Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/623

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A . D. 1 7 1 1 * Anno decimo A M N ^ R eglna^. C* 25: ' 5 7 1 'For and upon all Kid Skins, which {hall be imported or brought in, as aforefaid, being drefled or un- Kid Skins, ■dreffed, or not perfeaiy drefled, the Sum of fix Pence for every Dozen, and after that Rate for any greater , or lefler Number or Quantity : And if any of the faid Kid Skins fhall be drefled after the Importation thereof, It is hereby declared, that no further Duties are to be paid for the fame by this Ad upon theDTef- iing or perfeft Dreffing them, or any of them,

Great Britain. )i i .' .-i ' ^ 

For and upon all Sheep Skins and Lamb Skins, which fhall be imported or brought in, as aforefaid, the f'^'^P "? refpeflive Rates following; that is to fay, For all imported Sheep Skins drefled in Oil, one Shilling and fix Lamb Skirij. Pence per Dozen; for all imported Lamb Skins dreflfed in Oil, one Shilling p^r Dozen; for all imported Sheep Skins and Lamb Skins tanned, nine Pence /)^r Dozen, and for and upon all imported Sheep Skins and Lamb Skins dreflfed in Allom and Salt, or Meal, or otherwife tawed, fix Pence per Dozen, and in Proportion to thofe Rates for greater or lefler Number, Numbers or Quantities of fuch Sheep Skins and Lamb Skins refpeftively. n • ' '• ' ' And for and upon all Hides and Skins, and Pieces of Hides and Skins, which fhall be imported or brought Hides, &c. int- in, as aforefaid, being tanned, tawed, or dreflfed, and not herein before particularly charged, and for and ported not be- upon all Wares made into Manufactures of Leather, or any Manufaftures whereof the mofl: valuable Part fore charged, fhall be Leather, a Duty after the Rate of fifteen Pounds for every one hundred Pounds of the true and real Value of the Hides and Skins, and Pieces of Hides and Skins, and of the Manufaftures lafl: mention- ed, and fo proportionably for a greater or leflTer Quantity, to be affirmed upon the Oath of the Importer thereof: The faid feveral and refpe6tive Rates and Duties for and upon all fuch Hides and Skins, and Pieces of Hides and Skins, and made Wares, to be imported or brought in, as aforefaid, within or during the ' Term before mentioned, to be paid by the Importers thereof refpeftively. II. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That there fliall be raifed, levied, colleftedj New Duties on and paid, unto and for the Ufe of her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, for and upon fuch Skins and L^'h^manu- Hides, and Pieces of Skins and Hides, herein after more particularly defcribed and mentioned, as fhall at BVain, t^r 3a any time or times within or during the faid Term of thirty- two Years, to be reckoned from the firil Day Years, 'from of JfAgpJ} one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, be tanned, tawed or drefl"ed within Great Britain (over i.Aug. 171Z. and above all other Rates atd Duties by any A.St or Afts of Parliament or Law whatfoever impofed upon Made perpeiuai or payable for the fame) the feveral and refpedlive additional Rates or new Duties herein after expreffed, x 3 ^eo. i._c» That is to fay, ?• 5- '• For and upon all Hides, of what Kind foever, which fhall be fo tanned in Great Britain, the Sum of one Tanned Hides. Half-penny for every Pound Weight Averdupois, and after that Rate for a greater or leflTer Quantity. For and upon all Calve Skins, Kips, Hog Skins atid Dog Skins, which fhall be fo tanned in Great Bri- Calve Skins, &c. tain, the like Sum of one Half-penny for every fuch Pound Weight, and after that Rate for a greater or lefler Quantity. For and upon all Goat Skins, which fhall, within or during the faid Term be tanned with Shomack, or GoatSfeins. otherwife in Great Britain, to referable Spanijh Leather, the Sum of two Pence for every Pound Weight jiverdupois, and after that Rate for a greater or lefler Quantity. For and upon all Sheep Skins, which, within or during the fame Term, fhall be tanned for Roans, be- sheep Skins ani ing after the Nature of Spanijh Leather within Great Britain, a Duty after the Rate of one Penny for every Lamb Skins. Pound Weight Avcrdupois ; and for and upon all Sheep Skins and Lamb Skins, which within and during ^^'^l G"; '• the fame Term, fhall be tanned for Glovers, and Bazils, within Great Britain, a Duty after the Rate of '^' - s- ' !■ one Penny for every Pound Weight, and proportionally for greater or lefler Quantities of Sheep Skins and Lamb Skins to be fo tanned in Great Britain refpeiSively. And for and upon all other Skins, and Pieces and Parts of Skins, which, v/ithin or during the Term laft Tanned Skint mentioned, fhall be tanned in Great Britain, (not before particularly charged) a Duty after the Rate of fif- not before •teen Pounds for every one hundred Pounds of the true and real Value thereof, and proportionally for greater '^'larged. or lefler Numbers or Quantities : The faid feveral Rates and Duties for and upon all fuch Hides and Skins, and Pieces of Hides and Skins tanned in Great Britain, to be paid by the Tanners thereof refpec- tively. And for and upon all Hides of Horfes, Mares and Geldings, which at any Time or Times during the Tawed Horfe ' faid Term of thirty-two Years, fiiall be drefled in Allom and Salt, or Meal, or otherwife tawed in Great Hides, Britain, the Sum of fix Pence for every Hide, and after that Rate for a greater or lefler Quantity or Num- ber of fuch Hides. For and upon all Hides of Steers, Cows, or any other Hides, of what Kind foever (thofe of Horfes, Hides of Steera. Mares and Geldings excepted) which fhall be fo drefled in Allom and Salt, or Meal, or otherwife tawed in Great Britain, the Sum of one Shilling for every fuch Hide, and after that Rate for a greater or leflTer Quan- tity or Number. For and upon all Calve Skins and Kips, which fhall be fo drefled in Allom and Salt, or Meal, or other- Calve Sk-ns,&c, wife tawed in Great Britain, the Sum of one Half-penny for every Pound Weight Avcrdupois, and after that Rate for a gre iter or lefl*er Quantity. For and upon all flink Calve Skins, which fhall be fo drefled in Allom and Salt, or Meal, or otherwife slinks wi hthe tawed

Great Britain, with the Hair on, the Sum of one Shilling and fix Pence for every Dozen, and Hair on. 

after that Rate for a greater or lefler Quantity. For and upon all flink Calve Skins, which fhall be fo drefled or tawed v.'ithout Hair, and upon all Dog Slinks wi;hout Skins which fhall be tawed, as aforefaid, in Great Britain, the Sum of fix Pence for every Dozen, and af- Hair, and Dog ter that Rate for a greater or lefler Number or Quantity. Sisins. P'or and upon all Buck and Doe Skins (except fuch as fhall have paid the full Duty on the Importation, „ 1 j q as aforefaid) which fhall be dreflTed in Allom and Salt, or Meal, or be otherwife tawed, as aforefaid, in stLs.^" °' 4 I^ » Great