Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/672

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620 Stat. 2. Anno duodecimo A n n iE Rcginas. A. D. i 7 i 3. A piiUitk Aft. K.iving to the Crown all Fiifl: Frjjts, £:c. for f'jch KeClories, &C. Another Saving to the LelTees, iSt'i 28 Geo. 2. c, 6. yir taking aiojy Mortuaries in Chcjicr. i & 14 Car, t. 4. See farther 23 Ceo. 2. (^. z8, c, 10. and » jac. 2, c. 4 ' th'2 Cr.thedial Church of the Holy and UncllvicleU Tr'mtfm Norwich, of the Foundation of King Edward ' the Sixth, which fhould firfl: happen io be void, and in the Gift of herMajefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, ' from and after the Date of the fald Grant; to have and to hold the faid Canonfhip or Prebend to the ' faid Thomas Sherlock, Mafter or Warden of the faid College or Hall, and his Succeffors, Matters or V/ar- ' dsns of the fame College or H!all, of her Majefly, her Heirs and Succeffors, in pure and perpetual Alms ' for and during his and their Continuance in the faid Mafterfhip or Wardenfliip ; and did thereby likev^^ifi ' unite fuch Canonfhip or Prebend, as aforefiid, to the faid Corporation for ever; as by the faid feveral and ' refpeftive recited Letters Patents (Relation being thereunto had) may more fully and at large appear :' Be it therefore enabled by the Authority aforeiaid, That the faid feveral and refpeftive recited Letters Patents, and all and fmgular the Claufes, Articles and Things therein refpeftively contained, fhall be and are hereby ratified and confirmed, and the faid feveral and reipecfive Canonfhips or Prebends fhall be, from Time to Time, for ever, held and enjoyed, according to the true Intent and Meaning of the feveral and refpeiilrive Letters Patents above recited. ^VIII. And be it further enabled, That this AiS fhall be taken and allowed in all Courts within this Kins^dom as a publick Act. !&. Saving neverthelefs, and always referved unto her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, all and fingu- lar Firft-fruits and Tenths, in any wife due or payable to herMajefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, for or, in refpecl: of fuch Rectories Sine Cura, and Treafurerftiip, and Prebend thereunto annexed, founded in the Cathedral Church of Landaff, and the faid Prebend of Langamarch, and all fuch Right and Title, as her faid Majefty hath in or to fuch Firft-fruits and Tenths, or any of them, and which ihall continue to be levied and paid in like Manner as heretofore; any Thing herein contained to the contrary in any v/ife notwithftanding. X. Saving alfo to the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, and to the refpective Leffee or Leffees of the faid Treafurerlhip, and Prebend thereunto annexed, founded in the Cathedral Church of Landaff, and to the faid Prebend of Langamarch, and to all and every other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, all fiich Eftate, Right, Title and Intercft, in, to or out of the faid Treafurerftiip and Prebend thereto annexed, and the faid Prebend of Langamarch, as any fuch Leffee or Leffees, or other Perfon or Perfons, have or might; have or claim, in, to, or out of the faid Treafurerfhip and Prebend thereunto annexed, and the faid Prebend oi Langamarch, if this A£l had not pafled. C A. P. VII. An Acl to prevent the Growth of Schifm, and for the further Security of the Churches of England ^vA Ireland, as by Law eftablifhed. 'HERE AS by an A£t of Parliament made in the thirteenth and fourteenth Years of his late Ma- jefty King Charles the Second, intituled, An ASl for the Uniformity of publick Prayers, and Ad~ minijlraiion of Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies ; and for eftablijhing the Form of making, ordaining, and confecrating Bijhops, Priefls and Deacons in the Church «/" England, it is, amongft other Things enafted. That every Schoolmafter keeping any publick or private School, and every Perfon inftru£bing or teaching any Youth in any Houfe or private Family, as a Tutor or Schoolmafter, fhould fubfcribe before his or their refpedlive Archbifhop, Biftiop or Ordinary of the Diocefe, a Dclaration or Acknowledgment, in which, amongft other Things was contained, as follows, viz, I A. B. do declare. That 1 10111 corf arm to the Liturgy of the Church of England, as it is now by Law e/iablijhed; and if any Schoolmafter, or other Per- fon infiruiSing or teaching Youth in any private Houfe or Family, as a Tutor or Schoolmafter, fliould in- ftrufl or teach any Youth as a Tutor or Schoolmafter before Licence obtained from his refpeSive Arch- biiliop, Bifhop or Ordinary of the Diocefe, according to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm, for which he fiiould pay twelve Pence only, and before fuch Subfcription and Acknowledgment made, as aforefaid, then every fuch Schoolmafter and other inftrudfing and teaching, as aforefaid, fhould, for the firft Of- ence, fuffer three Months Imprifonment without Bail or Mainprize, and for every fecond and other fuch Offence fhould fuffer three Months Imprifonment without Bail or Mainprize, and alfo forfeit to his Ma-^ jefty the Sum of five Pounds : And whereas notwithftanding the faid A£f, fundry Papifts and other Per- fons diffenting from the Church of England, have taken upon them to inftruft and teach Youth as Tu- tors or Schoolmafters, and have for fuch Purpofe openly fet up Schools and Seminaries, whereby, if due and fpeedy Remedy be not had, great Danger might enfue to this Church and State : For the making the faid recited Ad: more effe(3ual, and preventing the Danger aforefaid, i^c. [Repealed, 5 Geo. i. c. 4.J C A p. VIII. An Aft for encouraging the Tobacco Trade, HERE AS by an Adt made in the feventh Year of the Reign of the late King. William the Third, intituled, An ASl for continuing feveral Duties granted by former ASis upon JVines and Vine- far, and'upon Tobacco and Eaft India Goods, and other Merchandizes imported, for carrying on the War againfi Vance, the Methods prefcribed for collefting the Impoft Duty upon Tobacco, granted by an Aft paffed in the firft Year of the Reign of King James the Second, are altered, and, among other Things, it is enaiSfed, That on any Payment of the faid Duty for Tobacco to be confumed here, there be. an Allow- ance of eight Pounds per Cent, for the Merchants Encouragement, in Confideration o^ Wafte and Shrink- age in the Cellars, and an Allowance of four Pounds per Cent, in Confideration of Wafte that may arife on any Tobacco exported within the Time allowed by Law, to be ftruck off" only from the Entries, and flot to be paid where the whole Quantity entred Ihall happen to be exported; both whi^h A(£is are fmce