for the fame excepted) into the Receipt of her Majefty's Exchequer in England, diftinftly and apart from all other Branches in the Publick .. Revenues, for the Purpofes in this Adt exprelTed, and under the like Penalties, Forfeitures, and Difabilities as are to be inflicTied by this Aft, for: diverting or mifapplying any Monies by this Aft appropiiated or ap- - pointed for any the Purpofes herein after mentioned. V. And for the better afcertaining, charging, and fecuring the Duties by this Aft fct and impofed upon Her Majeffyorr all Sorts of Sope made in Great Britam, during the Term aforefaid, according to the true Meaning of this Tre^fuiy toap.-- Aft, and for preventing of Frauds concerning the fame; Be it further enaftcd by .the Authority aforefaid, p^mt Commif-- That fuch Commiffioners or Perfons as her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, or the High Treafurer of ^"^""/q ^"^. ' Great Britain now being, or- the High Treafurer of Great Britain, or any three or more of the Commiffib- Eriiain.. ners of the Treafury for thetime being, fliall, from time to time, by one or more Commiffion or Com- miiTions for that Purpofe appoint, fliall be her Majefly's Commiffioners for the Receipt and Management of the faid Duties by. this Aft fet and impofed upon all the Sope made within Great Britain chvixgt&hle by this Aft ; which faid Commiilioners, or the major Part of them refpeftively, fliall and have hereby Power, WSiich Codij.' by Commiffions under their refpeftive Hands and Seals, to fubftitute and appoint under them fuch Receivers "i'"'?"^" ™^r ' General, CoUeftors, Comptrollers, Surveyors, and other OfEcers, as fliall be requifite and neceflary for ^^.^"qJ^^jj.^'^j'!^. the Purpofes aforefaid ; and that the faid Commiffioners fo to be appointed, and all the Officers for the faid Duties on Sope, fliall have out of the fame fuch Salaries and Rewards for their refpective Services, in rela- tion to the fame Duties, as the faid High Treafurer now being, or the High Treafurer, or any three or - more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the time being, fhall think reafonable to eftablifh or allow in that Behalf; and that the refpective Commiffioners for the faid Duties on Sope to be made in Great Bri- tain, for the time being, fhall, from time to time, caufe all the Monies to arife by or for the faid Duties |f,j!*u'^'^u"^n"" on Sope to be made in Great Britain, during the Term aforefaid, (the neceflary Charges of managing, col- ty to be paid imo • lecting, raifing, paying, and accounting for the fame excepted) to be paid, from time to time, as the the Exchequer^, . . fame fliall arife, into the Receipt of her Majefty's Exchequer In England, under the Penalties, Forfeitures^ and Difabilities herein after exprefTed. VI. And it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Perfon or Perfons whatfo- ^°P^ '"^j" ^■* ■ ever, who, on or before the tenth Day of June in the Year of oar Lord one thoufand feven hundred and "j^^'w^i^e twelve, fliall make any Sope in Great Britain, for Sale. or not for Sale, fliall, on or before the fame tenth N^.tic'e at ihe Day of yune one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, give Notice in Writing at the Office for the faid Du- Offireof tlieir ties on Sope next to the Place where fuch Sope fhall be made, of their refpective Names, and of eveiy N-ine', and Eoiling-houfe, Work-houfe, Store-houfe, Ware-houfe, Shoj), Room, and other Place by him, her, or '°^'i"'E- houfes, . <hem refpectively made ufe of for the m'aking, or keeping of fuch Sope, or for the boiling or keeping any *■ ' 'il, Tallov/, Pot-afh, Lime, or other Materials proper to be made into Sope; and alfo of all Coppers, Cop°ers K^r" ~ -^ettlej. Furnaces, Fats, Cifterns, Troughs, or other VefTels ufed in the boiling or making of Sope ; and [i^j ^c, that from and after the faid tenth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, during the Conti- r.uance of the faid Duties upon Sope, no Maker of Sope fliall erect, fet up, alter, change, enl-jrgeor make .ie of any Boiling-houfe, Work-houfe, 'Ware-houfe, Store-houfe, Shop, Room, or other Place for the ■ t. liking or keeping of Sope, or for th^ boiling or keeping any Oil, Tallow, Pot-afh, Lime, or other Ma- terials proper to be made into Sope, or ufe any Copper, Kettle, Furnace, Fat, Ciftern, Trough, or other V'efTel for the boiling or making of Sope, without firft giving Notice thereof in Writing, or unlefs Notice ,ereof fhall have been before given in "Writing at the next Office, as aforefaid ; and if any Maker of Sope ihall erect, fet up, alter, enlarge, or make ufe of any Boiling-houfe, Work-houfe, Ware-houfe,' Store- lioufe, Shop, Room, orother Place for the making or keeping of Sope, or for the boiling or keeping any • Oil, Tallow, Pot-afh, Lime, or other Materials proper to be made into Sope, or fhall ufe any Copper, , Kettle, Furnace, Fat, Ciftern, Trough, or other VefTel for the boiling or making of Sope, without giving •; fuch Notice thereof, as aforefaid, contrary to the true Meaning of this Act, then, and in every ■ fuch Cafe, or Forfeuure liie Offender therein, for every fuch Offence, fhall forfeit and lofe the Sum of fifty Pounds. of 50 J. VII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefiid, That during the Continuance of the faid Da- g, . . u . ti?s on Sope, no Maker of Sope in Great Britain fhall charge or caufe to be charged any Copper, Pan, or for vvorlun»' other Utenfil, with .Materials for making of Sope, or fill out any Sope from the fame, between the Hours Sope. of ten at Night and five in the Morning, without firft giving Notice thereof to the proper Officer, under the Penalty of fifty * Pounds for every fuch. OfFence,. - "Twenty in rts-,- , "Vlir Aid '°'^'^'='-£^i^Mis*i'.