Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/606

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554 C, 19; Anno decimo A n n ^e Reginae. A. D. 171 Duty on Pam- phlet?, &c. Evafions of thefu Du'ies prevented by 3 I Geo. I. c. S Half Sheet. One whole Sheet. Larger Pam- phlels. Advertisements, whatfoever within Great Britain, (over and above the prefent Duties payable to her Majefty for the fame , the Sum of two Shillings and three Pence Sterling. CI. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That there fhall be raifed, levied, collefled and paid to and for the Ufe of her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, for and upon all Books and Papers commonlj called Pamphlets, _ and for and upon all News Papers, or Papers containing publick News, Intelligence d Occurrences, which fliall, at any time or times within or during the Term laft mentioned, be printed il Great_ Britain, to be difperfed and made publick, and for and upon fuch Advertifements as are herein aftel mentioned, the refpeiSive Duties following ; that is to fay. For every fuch Pamphlet or Paper contained in Half a Sheet, or any lefler Piece of Paper, fo printed, the«  Sum of one Half-peny Sterling. For every fuch Pamphlet or Paper (being larger than Half a Sheet, and not exceeding one whole Sheet) fo printed, a Duty after the Rate of one Penny Sterling for every printed Copy thereof. And for every fuch Pamphlet or Paper, being larger than one whole Sheet, and not exceeding fix Sheets in Oftavo, or in a leffer Page, or not exceeding twelve Sheets in Quarto, or twenty Sheets in Folio, fo printed, a Duty after the Rate of two Shillings Sterling for every Sheet of any kind of Paper which fhall be contained in one printed Copy thereof. And for every Advertiiement to be contained in the London Gazette, or any other printed Paper, fuch Paper being difperfed or made publick weekly, or oftner, the Sum of twelve Pence Sterling. Salvo for Aasof CII. Provided always. That this Kdi. fliall not extend to charge any Ails of Parliament, Proclamation, parliament, &c. Order of Council, Forms of Prayer and Thankfgiving, or any A6ts of State which fliall be ordered by her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, to be printed, or the printed Votes, or other Matters which are or fliall be ordered to be printed by either Houfe of Parliament, with any of the faid Duties on Pamphlets or News Papers, or to charge any Books commonly ufed in any the Schools oi Great Britain, or any Books con- - taining only Matters of D^-'Votion or Piety, with the faid Duties on Pamphlets, or to charge any fmgle Ad- vertifement printed by itfelf, or the daily Accounts or Bills of Goods imported and exported, or the Weekly Bills of Mortality, (fo as fuch Accounts or Bills do contain no other Matters than what have been ufually comprized therein) with any the Duties aforefaid ; anything herein contained to the contrary notwith- ftanding. Commiflioners CIII. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That for the better and more effeftual levy- qf the Stamps to ing, Golle£ting, and paying unto her Majefty, her Heirs and Succefibrs, the faid feveral Duties hereby ,inan?ge ihefe granted and made payable for or in Refpeft of the faid feveral and refpective Matters and Things to be in- Duues, grofled, written, or printed, as aforefaid, the fame fliall be under the Government, Care, and Manage- ment of the Commiffioners for the time being, appointed to manage the Duties payable to her Majefty, her Heirs and Succefibrs, and charged on ftampt Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, who, or the major Part of them, are hereby required and impowered to employ the neceflary Officers under them for that Purpofe, and to caufe all fuch further new Stamps to be provided, to denote the Duties laft rnentioned, as fliall be requliite, and to do all other Things neceffary to be by them done, for the putting this A£t in due Execu- tion with Relation to thofe Duties. CIV. And it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Vellum, Parchment and Pa- per, upon which any of the laft mentioned feveral and refpefHve Matters and Things fliall, from and af- ter the faid firft Day of y/«_g-j(/? one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, be refpedlively ingrofled, written, or printed (the Paper to be ufed in printing the faid Pamphlets exceeding one Sheet, as aforefaid, only ex- cepted) fliall before fuch ingroffing, writing, or printing, be brought to the Head Office for ftamping or marking of Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, and the fame Commiffioners by themfelves or by their Officers employed under them, fliall, and they are hereby impowered and required forthwith, upon Demand to them made by any Petfon or Perfons from time to time, to ftamp or mark, as this AiTt dire£ts, any Quan- tities or Parcels of Vellum, Parchment, or Paper, he or they paying to the Receiver General of the Stamp Duties for the time being, or to his Deputy or Clerk, for the Ufe of her Majefty, her Heirs and Succef^ fors, the refpeftive Duties payable for the lame by this A£t, without any other Fee or Reward, and v.'ithout. Delay; which Stamp or Mark to be put thereupon in purfuance of this Adc, fliall be a fufficient Difcharge .for the feveral and refpeftive Dutieshereby payable for the faid Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, which, fliall be fo ftamped or marked. CV. And be it further enaflcd by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfcn or Perfons, or Corpora- tion, fliall, from and after the faid Firft Day of yfa^?^ one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, within or during the Term laft mentioned, write, ingrofs, or print, or caufe to be written, ingrofiTed, or printed, or fign any of the laft mentipned feveral and refpeftive Matters and Things, or fell, utter, or expofe to Sale any fuch Pamphlet or News Paper, as aforefaid, (the faid Pamphlets exceeding one Sheet, as aforefaid, only ^ excepted) before the Vellum., Parchment, or Paper, whereupon the fame fhall be refpecSively ingrbffed, written, or printed, fliall appear to have been fo duly ftamped or marked, as aforefaid. That then every fuch Perfon or Corporation, fo offending in ariy. of the Particulars Taefore mentioned, fliall for every fuch Offence forfeit the Sum of ten Pounds, together with Full Cofts of Suit ; and every Steward, or other Of- ficer, or his Deputy, offending herein, and being convifled of any fuch Offence, fliall (over and befides the Forfeiture or Penalty aforefaid) forfeit and lofe his Office and Employment, and be incapable to hold the fame ; and that, if any of the faid feveral and refpeclive Matters and Things, fo to be ingroffed or writ- ten, as aforefaid, fhall, during the Term laft mentioned, be written or ingroffed, contrary to the true In- tent and Meaning hereof, upon Vellum, Parchment, or Paper, not appearing to have been duly ftamped or ji;iajked according to Law, that then and in every fuch. Cafe there fliall be due, anfwered and paid to hrr Majefty, Vellum, &:c. to be ftamped be- fure written on, ■penalty on Per- tVi.^is writing on Vdluni, &c. before ftamped, lol. .Steward^or Of- feer offending forfeit Places,.