6i2 Stat. I. Anno duodecimo Aunje Regi'nae. A. D. 171 3. Jo Ann. c. ii. fhould afcertain the feveral Houfes, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, and the Bounds and Limits which in their Judgments or Opinion might be fit to be made diftincS Pariflies : And whereas her Majefty, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of Great Britain, bearing Date at Weftminjicr tlie one and twentieth Day of September in the tenth Year of her Reign, did nominate, coiiftitute, authorize and appoint TZjijot^?^ Lord Archbifhop of Canterbury, 'John Lord Archbifhop of York, John Lord Bifliop of BriJIol, Henry Lord Bifhop of London, Jonathan Lord Bifliop of Winchcfier, Nathaniel Lord Bifhop of Durham, and divers other Perfons, to be Commiffioners for the Purpofes aforefaid : And whereas by another Afl: of Parliament pafled in the tenth Year of her Majefty's Reign, intituled, An A 51 for enlarging the Ti7ne given to CommiJJianers appointed by her Majejiy, purfuant to an ASl for granting to her MajeJly feveral Duties on Coals for building fifty neiv Churches in and about the Cities of London and Weftminfter, and Suburbs thereof, and other Purpofes therein mentioned; and for giving the faid Commijf oners further Power for better effeSting the- fame ; and for appointing Monies for rebuilding the Parijh Church of St. Mary Woolnoth in the City of London, it is, amongft other Things, enadted. That the Commiffioners, or any five or more of diem, fhould proceed to do and perform all and every the Matters and Things in and by the faid Afts intended to be done and performed : And it is thereby provided and enafted. That it fhould and might be lawful to and for her Majefly, her Heirs and SuccefTors, at any Time before the twenty-ninth Day of September one thouiand feven hundred and twelve, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of Great Britain, to nominate, conftitute and appoint fuch Perfons to be Commiffioners to execute all and every the Powers in the firft recited Acl, and in the faid laft A£t mentioned, as her Majefty fhould think fit : And whereas her Majefty did, in Purfuanceof the faid hft recited Aft, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of Great Britain, bearing Date the feven and twentieth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and tweJve, nominate, conftitute and appoint Thomas Lord Archbifliop of Canterbury, John Lord Archbiftiop of Xorjt, Simon Lord Harcoiirt, then Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of Great Britain [now Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain) John Duke of the County of Buckingham and Normanby, Henry Vifcount BoUngbroke, the Right Reverend Father in God WiUiam Lord Bifhop of Chejler, and the Right Reverend Father in God Philip then Lord Biftiop of St. Davids (now Lord Bifhop of Hereford) and divers other Perfons, to be Commiffioners ; and that they, or any five or more of them, fhould do, perform, and execute all and every the Powers, Matters and Things, in and by the faid recited Afts, and either of them, appointed to be done and performed : And whereas the vacant Piece of Ground at and about the May-Pole in the Strand in the County of Mlddlefex, is a proper Place for the building one of the faid fifty new Churches upon, which cannot be appropriated to that Ufe, without the Aid of Parliament j' Be it therefore enadled, &c. " The Wafle- Ground in the Strand on which the luew Church is to be built, vefted in the Commiffioners
- ' appointed by Letters Patent bearing Date 27 Sept. 171Z. Such Church to be deemed one of the fifty
new ones. A Street way and Paffage to be; left on the North Side and Eaft End of the faid Church." P R. (C 9 Ann. e. 16, ' IV. And whereas by an. Aft made in the firft Seffion of this prefent Parliament, intituled, An ASi for a private Aft. ' confirming to the Principal and Scholars of King's Hall and College of Brazen Nofe in the Univerfity of Oxon, ' the Purchafe of the Advowfons of Stepney and other Churches, and for fettling the fame to the Benefit of the faid College, it is provided, That it fliall and may be lawful to and for the faid Principal and Scholars,
- and their Succeffors, upon every Vacancy, from Time to Time, to nominate and appoint refpeftively fit
' Clerks to officiate in the Chapel of Stratford-Bow, and in all other Churches or Chapels that" then were or ' fhould be built, within the Parifli of Stebunheath alias Stepney in the County of Middlefcx, and to receive ' the Profits belonging to the fame: And whereas by a Claufe in an Aft made in the fecond Seffions of this So Ann, £.!!•. « prefent Parliament, intituled. An ASt for enlarging the Time given to the Commifimers appointed by her ' MajeJly, purfuant to an A£t for granting to her Majejiy, feveral Duties on Coals, for Buildingffty new Churches, ' in and about the Cities of London and Weftminfter and Suburbs thereof, and other Purpojes therein mentioned ; ' and alfo for giving the faid ConimifiTioners further Powers for better effeSfing the fame, and for appointing
- • Monies for rebuilding the Parijh- Church fff Saint Mary Woolnoth in the City c^London ; it is enafted, Tha't
' in every new Church and Parifti to be erefted or conftituted purfuant to the fame Aft (other than fuch ' Chapels as, according to the fame Aft, ftiould be converted into Parochial Churches) the firft Rcftor fhould ' be nominated and appointed by her Majefty, of and in fuch new Church and Parifli ; in which Aft there ' being no exprefs Saving to the faid Principal and Scholars, and their Succeffors, of their Right upon every
- Vacancy, from Time to Time, to nominate or prefent refpeftively fit Clerks to officiate, as aforefaid, it
' may happen to be controverted, v.'hether the firft Reftor in every new Church and Parifli, to be erefted or ' conftituted purfuant to the fame Aft, in the faid Parifh of Stebunheath alias Stepney, and alfo in fuch Cha- ' pels within the fame Parifli as fliould be converted into Parochial Churches, purfuant to the fame Aft, ' might belong to the faid Principal and Scholars, and their Succeffors, to nominate and appoint:' Now for the preventing of all fuch Controverfies, it is hereby enafted, ^c. " The Principal and Scholars of Brazen Nofe in Oxford, fliall nominate the firft Reftor in every new Church
- ' or Chapel turned into a Church in Stepney Parifti. Nothing in this Aft fliall prejudice the Right, tfc, of
- ' John Walker,, iSc" P R.