Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/671

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A. D.I 71 3* Anno duodecimo A N N ^ Reginaj. Stat. 2. 619 HI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That in R.ecompenfe and Satisfa£lIon to the Recompenfe lo Bifhop of 'Bangor and his SuccefTors, for fuch Mortuaries as might arife or become due or payable to the faid ^' Bifhop of Bifliop of Bangor or his SuccefTors, by Virtue of the faid recited A6t, upon the Death of any Prieft or Clergy- "^"S" *-'<■• man, the Rcdtory Sine. Cttra, which fhall next happen to be void, and be in the Collation of the Bifhop of the faid Diocefe of Bangor, or any of his SuccefTors, (hall, immediately upon fuch Vacancy, and from thence- forth be annexed and united to the faid Bifhoprick of Bangor for ever ; and all and every the Profits, Rights, Dues, Benefits and Advantages vv'hatfoever of the fame Reftory, or thereto in any wife belonging or ap- pertaining, fhall or may be had, received, taken and enjoyed by the Bifhop of the faid Diocefe of Bangor and his SuccefTors for ever. IV. Provided always. That nothing in this A£l fhall extend to enable any Bifhop in either of the faid The Bidiops of Diocefes of St. AJaph and Bangor, to demife, let or fet ; and that it fhall not be lawful to or for the Bi- ^- '^'^^P 3"'* ihops of either of the faid Diocefes, or any of their SuccefTors, to demife, leafe, fet, or let to Farm, or ncUeaf *th'^ otherwife, either of fuch Redlories Sine Citra, annexed and united to the refpeftiveBilhopricks of St. Ajaph Reveries uniied and Bangor, as aforementioned, or any the Rights, Dues, Benefits or Profits thereof, for any longer Time to tbeir Bifhop. than fuch Rifhop, by whom any Leafe of either of the faid Re(Sories Sine Cura fhall be made, fliall "cks for any continue Bifhop of the faid Diocefe: any Statute, Law, or Ufage whatfoever to the contrary notwith- '""S"^"","^^"" Handing. / . . ut?eE^oT V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That in Recompenfe and Satisfaftion to the j^^ Z' ' Bifhop of Landajf and his SuccefTors, for fuch Mortuaries as might arife or become due or payable to the the Biftop of " faid Bifhop of Landajf, or his Succeflbrs, by Virtue of the faid recited Ki, upon the Death of any Priefl Landaffi or Clergyman, whenfoever the Treafurerfliip, with the Prebend thereto annexed, founded in the Cathedral Church of Landaff, fhali next happen to be void, the faid Treafurerlhip and Prebend fhall, immediately upon fuch Vacancy, and from thenceforth be annexed and united to the faid Bifhoprick of Landaff for ever ; and all and every the Profits, Rights, Dues, Benefits and Advantages whatfoever, of the faid Trea- furerfhip and Prebend, or thereto in any wife belonging or appertaining, fhall or may be had, received, taken and enjoyed by the Bifhop of the faid Dioceie of Landaff and his SuccefTors for ever. VL And be it further enafled by the Authority aforefaid. That in Recompence and Satisfaftion to the To tl.e Bifhop Bifhop of St. Davids and his SucceiTors, for fuch Mortuaries as might arife or become due or payable to °f St, Davids. the faid Bifhop of St. Davids, or his SuccefTors, by Virtue of the faid recited Aft, upon the Death of any Priefl or Clergyman, whenfoever the faid Prebend of Langamarch fliall next happen to be void, the faid Prebend fhall, immediately upon fuch Vacancy, and from thenceforth be annexed and united to the faid Bifhoprickof iS/. iJa-t-'/V/j for ever; and all and every the Profits, Rights, Dues, Benefits and Advantages what- foever, of the fame Prebend, or thereto in any wife belonging or appertaining, fhall or maybe had, received, taken and enjoyed by the Bifhop of the faid Diocefe of Si. Davids and his Succcflors for ever, in as full and ample Manner as the faid "John Aledlcy now hath or enjoy^th, or might or ought to have and enjoy the fame. ' VH. And whereas her Majefty has been gracioufly pleafed, by her Letters Patents under the Great The QoeenV, . ' Seal of Great Britain, bearing Date at IVeJlmitifter the eleventh Day of November in the twelfth Year of Letters P,.tem8 ' her Reign, to incorporate Cj/Afp/Z^m-X-^^^i.-^z Doftor in Divinity, the A'lafler of P(?OT3r<j/i? College in the ^^ 'i'^^^^^'!'^

