Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/599

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A,D. 17/ r. Anno decimo A N N iE Regina3. C. 19. 547 during the Continuance of this Ad, as fully and effeSually, as if all and every the faid Powers, Rules, Di- reilions. Penalties, Forfeitures, Claufes, Matters, and Things, were particularly repeated in this prc- fent A(£t. LXI. And be it further enacSed by the Authority aforefaid. That all Fines, Penalties, and Foifeiturcs, all Fines, &c. in Relation to the faid Duties by this A&. impofed upon Paper, and upon printed, painted, and ftained Pa- to be fued for per, and upon Paftboard, Mildboard, and Scaleboard, fhall be fued for, levied, recovered, or mitigated, ^y '^^- ^'"*' by fuch Ways, Means, and Methods, as any Penalty or Forfeiture is or may be recovered or mitigated by ° "'*' any Law or Laws of Excife, or by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of her Majcfty's Courts of Record at Weflminfter, or in the Court of Seffion, Court of Jufticiary, or Court of Exchequer of 5«f/(7«c/ refpeftively, as aforefaid; and that one Moiety of every fuch Fine, Penalty, and Forfeiture (the faid Penalty on the Officer for not giving or leaving a Copy of his Charge, as aforefaid, only excepted) {hall be to her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety to him or them that mall difcover, in- form, or fue for the fame. LXIL Provided always, and it is hereby enafted, That fuch Perfons as, in purfuance of this Ai£l:, fhall Commiflioners be Commiffioners for the faid Duties on the feveral Sorts of Paper, and other the Commodities lafl men- for ihefe Duties tioned, to be made, printed, painted, or flained in England^ Wale:, and ihzTown oi Berivick u^^onTiveed, to have the fliall have the fame Jurifdiftion, Power, and Authority, and may adjudge, determine, mitigate, and order, "^^ Jurirrfifii- in all Cafes and Matters relating to the fame Duties arifing within the Limits aforefaid, as the Commiffioners °J^ ** Commif- of Excife upon Beer, and other Liquors, may or can lawfully exercife, adjudge, determine, mitigate,, or ^jj-""* ° "" ofdcr in the like Cafes or Matters, in Relation to the faid Duties of Excife, by any Law or Statute now in Force. LXin. Provided always, and be it enaiflcd by the Authority aforefaid. That for the Encouragement of Books printed Learning, fo much Money as fhall, from time to time, be paid for the Duties granted by this Aft, for any ^' Oxford or Qiiantities of Paper, which, during the Continuance of the faid Duties, fnall be ufed in the Printing any LaHi^cfe '" Books in the Latin, Greek, Orhr.lal, or Northej-n Languages, within the two Univerfities of Oa/9/y/ and Oriental or Nor- Cambrldgc, or either of them, by Permiffion of the Vice Chancellors of the fame refpeftively, fhall and may them Langua- be drawn back and repaid in Manner following; that is to fay. The chief Manager of the Prefs in each of E«s, to have a the faid Univerfities, fhall and may, from time to time, make Proof by Oath in Writing before the Vice- ^J^^^^^^ " Chancellor (who is hereby impowered to adminifler the fame) expreffing therein the Kinds and Quantities of pap^f"^ °'^ the Paper fo ufed, and how much the Duties thereof, payable by tliis Adl, doth amount to; which faid Oath in Writing being certified by the faid Vice- Chancellor, and produced to the Lord Treafurer, or Commif- fioners of the Treafury for the time being, the faid Lord Treafurer, or Commiffioners of the Treafury for the time being, fhall forthwith, from time to time, iflue his or their Orders or Warrants to the refpeilive Commiffioners, who by this Aift are to manage the Duties upon Paper, to caufe Payment to be made of fo much Money, as the Duties payable by this A61: for the Paper io ufed in the Printing of the faid Books in the faid Univerfities, as aforefaid, fhall amount to; the fame Payment to be made (without Fee or Charge whatfoever, and without Delay) to fuch Perfon or Perfons as the faid refpecSive Vice-Chancellors fhall au- thorize and appoint to receive the fame, out of any of the Duties upon Paper arifing by this Adl; any thing in thi^s Adl contained to the contrary notwithilanding. ^ LXIV. Provided always, and be it enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That for the Encouragement of And in the Learning, fo much as fhall, from time to time, be paid for the Duties granted by this Adl, for any Quanti- Univerfities of ties of Paper, which, dui ing the Continuance of the faid Duties, fhall be ufed in the Printing any Books ^co^'^'Ti' in the i«/,;;, Greek, Oriental, ov Northern Languages, which within the Univerfities of iSw/Zsh^^, or any of them, by Permiffion of the Principal of the fame refpedlively, fliall and may be drawn back and repaid in Manner foUovving; that is to fay. The chief Manager of the Prefs in the faid Univerfities fhall and may> from, time to time, make Proof by Oath in V/riting .before the Principal (who is hereby impowered to ad- minifler the {nme) expreffing therein the Kiiids and Quantities of the Paper fo ufed, and how much the Duty thereof payable by this Adl doth amount to; which Oath in Writing being certified by the faid Prin- cipal, and produced, the Lord Treafurer of Great Britain, or the Lords Commiffioners of the Treafury for the time being, fhail forthwith, from time to time, iffue his or their Orders or Warrants to the refpsctie Commiffioners, who by this Act are to manage the Duties uiion Paper, to caufe Payment to be made of fo much Monies as the Duties fo ufed in the Printing of the faid Books in the faid Univerfities of Scotland ihall amount to; the fame Payments to be made v/ithout any Fee or Charge whatfoever, and without Delay, fj fuch Perfon or Perfons as the faid refpedlive Principals fhall authorize and appoint to receive the fame, out of any of the Duties upon Paper arifing by this Adl in Scotland; any thing in this Adl contained to the contrary notvviihflanding. LXV. Provided alv/ays, and it is hereby declared. That Paflboard made in Great Britain, of Paper Paflboard which fhall have paid the- Duties charged and chargeable by this Adl, fhall not be chaigcd with any fur- made of Paper ther or other Duties by virtue of this Adl, upon the pafcine: or annexing together the Sheets of fuch Paper, thathaspaid the and its receiving thereby the Denomination of Paflboard or Parted Paper. di"a?eable LXVT. And be it alfo enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That there fliall be raifed, levied, colledled '^^ "^^ ^' and paid to and for the Ufe of her Majefly, her Heirs and Succeffors, for and upon ail chequered and flriped [^'"Htd^'"^' Ljnens, and upon all Linens printed, painted, flained or dyed, after the ]anufadlure, or in the Thread or.™]"' J^ C^^^^ Yarn before the Manufadlure, in any Foreign Parts, which at anytime or times, within orduring the Term ad Valorem of thirty- two Years, to be reckoned from the twentieth Day of jn/y one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, from lo fuly fhall be imported or brought into the Kingdom of Great -Britain, and may lawfully be ufed or worn there y »> ^°'^ 3* (over and^ above ail other Cufloms, Subfidies, and Duties impofed upon or payable for the fame) a Duty ^'^'^":^^^ j^ after the Rate of fifteen Pounds for every one hundred Pounds of the true and real Value thereofj to he ^I^a""^^^ ^_^^ paid by the importers refpedlively. c'lg. Made perpetual by 5 Geo. 1. c. 7. §, i, 4 A 3 ' LXVIL And