Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/69

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A. D. 1699; Anno decimo 6c undecimo Gulielmi III, C. 22, 23

  • fuch Ale and Beer fo brewed as aforefaid ;' Be it therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That if

any common Brewer, or Retailer of Beer or Ale, fhall, after the faid tenth Day of May one thoufand fix hundred ninety-nine, make ufe of any Melaffes, coarfe Sugar, Honey, or Compofition or extradl of Sugar, in the brewing, making or working of any Ale or Beer, or if any common Brewer fhall receive or take into his Cuftody or Pofleilion any Quantity of Melaffes, coarfe Sugar, Honey, or Compofition or extraiSt of Sugar, exceeding ten Pounds, every fuch Brewer and Retailer Ihall forfeit and lofe for every fuch Offence refpeftively the Sum of one hundred Pounds ; and every Servant of fuch Brewer, and every Penalty on other Perfon, who fhall be aiding and aHifling in the ufing any Melaffes, coarfe Sugar, Honey, or extraft Brewers Ser- of Su<'ar, in the brewing or working of fuch Ale or Beer, or in carrying or conveying the fame into the ^""• Houfe*^ Brewhoufe or other Place belonging to fuch Brewer, fhall alfo forfeit and lofe, for every fuch Of- fence the Sum of twenty Pounds, and inDefault of Payment thereof fhall fuffer three Months Imprifonment. ' XXXV. And whereas by an A£t of this prefent Sellion of Parliament, intituled. An A£l for granting '^"^t-'^'^'I'

  • to his Mojejiy the Sum of one Million four hundred eighty-four thoufand and fifteen Pounds one Shilling eleven '^' 9"
  • Pence three Farthings, for difbanding the Army, providing for the Navy, ana for other neceffary Occafions, it

' is amongft other Things enafted. That a Sum not exceeding the Sum of fix hundred thoufand Pounds,,

  • of the Monies to be paid into the Exchequer by Virtue of the faid Aft, fhould be and is thereby appro-
  • priated in the firft Place to the paying and difbanding the Forces enadted to be difbanded, and the Refi-
  • due of the faid Sum of fix hundred thoufand Pounds, for and towards the Subfiftence and Clearings of

' his Majefl-y's Guards and Garrifons within the Kingdom oi England, and the Dominions thereunto be-

  • longing ( Ireland excepted) for the Year one thoufand fix hundred ninety-nine, and to other the Pur-

' pofes in the faid A£l mentioned : And whereas it is or may be doubted, whether any Part of the faid ' Money, fo appropriated to the Subfiflence and Clearings of his Majefly's Guards and Garrifons, may ' or ought to be applied towards the paying the Arrear of Subfiflence due to the faid Garrifons before ' the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand fix hundred ninety-nine, according to the Courfe of Pay-

  • ment, and true Intention of the faid laft mentioned A£t;' Be it therefore eiia£ted and declared by the

Authority aforefaid. That the Money fo appropriated and applicable to the SubfifVence and Clearings ^^j,„j fo, ^i^jj,, of the Guards and Garrifons, for the Year one thoufand fix hundred ninety-nine, fhall and may be ap- ing the Guarda^ plied as well to the Payment of the faid Arrear of Subfiftence, due to the faid Garrifons at any Time be- and Garrifocs fore the faid twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand fix hundred ninety-nine, as for and towards theSub- how to be ap- fiflence and Clearings of the faid Guards and Garrifons for the Year one thoufand fix hundred ninety-nine; ^ any Thing in the faid lafl mentioned A£t to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. ' XXXVI. And whereas fo much of the faid Sum of fix hundred thoufand Pounds, mentioned in an ' Aft of this Seflion of Parliament (wherein a Land Tax is granted to his Majefly) as is or fliall be fufS- lo&nW. 3, ' cient for paying off and difbanding the Regiments, Troops and Companies appointed and enafted to be S* ' difbanded as is therein mentioned, is appropriated for that Purpofe;' It is hereby declared and enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That out of the Money fo appropriated or appointed for paying off 20,0001. to be: and difbanding of Regiments, Troops and Companies as aforefaid, any Sum not exceeding twenty thou- applied for pay- fiind Pounds, fhall and may be iffued, applied and diftributed towards clearing the difbanded Officers of '^"^/^'^j?* the Scotch Regiments which were on the Englijh Eftablifhment, and the difbanded Officers of the three scotdrRegi-* Englifl) Regiments, lately of Colonel Henry Holt, Colonel Luke LilUngfton, and Colonel Ruffell, ments, &c. and which were in the Wefl Indies, and for whom no Half-pay is allowed; any Thing in the faid Aft con- the three Engliihi tained to the contrary notwithftanding. Regiments of Holt, LiUing- C A P. XXIT. fton and RuirelU An Aft for the more full and effedual charging of the Duties upon Rock Salt, Mojl Gracious Sovereign, WE your Majefly's mofl dutiful and loyal Subjefts, the Commons of ^w^Zjn;^ in Parliament affem- 5 '^^^M-T" bled, taking Notice that by divers Afts of Parliament now in Force, feveral Duties, whereof fome are for Terms of Years yet unexpired, and others in Perpetuity, are impofed upon all Salt and Rock Salt made within the Kingdom of £«?•/««</, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick upon^ Tweed, or taken out of any Pit or Pits within the fame, to be raifed, difpofed and applied to and for the feveral Ufes and Purpoiijs in the fame, or by fome other Aft or Afts of Parliament in that Behalf,, expreffed and declared"; and being fenfible that Rock Salt, which in and by the faid Afts, or fome of them, is chargeable with the faid Duties, after the Rate of one hundred and twenty Pounds Weight to- the Bufhel, may be and is ufed in Kind for curing Fifh, Flefh and other Purpofes, without being refi- ned into v/hite Salt, and all white Salt made from Brine, or otherwife, being chargeable with the faid Duties, after the Rate of fifty-fix Pounds Weight to the Bufhel, and that one hundred and twenty Pounds Weight of Rock Salt, ufed in Kind, will ferve the Ufe of almoft two Bufhels of White Salt, reckoned at fifty-fix Pounds Weight as aforefaid, whereby the Makers of Salt from Brine have been: and are extremely difcouraged, and hi^s Majefty's Duties intended by the faid Afts have been and are- very much impaired,.' have therefore refolved to increafe your Majefly's Duties upon all Rock Salt and Salt Rock, by reducing the Bufhel, according to which the Duties thereof fhall be paid for the future irs the Manner hereafter mentioned. II. And be it enafted by the King's moft Excellent Majefly, by and with the- Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled,. and by Au- 75'- Wei|Kt thority of the fame, That from and after the fifteenth Day of May in the Year of our Lord one thoufand "fRocitSait fix hundred ninety-nine, every feventy-five Pounds Weight of Rock Salt, or Salt Rock, taken out of any ^uT^'^g Y'? Pit ox Pits within theKLngdom of England^ Dominion of IVales, or Town of Berwick upon Tiveed, fhall be and ra'ted^aGcori^ deemed dingiy..