  • Univcriity of Oxford, and his Succeflbrs, Mafters of the fame College, by the Nam'e, Stile and Title of College and to

' Mafler of^ Petnbroke College in the Univerfity of Oxford; and did thereby grant to the faid Mafler and his the Pro'voft of ' SuccefTors, Maflers of the fame College, for their better Support and Maintenance, that Canonfhip or Oriel College in .' Prebend in the Cathedral Church of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Gloucefter, which fhoulJ firff- Ofon^and to ' happen to be void, and in the Gift of her Majefty, her Heirs and SuccefTors, from and after the Date of KatherV e^Hall ' the faid Grant; to have and to hold the faid Canonfhip or Prebend, to the faid Collweli Brickenden Ada- in Cambridge ' ffer of the faid College, and his SuccefTors, Mafters of the fame College, of her Majefty, her Heirs and confirmed.. ' SuccefTors, in pure and perpetual Alms, for and during his and their refpe£live Continuance in the faid Ma-

  • fTerfliip ; and did thereby likewife unite fuch Canonfhip or Prebend, as aforefaid, to the faid Corporation

' for ever : And whereas her Majefty has been alfo gracioufly pleafed, by other her Letters Patents under

  • the Great Seal o( Great Britain, bearing Date at Jl^ejiminjler the fourteenth Day of January in the twelfth

' Year of her Reign, to incorporate George Carter DoEiov in Divinity, the Provoit of Oriel College in the ' Univerfity of Oxford, and his SuccefTors, Provoffs of the fame College, by the Name, Stile and Title ' of Provofl x)f the Houfe of the BlefTed Virgin Mary in Oxon, commonly called Oriel College, of the ' Foundation of ^c/wrtr^/ the Second, fome Time King of ^^/^/a^r/, of famous Memory ; and did thereby ' grant to the faid Provofl, and his SuccefTors, ProvoiTs of the fame College, for their better Support and ' Maintenance, that Canonfhip- or Prebend in the Cathedral-Church of Chr'ift, and of the BlefTed Virgin ' Mary, of Roehejler, vi'hich flioiild firfl: happen to be void, and in the Gift of her Majefly, her Heirs and ' SucceiTors, from and after the Date of the faid Grant ; Saving always the Right of the Arch-Deacons of ' the faid Church for the Time being, to one of the fiiiJ Canonfliips, by Virtue of a former Grant; to ' have and to hold the faid Canonfhip or Prebend, to the faid George Cartc7 Provoft of the faid College, ' and his SuccefTors, Provofts of the fame College, of her Majefty, her Heirs and Succefibis, in pure and ' perpetual Alms, for and during his and their Continuance in the faid Provoftfnip ; and did thereby like-

  • wife unite fuch Canonfhip or Prebend, as aforefaid, to the faid Corporation for ever: And whereas her

' Majefty has been further gracioufly pleafed, by other her Letters Patents under the Great Seal of Great ' Britain, bearing Date at Wefiminjier the fix and twentieth Day of April in the thirteenth Year of her ' Reign, to incorporate Thomas Sherlock Doftor in Divinity, Mailer or Warden of St. Catherine's College or ' Hall in the Univerfity of Cambridge, and his Succeflbrs, Mafters or Wardens of the fame College or Hall, ' by the Name, Stile and Title of Mafler or Warden of St. Catherine's College or Hall in the Univerfity of ' Ca?nbridge ; and did thereby grant to the faid Mafter or Warden, and his Succeflbrs, Maffers or Wardens ' of the fame College or Hall, for their better Support and Maintenance, that Canonfhip or Prebend iu 4 K 2 'the