Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/670

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6i8 Stat. 2. Anno duodecimo Ann^ Reginse. A. D. 171 3, CAP. VI. An Aft for taking away Mortuaries within the Diocefes of Bangor, Landaff, St. Davids, and St. Afaph, and giving a Recompenfe therefore to the Bifhops of the faid refpeftive Diocefes: And for confirming feveral Letters Patents granted by her Majefty, for perpetually annex- ing a Prebend of Ghucejler to the Mafterfhip of Pembroke College in Oxford ; and a Pre- bend of Rochfter to the Provoftlliip of Oriel College in Oxford ; and a Prebend of Norwich to the Mafterfhip of Catherine Hall in Cambridge. aiH.S.e.e, ' ^T7HEREASby an A£l of Parltament paffed in the one and twentieth Year of the Reign of the late ka.y. ' VV King Henry the Eighth, intituled, An ASi where Mortuaries ought to be paid, for zvhat Pcrfom, ' and how much, and in what Cafe none is due, and by a Provifo or Claufe therein contained, it is provided

  • famong otlier Things) That it fhall be lawful to the Bifhops of Bangor, Landaff, St. Davids, and St.

' Afaph, to take fuch Mortijaries of the Priefts within their Diocefes and Jurifdi£lions as thentofore had

  • been accuftomed ; and the Biftiops of the faid Diocefes for the Time being have accordingly ufed to de-

' mand and take, and continue to demand and take Mortuaries upon the Death of any Clergyman within ' their faid Diocefes and Jurifdidtions ; which faid Mortuaries confifting of feveral of the beft Goods of

  • the deceafed, do oftentimes amount to a very confiderable Part of his Eftate, and the Payment thereof

' does very much leflen that fmall Provifion which generally the Clergy of thofe Diocefes are able to make

  • for the Support of their Families, and tends to the great impoveriihing of the fame : For the Remedy-

' ing whereof for the future, and for abolifhing and taking away all Mortuaries or Corfe-prefents, and

  • the Cuftom or Ufage of taking and paying Mortuaries or Corfe-prefents upon the Death of Clergymen

' within the faid Diocefes and JurifdicEtions : And to the End areafonable Recompenfe and Satisfaction for Theaaufe in « the fame may be provided and eftablifhed for the Bifliops of the faid Diocefes for ever ;' Be it therefore the recited Aft, gnafted by the Queen's molt Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiri- latertoMie"^ta- ^"^^ ^"'^ Temporal, and of the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of king any Mortu- the fame, That the faid Provifo or Claufe in the faid A<£1:, and all and every Provifo or Claufe in the fame aryln the Dio- Aft, fo far as the fame do or doth relate to the taking any Mortuary or Corfe-prefent upon the Death of cefes of Ban- any Clergyman within the faid refpeftive Diocefes or Jurifdiftions, fhall immediately, from and after the gor, Landaff, ^ refpeftive Times herein after mentioned, that is to fay, within the faid Diocefe of St. Afaph from and after St". Afaph 're- ^^^ four and twentieth Day of June in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen ; jealed, and within the faid Diocel'e of Bangor, immediately from and after fuch Time any Reftory Sine Cura fhall next happen to be void and be in the Collation of the prefent Bifhop of the faid Diocefe of Bangor, or of any of his SuccefTors; and within the faid Diocefe of Landaff, immediately from and after fuch Time as the Treafurerfhip, with the Prebend thereto annexed, founded in the Cathedral Church o( Landaff, fhall next hapj'jn to be void, fuch Treafurerfhip and Prebend being in the Collation of the Bifhop of the faid Diocefe of Landaff; and within the faid Diocefe of St. Davids, immediately from and after fuch Time as the Prebend of Langamarch, founded in the Collegiate Church oi Brecon, now enjoyed hY John A-icdley Arch-Deacon of St. Davids, fhall next happen to be void, the fame being in the Collation of the Bifhop of St. Davids, fland and be ahfolutely repealed, annulled, and void, and all and every, and any Cuffom, and Ufage of and for paying, demanding, or taking any Mortuary or Corfe-prefent, or any Goods, Thing or Things, for or in the Name of a Mortuary or Corfe-prefent, upon the Death of any Clergyman within the faid refpeftive Diocefes or Jurifdiftions, fhall, from the refpeftive Times aforefaid, for ever, be abfo- And the Bifhops lately abolifhed and void ; and no Mortuary or Corfe-prefent, or Sum or Sums of Money for or in Lieu of the laid Dio- of the fame, or in the Name thereof, fhall be yielded, paid, anfwered or fatisfied, or be due or payable cefes """ ""' by any Perfon or Perfons, to any Bifhop of either of the faid Diocefes, or other Perfon or Perfons claim- tiiaHe"after'the '"S ^7' f^'om, or under any fuch Bifliop : And that from and after the refpeftive Times aforefaid, it fnall Times limited not be lawful to or for the refpeftive Bifhops of the faid Diocefes or any of them, their or any or either of above. their SucceiTors, Farmers, Bailiffs or Leffees, or any of them, or any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, claiming by or under fuch Bifhops, or any or either of them, to take, receive or demand of any Ferfon or Perfons, any Manner of Mortuary dr Corfe-prefent, or any Sum or Sums of Money, or other Thing, for or in the Name, Lieu or Stead of any Mortuary or Corfe prefent, or to convene, cite, fiie or profecute any Perfon or Perfons before any Judge Spiritual, or in any of her Majefty's Courts of I>aw, or other Court whatfoever, for the Recovery of, or for, touching or concerning any Mortuary or Corfe-prefent, or any Thing in Lieu thereof, for or by Reafon or on Account of the Death of any Priefl: or Clergyman within the faid refpeftive Diocefes or Jurifdiftions, at any Time after the refpeftive Times aforefaid ; any Thing in the faid fecited Aft, or any Law, Cuftom or Ufage whatever, to the contrary notwith- ftanding. Jflecompenfe to II. And be it further cnafted by the Authority aforefaid. That in Recompenfe and Satisfaftion to the the Biftiopof Bifhop of St. Afaph and his SuccefTors, for fuch Mortuaries as might arife or become due or payable to the Ms Succeffo« ^"^^^ Bifhop of St. Afaph, or his SuccefTors, by Virtue of the faid recited Aft, upon the Death of any Prleft fo't fuch Mor- o Clergyman, the Reftory Sine Cura, which fhall firft after the faid four and twentieth Day of June one tu»rits. thoufand feven hundred and fourteen, happen to b: void, and be in the Collation of the Bifhop of the faid Diocefe of St. Afaph, or any of his SuccefTors, fliall immediately upon fuch Vacancy, and from thence- forth be annexed and united to the faid Biflioprick of St. Afaph for ever, and all and every the Profits, Rights, Dues, Benefits and Advantages whatfoever of the fame Reftory, or thereto in any wife, beloi-iging or appertaining, fhall or may be had, received, taken and injoyed by the Bifhop of the faid Diocefe and his SucceiTors for ever. 4 III. And