Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/78

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32 C. 25. Anno declmo & undecimo Gulielmi III. A. D. 1669. accuftomar^' baiting Places, or fhoot his or their Sayn or Sayns within or upon the Sayn or Sayns of any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever ; and alfo that no Perfon or Perfons whatfoever (hall, at any Time coi Nets, Baits, after the faid twenty-fi;th Day oi March, fteal, purloin or take out of the Net or Nets of any other Per- &C. iiolej), fon or Perfons whatfoever, lying adrift, or drover, for Bait by Night, nor fteal, purloin or take away any Bait out of any fifhing Boat or Boats, or any Net or Nets belonging to any other Perfon or Perfons. ' XIII. And whereas feveral Perfons that have been guilty of Thefts, Robberies, Murders and other ' Felonies upon the Land in Neivfoundland, and the Iflands thereunto adjacent, have many Times efcape(i ' unpuniflred, becaufe the Trial of fuch Offenders hath heretofore been ordered and adjudged in no other ■" Court of Juftice, but before the Lord High Conftable, and Earl Marfhal of England: For Reformation thereof, and for the more fpeedy and efFeftual Punllhment of fuch Offences for the Time to come, be it RoUcries, &c. enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Robberies, Murders and Felonies, and all other capital inNcwfoundhnd Crimes whatfoever, which, at any Time or Times after the faid twenty-fifth Day of March fhall be a"'^unrii'"" ^°"^ ^""^ committed in or upon the Land in Newfoundland, or in any of the Iflands thereunto belonging, England, hy ^^'^ and may be en-quired of, tried, heard, determined and adjudged in any Shire or County of this Commiffion of Kingdom of England, by virtue of the Kijig's Commiflion or Commifiions of Oyer and Terminer, and Gaol Oyer and T£r- Delivery, or any of them, according to the Laws of this Land ufed for the Punifhment of fuch Robberies, ftuner. Murders, Felonies, and other capital Crimes done and committed within this Realm. Admirals !n XIV. And be it further ena£led by the Authority aforefaid, That the Admirals of and in every Port and Newfouiidland Harbour in Newfoundland for the Time being, be and are hereby authorized and required (in order to &c7Ehi6jia preferve Peace aiid good Government amongft the Seamen and Fifhermen, as well in their refpe£live executed, * Harbours, as on the Shore) to fee the Rules and Orders in this prefent Afl: contained, concerning the keep a Journal, Regulation of the Fifhery there, duly put in Execution; and that each of the faid Admirals do yearly &c. and deliver keep a Journal of the Nunibcr of all Ships, Boats, Stages, and Train-fats, and of all the Seamen belong- a Copy thereof ing to and employed in each of their refpcctive Harbours, and fhall alfo (at their xetam -to England) deliver Council^"^^ a true Copy thereof, under their Hands, to his Majefty's mod Honourable Privy Council. ounci J XV". And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That in Cafe any Difference or Controverfy det^.WW. ^"1' ^"fe i Newfoundland, or the Iflands thereunto adjoining, between the Mafters of fifhing Ships and lerences between *^-^ Inhabitants there, or any By-boat Keeper, for or concerning the Right and Property of fifhing Rooms, Mafters of Fifli- Stages, Flakes, or any other Building or Conveniency for Fifhing or curing of Fifh, in the feveral Har- ing Ships and In- bours or Coves, the faid Differences, Difputes and Controverfies, fhall be judged and determined by the habitants.^ fifliing Admirals, in the feveral Harbours and Coves ; and in Cafe any of the faid Mafters of fifhing Ships, Party aggrieved By-boat Keepers or Inhabitants, fliall think themfelves aggrieved by fuch Judgment or determination, wsj-apfieai? ^^^ ^^j| appeal to the Commanders of any of his Majefty's Ships of War, appointed as Convoys for Newfoundland, the faid Commander is hereby authorized and impowered to determine the fame, purfuant ito the Regulation in this A<S. XVI, And to the end that the Inhabitants, Fifliermen, Seamen, and all and every other Perfon and Perfons refiding or being at Neiufoundland, or any the faid Iflands, or other Places, may with all Devotion join in their fblemn Prayers and AddrefTes to Almighty God, for the obtaining of his Bleiling upon Inhal.itants to their Perfons and Endeavours ; Be it hereby enaiSted, That all and every the Inhabitants of Nevj- to"i'sDz.y,znif""'^i'^"'^^ Or the faid Iflands or Places adjacent near thereto, fliall flriftly and decently obferve every potfeilany'Li- Lord's Day, commonly called Sunday; and that none of the faid Inhabitants (who keep any Tavern, ^Bors thereop, Alehoufe, or other publick Houfe for Entertainment) fhall entertain or or fell, vend, uttter or difpofe ,<?f to any Fiflierman, Seaman or other Perfon whatfoever, upon any Lord's Day or Sunday, any "IVine, Beer, Ale, Cyder, ftrong Waters or Tobacco, or any other Liquor or Liquors whatfoever. ' XVII. And whereas by an Aft of Parliament made in the eighth and ninth Years of his Majefty's e »l. * Rsign, intituled, Jn JoJ for granting to his Majejly a further Subfuly of Tunnage and Pondage upon £• ft*' i Merchandizes iniported, for the Term of tiuo Years and three garters, and an additional Land Tax ' for one Year, for carrying on the TVar againjl France ; and by another A<3: made in the ninth and 9&!oW. 3. ' tenth Years of his Majefty's Reign, intituled. An A£i for granting to his Majejly a further Suhftdy

  • =• H' ' of Tunnage and Poundage, towards the raiftng a yearly Sum of feven hundred thoufand Pounds, for the
  • Service of his Majefty's Houjlwld, and other Ufes therein mentioned, during his Majejly s Life, an ad-

ditional Duty of 'twelve Pence on every twenty Shillings Value of all Goods and Merchandizes ■TunntgfAas, "TipoJ^ted as aforefaid, and alfo all Wh^Ie Fins, Oil, and Blubber of 5V//& Fifliing, taken in the Seas nor for Whale of Newfoundland, or any of the Seas belonging to any of his Majefty's Plantations or Colonies, and im- f ins, &c. taken ported into tbis Kingdom by any of his Majefty's Subjects in Englijh Shipping, were, and are hereby de- in Newfound- dared to be free of the faid Duties, as all Fifli al Englijh taking ; ]the aforefaid AiEls, or any Thing therein ^° ■ contained to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. Farthtr EncoU" mgmentstoGreenbndrrnile, I Am.St, I, c,l§, IQ Ce}, J, C, tS, }Z Gel, f, (, it}. ^. ■;, 5 Cw, 8. f. sS, § C«, a, C. 33. I3 Gm. 2. c 28. §. J. f,% Gso. a,, f-45. z8 Geo, 2,, c> zo.