Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/624

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^572 C. 26. Anno decimo Ann^e Reginse,. A.D. 1 71 1. Great Briiain, the Sum of three Pence for every Pound Weight Averdupois, andiafter that.Rate for a grea- ter or lefler Quantity, For and upon all Kid Skins, which fliall be fo dreffed or tawed in Great Briiaih, (except fuch as (hall. have paid the full Duty on the Importation,, as aforefaid) the Sum of fix Pence for every Dozen, and after that Hate for a greater or lefler Quantity,. ■ For and upon all Goat Skins, which fliall be fo drefled in Allom and Salt, or Mealj or be. otherwife taw- ed in Great Britain, the Sum of fix Pence for every Dozen, and after that Rate for a greater or lefler Num-* her or Quantity. For and upon all Bever Skins which fliall be fo tawed in Great Britain, the Sum. of one Shilling for eve- ry Dozen, and after that Rate for a greater or lefler Number or Quantity. For and upon all Sheep Skins and Lamb Skins to be drefled in Allom and Salt, or Meal, or otherwife tawed in Great Britain, the Sum of three Farthings for every Pound Weight Averdupois, and after that Rate for a greater or leflier Quantity. And for and upon all other Skins, and Parts and Pieces of Skins to be tawed in Great Britain, (not be- fore particularly charged) a Duty after the Rate of fifteen Pounds for every one hundred Pounds of the true and real Value thereof, and proportionally for greater or lefler Numbers or Quantities : Which faid fe- veral Rates and Duties for and upon all Hides and Skins,, and Pieces of Hides and Skins, to be drefl"ed in Allom. and Salt, or Meal, or otherwife tawed in Great Britain, fhall be paid by fuch Perfons as fhall be the Tawers or Makers thereof into Leather refpeftively. For and upon all Deer Skins, Goat Skins, and Bever Skins, which within or during the Term aforefaid, fhall be drefled in Oil within Great Britain, the Sum of two Pence for every Pound Weight yfv^?-(^«^m,. and after that Rate for a greater or lefl'er Quantity. For and upon all Calve Skins, which fliall be fo dreflled in Oil within Great Britain, the like Sum of- four. Pence for every Pound Weight Averdupois, and after that Rate for a greater or lefler Quantity. For and upon all Sheep Skins and Lamb Skins, which fliall be fo drefled in Oil in Great Britain, the Rate of two Pence for every fuch Pound Weight, and proportionally for greater or leflTer Quantities of fuch Sheep Skins and Lamb Skins refpeftively. And for and upon all other Hides and Skins, and all Pieces of Hides and Skins, which, within or du- rijig the Term aforefaid, fliall be drefled in Oil in Great Britain, the Sum of two Pence for every Pound. Weight Averdupois, and after that Rate for greater or lefler Quantities or Numbers. The faid feveral Du- ties on Hides and Skins, and Pieces of Hides and Skins, to be dreflTed in Oil within Great Britain, to be paid by the Oil Leather Dreflfers refpedtively. IIL And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That there Ciall be raifed, levied, coIIe<5led^. and paid, unto and for the Ufe of her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, for and upon all Vellum, and Parchment which fliall, at any Time or Times within or during the faid Term of thirty-two Years, to be reckoned from the faid firfl: Day of Auguji one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, be made in Great Britain, or imported into the fame (over and above all other Duties by any A£l: or A£ls of Parliament or Law whatfoever impofed upon or payable for the fame) the feveral and refpeftive additional Rates or new Duties herein after expreflTed, that is to fay. For and upon all Vellum fo imported an additional Rate of three Shillings for every Dozen; and for all Parchment fo imported, an additional Rate of two Shillings for every Dozen, and proportionally for greater or lefl^er Numbers or Quantities, to be paid by. the Importers thereof refpec^ively; and for and upon all Vellum which fliall be made in C?r^fl/ Triton,, as aforefaid, an. additional Duty after the Rate of two Shillings for every Dozen; and for all Parchment which fliall be made in Great Britain, as aforefaid, an additional Duty after the Rate of one Shilling for every Dozen,, to be paid by the Makers thereof refpeftively. iV. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the feveral and refpeifllve additional or new Rates and Duties by this A£l impofed or chargeable for and upon all or any fuch Hides and Skins, and Pieces of Hides and Skins, m.ade Wares, Vellum, and Parchment, as aforefaid, for and during the faid Term of Years hereby granted, of and in the fame^ fhall and may, from time to time, be afcertained, i'aifed, received, levied, recovered, and fecured, by fuch Ways, Means, and Methods, and by the fame or different Stamps and Marks, and under fuch Pains of Death, and other Penalties and Forfeitures, and with fXich Powers of adjudging the faid Duties, and adjudging and mitigating the faid Penalties and Forfeitures, or any of them, and other Powers, and fubjeil to proportional Allowances, Drawbacks, and Repayments, and to fuch Rules and Direftions, and in fuch Methods, Manner, and Form, as the refpeftive Duties upon the like Hides and Skins, and Pieces of Hides and Skins, made Wares, Vellum, and Parchment, jAnnae, c. II. granted by an Aft in the ninth Year of her Majefl:y's Rpign, intituled, An A/yt for laying certain Duties upon Hides and Skins tanned, tawed, or dreJTed, and upon Vellum and Parchment, for the 'Term of tliirty-tiuo Years, for profecuting the War and other her Majejly's mojl neceffary Occafions, are by that A&, or any Law or Statute thereby referred unto, prefcribed, appointed, or enad:ed, during the Continuance thereof, to be afcertained, raifed, received, levied, f cured, or recovered; and that the Adl laft-mentioned, and all the Claufes, Pains of Death, Penalties, Forfeitures, Powers, Authorities, Rules, Direftions, Matters and Things, therein contained, or thereby referred unto, for the raifing, receiving, levying, recovering, fe- curing, paying, or accounting for the faid Duties thereby granted, or any Arrearages of the fame, or any Way relating to the fame Duties, Pains, Penalties, or Forfeitures, by that Aft chargeable, by force and virtue of this prefent Aft, be continued, praftifed, and put in Execution, for raifing, receiving, levying, recovering, fecuring, paying, and accounting for the Duties upon Hides and Skins, and Pieces of Hides and Skins, made Wares, Vellum, and Parchment, by this Aft granted, and all Arrearages thereof, as fully and effeftually to all Inteats and Purpofes, as if they were particularly and at large repeated in the Bo- dy of this prefent. Aft.. » V. And . Kid Sliins. Goat Skins. Bever Sk!ns. Sheep and Lamb Skins. See 3 Ceo. i. e. 4.§ 13. Tawed Skins rot before t^ivged. Deer Skins, &c, drelTed in Oil. Calve Skins. Sheep Skins and I>amb Skins. Skins drelTed in Oil, not before ish'ifged. Dufy on Vellum and Parchment imported or made in Great Britain. Made perpetual by J Geo. i, c, 7.§. I. Thefe new Du- ties to be raifed as the Duties on leather, 9 .-innsjC. II.