Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/601

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A.D. 171 1. Anno dccimo Ann^ Reginaj. C. 19. 549 during the Continuance of this Ad, be a Printer, Painter, Stainer, or Dyer of any fuch Silks, Callicoes, Linens, or StiiiFs, or fliall print, paint, ftain, or dye any fuch Goods, as afoiefiiid, ftiall give or leave the Jike Notice of their refpctHve Names, and their Places of Abode, and the Rooms and Places where they fiiall refpeftively work, or intend to work in fuch printing, painting, Gaining, or dying, and the Places where they refpecSively fliall dry or intend to dry any fuch Goods, as aforefaid, before they refpeclively do prefume to woik in any fuch new or other Place or Places, upon Pain to forfeit the Sum of thirty Pounds on Foifeiture for every Negleft or Default, by not giving fuch Notice, as aforefaid. _ of 30 1. LXXII. And it is hereby further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid Such Printers to- twentieth Day of y.v/v one thoufand i'cven hundred and twelve, during the Continuance of this A£l, all make Entries, and every Perfon and Perfons who fliall print, paint, ftain, or dye in Great Britain, as aforefaid, any ^^•J'^"^"^|J P^^._- Silks, Callicoes, Linens, and Stufls, upon the printing, painting, ftaining, or dying whereof a Duty is f,.it„,e uf 50 L chargeable bv this A&:, fhall once in every fix V/eeks make a true Entry in Writing at the next Office for the lame Duties, of all fuch Silks, Callicoes, Linens, and Stuffs fo by him, her,^ or^ them feverally printed,, painted, ftained, or dyed within every fuch fix Weeks refpedively ; which Entries {liall contain the juft Kinds and Quantities thereof: And if fuch Printer, Painter, Stainer, or Dyer be not the true Owner of fuch Goods or any of them, fo printed, painted, ftained, or dyed, then, and in every fuch Cafe, he, ftie, or they, in every fuch Entry, fliall fpecifie the Names and Places of Abode of the Perfons who are the Owners thereof, or for whofe Account they refpeclively do print, paint, ftain, or dye the fame, on Paiir to forfeit for every Negleft of fuch Entry, the Sum of fifty Pounds ; which Entry ftiall be made upon the Oath of the Printer, Painter, Stainer, or Dyer, or of his, her, or their chief Workman imploycd, to the beft of their Knowledge or Belief, unlefs he, flie, or they be a known Quaker, and the folemn Af- firmation of a known Quaker, to the fame Effe£t, ftiall be taken inftead of fuch Oath ; and the faid Oaths and Affirmations to verilie fuch Entries, ftiall and may be adminiftied by the proper Colledor or Supervi- for of the Diftriil or Divifion within which luch Printer, Painter, Stainer, or Dyer, doth inhabit, without any Fee or Charge whatfocver to be demanded or taken for the fame. LXXIIL Provided always, That no Perfon for the making fuch Entries, Oaths, or Affirmations as are Entries, &c. to Lift-mentioned, ftiall be obliged to go or fend further than the Market Town where his or her Silks, Cal- *"= ""^^^ " ^* licoes. Linen, or Stuffs are printed, painted, ftained, or dyed, or the next Market Town to the Place of ^,"^j^_^' '"'^ ■ printing, painting, ftaining, or dying the fiime. LXXlV. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every Perfon and Perfons printej-s of Silk, who fhall print, paint, ftain, or dye, as aforefaid, any Silks, Callicoes, Linens, or fuch Stuff's, as afore- &c. once in 6 hid in Great Britain, ftiall, from time to time, within fix Weeks after he, ftie, or they ftiall m.ake, or ^.