Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/586

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53^ C. 19. Anno decimo Ann^e Reginse. A. D. 171 1. a. c. 6. & 2J. & Z3 Car. a. c. 24. ai-£ de- fer. be<! in any Deel, Sec, as they wetein the' Indcnt'ires of Bargain and Sale by the Tjuftecf, XncJiDc^rcriptions fiiall Terve in pieading the ■ Titles. 'il-Iot to extend to •lient which has not been paid in ' twenty-third Years of the fame Reign, intituled, A/t ASl for vejling certain Fee Farm Rents,, and other ' fmall Rents in Trujises, cannot always be fo fully and particularly defcribed, as may be requifite for con- ' veying or pleading the fame :' For the better deriving and pleading the Title to fuch Rents, from the Truftees appointed for felling thereof, purfuant to either of the faid Adls, and clearing all Doubts relating to the naming or defcribing thereof; Be it enacted and declared by the Authority aforefaid. That where any Rent or Rents, intended by the faid Afts, or either of them, to be fold, and fold purfuant thereto, is, are, or fliall be named or defcribed in any Deeds, Fines, Recoveries, or other Affurances, or in any De- claration, Bar, Avowry, Replication, or other Pleading whatfoever, by fuch or the like Names or De- fcriptions, as the fame were named or defcribed by in the Indentures of Bargain and Sale made by the Truf- tees for Sale thereof, purfuant to the faid Ails, or either of them, fuch Names or Defciiptions may ferve, and are and fhall be fufficient for the conveying, deriving, or pleading the Tille to fuch Rent or Rents from or under the faid Truflees, and fliall be at all Times deemed, judged, and allowed fo to be, in all Courts of Law, or elfevvhere. V, Provided always. That nothing in this Act contained, flrall extend to give or allov/ any Benefit or Advantage in pleading or deriving Title to any Rent which hath not been paid or levied within twenty Years next.before the Time of fuch pleading or dcxlving Title to the fame. ?For the Appro- priation of the Surplus arifing from this A<51, ■fee 10 Annae, X. 2!6.;§. 116. Trom 10 June 171a. all Scpe imported, to pay 2 d.,pjr ib. for ■3Z Years. Made perpetual by 3 Geo. I. c. 7. §. I. All Sopemat'e in Great Br t::in to pa^ jd. perlb^ Sope landed "be- fore Entry, 5.C. forfeited, or i^e Value, One M oiety to ^ ii Crown, the otiisr to the Seifor, hc» CAP. XIX. An Aft for laying feveral Duties upon all Sope and Paper made in Gi'ea't Britain^ or imported into the fame-, and upon chequered and ftriped Linens imported -, and upon certain Silks, ■Callicoes, Linens, and Stuffs, printed, painted, or fiained ; and upon feveral Kinds of ftampt Vellum, Parcliment, and Paper -, and upon certain priated Papers, Pamphlets, and Advertifements ; for raifing the Sum of eighteen hundred choufand Pounds by way of I ot- ■tery towards her Majefty's Supply ; and for licenfing an additional Number of Hackney Chairs-, and for charging certain Stocks of Cards and Dice -, and for better fecuring her Majefty's Duties to arife in the OfEce for the Stampt Duties by Licences for Marriages and -otherwife ; and for Relief of Perfons who have not claimed their Lottery Tickets in due Time, or have loft Exchequer Bills, or Lottery Tickets ; and for borrowing Money upon Stock (Part of the Capital of the Souih S.'a Company) for the Ufe of the Publick. ,f OST gracious Sovereign; We your Maiefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Commons of Great Britain, in Parliament affemblcd, finding it abfolutely neceffary to raife large Supplies of Money to carry on the prefent War, until your Majefty fhall be enabled to eftablifh a good and lailing Peace, and for defraying your Majefty's other extraordinary Expences, have, for thofe Ends and Pur- pofes, given and granted, and do by this A£t give and grant to your Majefty the feveral and refpeftive Rates and Duties for and upon all Sope made in Great Britain, or imported into the fame; and for and upon all Paper made m Great Britain, or imported into the fame; and for and upon all the chequered and fcriped Linens to be imported into Great Britain; and for and upon certain Silks, Callicoes, Linens, and Stuffs, printed, painted, flaincd, or dyed, as are herein after mentioned ; and for and upon fuch ftampt Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, and other Thines, as are hereafter in this A£t more particularly defcribed ; for and during fuch Term and Terms of Years, and in fuch Manner and Form, as are ' herein after cxprefied : And we do moit humbly befeech yom' Majefty, that it may be enacted;' And be it enafted by the Queen's mcft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spi- ritual and Temporal, and Commons, in thi-s prefent Farhament alTembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That there frj:JI be raifcd, levied, colleded, and paid, unto and for the Ufe of her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, for and upon all Sope which, at any Time or Times within or during the 1 erm of thirty-tvi-o Years, to be reckoned from the tenth Dayof.^ww one thoufar,d fevtn hundred and twelve, iliall be imported or brought into the Kingdom of Great Britain (over and above all Cultoms, Subfidies, .and Duties already impofed thereupon) the Sum of tv/o Pence for every Pound Weight, confilting of fix- tcen Ounces Averdiipcis, and after that Rate for a greater or Icfler Quantity, to be paid down in ready Mo- ney by the Importers thereof, from time to time, before the Landing of the fame : And that there fliall be raifed, levied, collefted, and paid, unto and for the Ufe of her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, for and upon all Sope of what Kind foever, which at any time or times within or during the faid Term of thirty- tv/o Years, (hall be made within the faid Kingdom cf Great Britain, the Sum of one Penny for every fuch Pound Wc'ght Averriupois, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer Quantity, the fame to be paid by the Makers tht-reof refpedtively. If. And be it ena£ted by the Authority aforefaid. That in cafe 'any of the faid imported Sope fhall be landed or put on Shore out of any Ship or VefTel, before due Entry be made thereof at the Cuftoni-houfe in the Port or Place where the fame fhall be imported, and before the Duties by this Act charged or charge- able thereupon, fhall be duly paid, v without a Warrant for the landing or delivering the fame, firft figncd by the Commiffioners, Colle£lors. or other proper Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms refpetftively, that all fuch imported Sope, of what Kind foever, ?.s fliall be fo landed or put on Shore, or taken out of any Ship or Veflel, contrary to the true Meaning hereof, or the Value of thefame. fhall be forfeited, and fhall and may be feized or recovered of the Importer or Proprietor thereof; to v.'it. One Moiety of the fame to the Ufe of her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeftbrs, and the other Moiety to the Ufe of fuch Perfon or Perfons as y/ill feize, inform, or fue for the Sope fo imported and forfeited, or the Value thereof, in any 4 her