Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/665

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C. II. A.D. 1 7 13.' Anno duodecimo Ann^ Reginae. Stat. x. 61-3 CAP. xviir. An Aft for making perpetual the Aft made in the thirteenth and fourteenth Ycai s of the Reign of • the late King Charles the Second, intituled. An AB for ihehetterReluf cf the Poor of this Knig- dom and that Ptrfons bound Apprentices to, or being hired Servants with Perfons coming' with Certificates, fhall not gain Settlements by fiich Services or A pprenticeihips : And for. making perpetual the Aft made in the fixth Year of her prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled. An Act for the Imporlation of Cochineal from any Ports in Spain, during the prefnt War.,-, and fix Months longer : And for reviving a Claufe in an Aft made in the ninth and tenth. Years of the Reign of the late King William, intituled, An ASl for feltling the 1'rade to: Africa, .for a'lowing Foreign Copper Bars imported, to be exported, 'H E R E A S an Acl made in the thirteer.tb and^ fourteenth Years of the Reign of the late King , ;. , . f-^, Charles the Second, intituled. An All for the better Relief of the Poor of this Kingdom, was enacted, c. 12. to have Continuance (except what related to the Corporations therein mentioned, and thereby conftitutedj only until the twenty-ninth Day oi May one thoufand fix hundred fixty-five, and from thence to the End ■ of the firil Seffions of the next Parliament ; which faid Aft, by an Aft made in the firft Year of the Reigri of the late King James the Second, (except what related to the Corporations therein mentioned, and r Jac. i. c. 17. thereby conftituted) was enafted to be ia Force from the firft Day of May one thoufand fix hundred eighty-five, and fo to continue for the Space of feven Years, and from thejice to the End of the next Seflions of Parliament ; and by.anAft made in the third and fourth Years of the Reign of King William . 5. a w. & M and Queen R4aR.y, the faid Aft (as to what therein related to the Settlement of the Poor) wascnafted to be in P orce from the firft Day of March one thoufand fix hundred ninety-one ; but no Provifion was thereby made for continuing divers other Parts of the faid Aft, which fiid Aft, intituled. An ASi for the better Rclif of the Poor of this Kingdonh, as to all Parts thereof, not mentioned and continued in and by the faid A6t made in the third and fourth Years of their late Majefties (other than and except what relates to the Corporations mentioned in the faid Aft, ^For the better Relief cf the Poor of this Kingdom^^ and thereby conftituted, was, by an Aft made in the fourth and fifth Years of the Reign of their late Majefties, continued only for the Space of feven Years, from the thirteenth Day of February one thoufand fix hundred ninety-two, and from thence to the End of the next Seffion of Parliament ; which faid Act afterv/ards by ai Aft of the eleventh and twelfth Years of the Reign of the late King William the Third, intituled. An A£f for continuing feveral Latvs therein mentioned, was continued only for feven Years, from the twenty- • ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred ; and which faid Aft of the thirteenth and fourteenth Years of the Reign of the faid late King Charles the Second, intituled, An ASi for the better R.eHef of the Poor of this Kingdom, by an Aft made in the fifth Year of the Reign of her prefent Majcfty, inti- c Ann c -u tuled. An ASi for continuing the Lavjs therein mentioned relating to the Poor, and to the Buying and Selling ^' ' of Cattle in Smithfield, and for fuppreffing of Piracy, was enafted to be in Force from the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and feven (except v/hat relates to the Corporations therein mentioned, and thereby conftitutedj only for feven Years, and from thence to the End of the next Seffions, of Parliament; which faid Aft of the thirteenth and fourteenth Years of the Reign of the faid late King, Charles the Second, intituled, An Act for the better Relief of the Poor of this Kingdom, being found to be a very ufeful and necefiary Law, and being near expiring ;' Be it therefore enafted by the Qiieen's moft: ■< E>C-'llent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Com- mons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That the faid Aft, made in The Aft J3'?& the thirteenth and fourteenth Years of the faid late King Charles the Second, intituled. An A if for the 14 Car. 2. c. 12, better Relief of the Poor of this Kingdom, fliall be and is hereby made perpetual. made perpetual.. ' n. And whereas by an Aft made in the eighth and ninth Years of the Reign of the late King William s & 9 w. ■:

  • the Third, intituled. An Ail for fupplying fome DefeSis in the Laivs for the Relief of the Poor of this c. ^o,

' Kingdom, It was amongft other Things enafted, in the Words following, (viz.) That if any Perfon or ' Perfons whatfoever, that from and after the firft Day of Alay one thoufand fix hundred ninety-feven fnall ' come into any Parifli, or other Place, there to inhabit or refide, fliall, at the fame Time, procure, bring, ' and deliver to the Churchwardens or Overfeers of the Poor of the Parifti or Place where any fuch Perfon ' fnall come to inhabit, or to any or either of them, a Certificate under the Hands and Seals of the Church- ' wardens and Overfeers of the Poor of any other Parifti, Townfhip or Place, or the major Part of them, ' or under the Hands and Seals of the Overfeers of the Poor of any other Place, where there are no Church- . ' wardens, to be attefted refpeftively by two or more credible WitnefTes, thereby owning and acknowledging^,^ ' the Perfon or Perfons mentioned in the faid Certificate, to be an Inhabitant or Inhabitants legally fettled ' in that Parifti, Townftiip or Place, every fuch Certificate having been allowed of and fubfcribed by ■ ' tvt-o or more of the Juftices of the Peace of the County City, Liberty, Borough, or To*vn Co'-po- ' rate, wherein the Parifti or Place, from whence any fuch Certificate ftiall come, doth lie, fhall, ; ' oblige the faid Parifti or Place to receive and provide for the Perfon mentioned in the faid Certificate, to- ' gether with his or her Family, as Inhabitants of that Parifti, whenever he, ftie, or they flial! happen to

  • become chargeable to, or be forced to afk Relief of the Parifti, Townfhip or Place, to which fuch Cerli-.

' ficate was given ; and then, and not before, it fhall and may be lawful for any fuch Perfon, and his or ■- ' her Children, though born in that Parifti, not having otherwife acquired a legal Settlement there, to hs-

  • lemovedj conveyed, and fettled in the Parifli or Place from whence fuch Certificate was bLought 1 And' .

4. ' whei'easj. , 4- f.-5 W . &M c. H' §• 11 II c. & 13- ti V. a;