Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/77

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A. D. 1699
Anno decimo & undecimo Gulimi III.
C. 25.

V. And whereas feveral Inhabitants in Newfoundland, and other Perfons, have, fince the Year of our ⚫ Lord one thoufand fix hundred eighty-five, ingroffed and detained in their own Hands, and for their own private Benefit, feveral Stages, Cook-rooms, Beeches, and other Places in the faid Harbours and Creeks (which before that Time belonged to fishing Ships, for taking of Bait, and fishing and curing their Fish) to the great Prejudice of the fifhing Ships that arrive there in the fishing Seafon, and ⚫ fometimes to the Overthrow of fome of their Voyages, and to the great Difcouragement of the Traders there;' Be it further cnacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every fuch Perfon and Perfons, Perfons who as fince the faid Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred eighty-five, have or hath taken, feized fince 1685. bave or detained any fuch Stage, Cook-room, Beech, or other Place for taking Bait or Fishing, or for the Stage, Cook- drying, curing or hufbanding of Fifh, fhall on or before the faid twenty-fifth Day of March relinquifh, room, &c. fhall quit and leave, to the publick Ufe of the Fishing Ships arriving there, all and every the faid Stages, relinquish the Cook-rooms, Beeches and other Places for taking Bait and Fiſhing, and for the drying, curing and huf- fame, to the pub- banding of Fifh. detained any lick Ufe of Fiſh- ing Ships, &c. VI. And for the preventing the ingroffing and detaining of all fuch Stages, Cook-rooms, Beeches and other Places, by any Perfon or Perfons for the Time to come; be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Fifherman or Inhabitant of Newfoundland, or any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, fhail, at No Fisherman any Time after the faid twenty-fifth Day of March, feize, take up or poffefs any of the Stages, Cook- or Inhabitant of rooms, Beeches or other Places, which at any Time fince the faid Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hun- Newfoundland, dred eighty-five, did or at any Time hereafter shall belong to any fishing Ship or Ships, for taking Bait to poffels any or Fifhing, or for drying, curing or hufbanding of Fifh, before the Arrival of the fishing Ships cut of England, Wales, and Berwick, and until all fuch Ships fhall be provided with Stages, Cook-rooms, Beeches be provided, &c. and other Places for taking Bait and Fiſhing, and for drying, curing and hufbanding of Fifh. Stage &c. until all Fishing Ships

VII. Provided always, That all such Persons, as since the twenty-fifth Day of March one thousand six Proviso. hundred eighty-five, have built, cut out or made, or at any Time hereafter shall build, cut out or make, any Houses Stages, Cook-rooms, Train-fats, or other Conveniences, for fishing there that did not belong to fishing Ships since the said Year one thousand six hundred eighty-five, shall and may peaceably and quietly enjoy the same to his or their own Use, without any Disturbance of or from any Person or Persons whatsoever.

VIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every Person or Persons whatsoever, that shall go over with their Servants to Newfoundland, to keep Boats on a fishing Voyage, commonly called By-boat Keepers, ahall not pretend to or meddle with any Houae, Stage, Cook-room, By-boat Keepers not to meedle with House, Stage, &c. belonging to any Fishing Ships. Train-fat, or other Conveniency, that did belong to fishing ships since the Year one thousand six hundred eighty-five, or shall be cut out or made by Ships, from and after the said twenty-fifth Day of March one thousand seven hundred.

IX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, And to carry 2 fresh Men in 6. That every Master of a By-boat or By-boats shall carry with him at least two fresh Men in six (viz.) one Man that hath made no more than one Voyage, and one Man who hath never been at Sea before; Inhabitant obliged to employ 2 fuch fresh Men. and that every Inhabitant shall be obliged to employ two such freſs Men, as the By-boat Keepers are obliged for every Boat kept by them; Master of Fishing Ship to carry 1 fresh Man in 5. and further, that all Masters of fishing Ships shall carry with them, in their Ship's Company, at least one such fresh Man that never was at Sea before, in every five Men they carry; And make Oath thereof. and that the Master of each such By-boat, and each such fishing Ship, shall make Oath before the Collector, or other principal Of- ficer of the Cuftoms of the Port or Ports from whence fuch Ship intends to fail, that each Ship and By- boat's Company have fuch fresh Men therein as this Act directs; and that the faid Officer or Officers is and are hereby impowered and required to adminifter the aforefaid Oath to the faid Mafters of Ships and By-boats, and give a Certificate thereof under his Hand, without any Fee, Gratuity or Reward for so Certificate gratis. doing.

Every fifth Man a Green-man

X. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That every Master or Owner of any fishing Ship going to Newfoundland (after the said twenty-fifth Day of March) shall have in his Ship's Company every fifth Man (that is to say) not a Seaman, or having been ever at Sea before.

XI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons whatfoever fhall at any Time, after the faid twenty-fifth Day of March, obliterate, expunge, cut out, deface, or any wife alter or change the Mark or Marks of any Boat or Boats, Train-fat or Train-fats, belonging to any {{right sidenote|Marks of Boats or Train-fats not to be obliterated, &c. other Perfon or Perfon, whereby to defraud or prejudice the right Owner or Owners thereof, nor convert to his or their own Ufe any Boat or Boats, Train-fat or Train-fats, belonging to any other Perfon or Per- fons, without his or their Confent or Approbation, nor remove nor take away any fuch Boat or Train-fat from the Place or Places where they fhall be left by the Owner or Owners thereof, except in Cafe of Ne- ceffity, and alfo upon giving Notice thereof to the Admiral of the Harbour or Place where fuch Boat or without Consent of Owner. Train-fat fhall be left by the Owner or Owners, to the End that the right Owners thereof may know what is become of them.

Standing Trees not to be rinded, nor Woods fired. XII. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Persons whatsoever shall, at any Time after the said twenty-fifth Day of March, rind any of the Trees there standing or growing upon any Occasion whatsoever, nor shall by any Ways or Means whatsoever set on Fire any of the Woods of the said Country, or do or cause to be done any Damage, Detriment or Destruction to the same, for any Use or Uses whatsoever, except only for necessary Fuel for the Ships and Inhabitants, and for the building and Necessary Fuel excepted, &c. necessary Repairs of Houses, Ships, Boats and Train-fats, and of the Stages, Cook-rooms, Beeches and other Places for taking Bait and Fishing, and for drying, curing and husbanding Fish there; and also that no Person or Persons whatsoever shall, at any Time after the said twenty-fifth Day of March, cast Anchor, or do any other Matter or Thing, to the Annoyance or hindring of the haling of Sayns in the Sayns not to be annoyed, accuftomary