Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/662

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6.1 o Scat, 'L>, ' . Anno d.uodccimo A n n ^ Rcging^.. A. D. i , i j. CAP. XIV. ■ 1 , Ap Aft for explaining the Afts for Licenfing Hackney Chairs. 9 Ann, c, 23. * T7H:EREAS by- an Aft of Parliament made in the ninth Year of her now Majefty's Reign, ' VV intituled. An A^ for liccnfing and regulating Hackney Coaches and Chairs, and for charging certain ' new Duties on Jiampt Vellum, Parchment and Paper, and on Cards and Dice, and on the Exportation of Rock ' Salt for Ireland, and for Jecuring thereby, and by a weekly Payment out of the Pqft-Offce, and by fever a I ' Duties on Hides and Skins, a yearly Fund of one hundred eighty ftx thoufand fix hundred and feventy Pounds, ' for thirty -t^vo Years, to be applied to the S'atisfaSiion of fuch Orders as are therein 7nentioned, to the Contribu- ' tors of any Su?n riot exceeding two Miliioni, to be raijed for carrying on the War, and other her Ala jejiy's Oc- ' cafions, a Power was given to the Commiffioners therein mentioned, for licenfing two hundred Chairs ' within the Cities of London and Weftininjler, and Suburbs thereof, and all Parifhes and Places Within the ' weekly Bills of Mortality, for the Term of thirty-two Years, from the four and twentieth Day of ^une to Ann. c. 19. ' one thoufand feven hundred and eleven ; and by another Aft of Parliament, made in the tenth Year of § 153. ' the Reign of herfaid Majefty, the faid Commiffioners had a Power for the jincenfing an additional Num- ' ber of Chairs, not exceeding one hundred, from the twenty-fourth of June one thoufand feven hundred ' and twelve, for the Term of thirty-one Years, within the Cities and Liberties aforefaid, fo that the whole a Ann. t. ' ^^'^ ^'^^ exceed three hundred : And whereas by the aforefaid Aft, made in the ninth Year of her faid ' Majefty's Reign, it is, amongft other Things enafted, That the faid CommifTioners fliould, in the firft ' Place, licenfe all fuch Perfons as had then been ancient Coachmen, or ancient Chairmen, or the Widows ' of any of them, unlfefs they fhould negleft or refufe to take fuch Licences, upon the refpeftive Terms ' thereby allowed, within a reafonable Time to be limited by the faid Commiffioners, not lefs than twenty ' Days : And whereas feveral Doubts have arifcn, whether the faid Commiffioners are obliged by the faid ' Ait of the ninth of the Qiieen, to licenfe the Widows of Chairmen, or to let them have the Benefit of ' fuch Licences as were granted to their Hufbands whilft living, and feveral Suits of Law have been com- TheCommii'- ' menced thereupon, to the great Oppreffion and Grievance of the Parties concerned ;' Be it therefore fioners toll in enafted by the Queen's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual tiie firft PJace j^d Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament afiembled, and by the Authority of the fame, licenfe t!^ Wi 'Y^a.t the Commiffioners for the Time being, for licenfing Coaches and Chairs, purfuant to the recited Afts n^v Chairmen' mentioned, fliall and are hereby required, in the firft Place, to licenfe all and every the Widow and Wi- unlcfs they n/. dows of fuch Hackney Chairman or Chairmen refpeftively, who have died or fhall die poflefled of any gleft to take Licence or Licences, granted by the faid Commiffioners in Purfuance of the faid Afts, unlefs fuch Widow cut fuch Licence pj. Widows ftiall negleft or refufe to take fuch Licences upon tiie refpeftive Terms allowed by the in a leafonable ^^jj ,-g(.ife(j Afts, within a reafonablc Time to be limited by the faid Commiffioners, not lefs than twenty Days. Such WiJovs, IL' Provided always, and be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That fuch Widow or Wi- ther Chairs anJ dows, their Chairs, Servants, and every other Perfon or Perfons carrying the fame, fliall be fubjeft and Servants, liable y^z to fuch Rules, Penalties, Punifhments, Orders, and Bye-Laws, made, or to be made, concerning &c asortier^li- Itcenfed Hackney Chairs, by Virtue of the faid recited Afts, as any other licenfed Chairman is by the faid ccnfed Chair- Afts liable unto ; any Thing in this Aft, or in the faid recited Afts, contained to the contrary in any wife men. notwithftanding. Continued by 16 Geo. z. c. 26. to 24 June I75o, &c. And farther by 33 Geo. 2, c, 25, Farther Prcvijiom concerning Coaches and Chain, i Geo, I, c, 57, 12 Geo. I. c. 12, 20 Geo, 2, c, 10. 30 G.o. 2. c. 22. fell, 6. 33 Geo, 2. c, 25. CAP. XV. An A£l for making perpetual an Ad made in the feventh Year of the Reign of the late King William, intituled, An J£f to prevent falfe and double Returns of Members to ferve in Par- l amen '. «.%SV/, 3. "^TZHEREAS in the feventh Year of the Reign of the late King William the Third, rn Aft r. 7. J W was made, intituled, An ASi to prevent falfe and double Returns of Members to ferve in Parliamenty and was thereby enafted to continue for the Term of feven Years, and from thence to the End of the IS & n W 5. * ^^^^ Seffions of Parliament, and no longer ; which Aft by another Aft n;ade in the twelfth Year of the f, r, ^ " ' ReiE;n of the faid late King, intituled. An Aif for continuing a former Acf to prevent falfe and double Returns ' cf Members to ferve in Parliament, was enafted, fhould thereafter be in Force for and during the Term of

  • eleven Years, and from thence to the End of the firft Seffions of the next Parliament, and no longer;
  • which faid Aft has been found by Experience to beveryufeful for the Prefervation of the Rights of the
  • feveral Counties, Cities and Boroughs of this Kingdom, in the Eleftion of Members to ferve in Parlia-

' ment, and being near expiring :' Be it therefore enafted by the Queen's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parlia- ment afTembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That the faid Aft made in the feventh Year of the The Afl 7 & 8 Reign of the late King William the Third, intituled, An ASf to prevent falfe and double Returns of Mem- W. s- c. 7. hers" to ferve in Parliament, and every Claufe, Matter and Thing therein contained, fliall be, and is hereby •nadsperpctoal. ^igclared to be in full Force, and is hereby made perpetual. 3 CAP.