^'^'^'^ '" ^'=" ought to have made fuch rjitry, as aforefaid, clear of all the faid Duties which fliall be then due or re- off the Duties, main unpaid, for all fuch Silks, Callicoes, Linens, and Stuffs, as ftiall have been printed, painted, ftained, joubk Du"tv &c, or dyed by him, her, or them refpedively, as aforefaid, upon Pain of forfeiting for every Default therein double the Sum of the fame Duties whereof the Payment fhall be fo neglecSed ; and that no fuch Perfon, after fuch Default in Payment made, fhall deliver or carry out, or caufe to be delivered or carried out, any fuch printed, painted, ftained, or dyed Goods, until he hath paid and cleared oil his Duty, on Pain ta foifeit double the Value of the Goods, fo delivered or carried out. LXXV. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforcfiid. That all and every the Officers of the Officers may en-- fiid Duties on the faid printed, painted, ftained, or dyed Goods, fliall at all Times, by Day or by Night, ter fuch Pnn- and if in the Night, then in the Prefence of a--Conftable, or other lawful Officer of the Peace, be per- "■" Honfcsat mitted, upon his or their Requeft, to enter into the Houfe, Work-houfe, Drying-place, Ware-houfe, ^ 1, ™"' "l r Field, or other Place belonging to, or ufed by any Perfon or Perfons v/ho, within or during the Term of siiics'&c. Years laft-mentioned, fliall print, paint, ftain, or dye any Silks, Callicoes, Linens, or StufFs (except be- fore excepted) and to take a juft Account of the Kinds and Qiiantities thereof, which fliall have been printed, painted, ftained, or dyed, by fuch Perfon or Perfons, from time to time, and fhall thereof make a Report or Return in Writing to the refpeclive Commiffioners for the Duties laft-mentioned, or fuch as they refpeftively fhall appoint to receive the fame, leaving a true Copy (if demanded) of fuch Report in and mal'e a Re- Writing, under his Hand, with or for the faid Printer, Painter, Stainer, or Dyer refpefbively ; and fuch l"'.'"'"^'"-'^"'"' Report or Return fhall be a Charge upon every fuch Printer, Painter, Stainer, or Dyer refpetStively ; and ™'5'°'J,^'"' '"^'J' if the faid Officer fhall refufe or negledl to give or leave a true Copy of his Report at the Time of taking '"hi Printci^on^' fuch Account, being demanded as aforefaid, every fuch Officer, for every fuch Offence, ftiall forfeit the P.iin of 40s. Sum of forty Shillings to every fuch Printer, Painter, Stainer, or Dyer refpeftively. LXXVL Provided always. That every Officer, v;ho fhall be impowered to make fi;ch Charge as is officers to ba- laft-mentioned, fhall in the firft Place be fworn for the due and faithful Execution of his Office; and '^^■'°'"- the Oath in that Behalf fhall and may be adminiftred by all or any the Commiffioners for the Duties lafl- . mentioned, or by any of her Majefty's Juftices of the Peace, who fnall give to fuch Officer a Certificate thereof, LXXVIL And for the better Prevention of Frauds, be it further enadled. That all and-every the Officers Officers to taKe= of the faid Duties on fuch printed, painted, ftained, or dyed Goods, as aforefaid, fhall alfo be permitted to-?" Account of take an Account of the Quantities of Silks, Callicoes, Linens, and StufFs, which fliall, at any Time or "^"^ 'iH^'^ti'i Times, be in the Cuftody or PofleiTion of any Printer, Painter, Stainer, or Dyer, to be printed, painted, "["^f ji|.V' ^' ftained, or dyed ; and in cafe fuch Officer or Officers fhall mifs any Qijantity or Quantities of fuch Silk,. Hanis.'"'"^ Callicoes, Linen, or Stuffs, whereof he had taken an Account at his laft Survey, and iliall not upon rea- fonable Demand receive Satisfaction v/hat is become of the fame, then, and in every fuch Cafe, it fhall- and may be lawful for fuch Officer to charge fuch Printer, Painter, Stainer, or Dyer, v/ii.h the Duties of fuch Silks, Callicoes,. Linens, or Stuffs fo miffing, as if the fame were printed, painted, ftained, or dyed. LXXVin. Andi amines