Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/175

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A. D. 1 7 1 6. Anno tertio GnoRcn Regis. C. 9. 135 ber in the fecond l car ot his Majefty s Reign ; but that the lame lnnll be litued and paid from J lme to the Exchequer,. Time by the Commiifion.Ts of the Treafury, or the Treafurcr and Under-treafurer of the Exchequer fori I the Time being, out of the yearly Sum of one hundred and twenty thoufand Pounds by the fail former Highoefs. Acls of Parliament appointed, and by this Act continued, for the Service of his Majefty's Houfhold and Panto- r, vi- Family, and other his r.ceefl'iry Occalions, in the fam ■ Form and Manner as the fame hath been ifi'ued and-^"" ™> Ka ~*> n l paid hitherto, as if this Atit had never been made ; any Thing herein contain :d to the contrary thereof in ,'i"<-.>. i. .• any wife notvvithftanding. i Cc. 2. ji. z.' f. 8. 2 Geo, 2. c. 3. 11 Co. z. c. 27. 15 Geo- z. c. 13. 15 Geo, z. c. 6. 24 Geo. 2. c . 4. CAP. IX. dp. v.i.' An Aft for redeeming the yearly Fund of the South Sea Company (being after the Rste of < This chaptcr fix Founds per Centum per Annum) and fettling on the faid Comp.iny a yearly Fund after ^rinceVbeforlT" the Kate ol five Founds per Centum per Annum redeemable by Parliament •, and to raife fore.i an Annuity or Annuities at five Pounds per Centum per Annum, any Sum not exceeding two Millions, to be imployed in leffening the national Debts and Incumbrances; and for making the laid new yearly Fund and Annuities to be hereafter redeemable in the Time and Man- ner thereby prefcribed. IV/TOST Gracious Sovereign ; Whereas the Capital or Joint Stock of the Governor and Com- FartherFrovi- -LVX pany ot Merchants of Great Britain trading to the South Seas and other Parts of America, and lions relating or en.ouraging the Fifhery, be,ng adjuited and fettled purfuant to feveral Aclrs of Parliament in that t0 ' hls A£l - >ehalf, doth amount to the Sum of ten Millions ; and in refpect thereof a yearly Fund of fix hundred 5 °' *' c ' 3 ' houfand Pounds hath been and is payable to the faid Governor and Company after the Rate of fix pany ot Merchants of Great Britain trading to the South Seas and other Parts of America, and lions rela " fo ' B thuuiiinu rounas natn Deen and is payable to the laid tjovernor and Company . Pounds per Centum per Annum, befides a yearly Sum of eight thoufand Pounds for or towards the Char- ges of the faid Governor and Company for Management, fubjecl neverthelefs to a Provifo contained in 1 one Ail of Parliament of the firft Year of yo„r Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Ail for enlarging the Ca- , Geo. 1. Mat. 2... pital Stock and yearly Fund of the South-Sea Company, and for fupplying thereby eight hundred twenty-two c. 21. thoufand thirty-t'ivo Pounds four Shillings and eight Pence to publick Ufes ; and for. raifing one hundred fix ty- nine tbouj and Pounds for the like Ujes, by Sale of Annuities upon divers Encouragements therein mentioned ' ;. and for appropriating feveral Supplies granted to his Majejh, whereby the faid yearly Sums of fix hundred thoufand Pounds, and eight thoufand Pounds were redeeinabl- upon one Year's Notice, which was to I be given after the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen, and upon Pay- ment as well of the faid Sum of ten Millions, as of all Arrears of the faid yearly Sums, in fuch Manner and rorm as in the faid Provifo of Redemption are prefcribed : And whereas the faid Governor and Com- pany of Merchants of Great_ Britain are willing and contented, in regard the common Rate of Intereft for Money is very much leliened under your Majefty's moll aufpicious Government, to accept from and J nued to them for Management^ fo as they may be fatiified the faid yearly Sums of fix hundred thoufand Pounds and eight thoufand Poinds, until and for the Quarter to end ac the faid Feaft of the Nativity of. J St. 'John Baptijt one thoufand feven hundred and eighteen, and fo as the future Payments of the faid year— • ly Sums of five hundred thoLfand Pounds, and eight thoufand Pounds, may be fecured to them from the faid i'eaft-day, until the Redemption thereof, according to the Tenor and true Meaning of this prefent ' A£t :' Now we youi Majefty's moil dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Commons oLGreat Britain in. Par- liament alTembled, being defrcous to eafe the prefem "Burthen of Debts and Incumbrances, and in due Time the heavy Taxes lying upon this Kingdom, fo far as is confiftent with Honour, Juflice and Equi- ty, do molt humbly beieech your Majefty that it may be enabled ; And he it ena&cd by. the King's moft South-Sea Com. Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of .he Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Com- pany to be paid. mons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by Authority of the fame, That the laid Governor and'" the ^ Company of Merchants of Great Britain trading to the South-Seas,, and other Parts of America,, and forj?""'^", ^ o "~ encouraging the Fifhery, or their SucceiTors, fhall be fully fatisfied, contented- and paid in the firft Place, grbw due on all fuch Monies as are due and unpaid, or at any Time or Times on.or before the faid Feaft of the Nati-24 June 1718 vity of St. John Baptiji one thoufand feven hundred and eighteen inclufively, fhail grow due and remain " the yearly unpaid, or be in Arrear to them, for or upon the faid yearly Fund of fix hundred thoufand Pounds, andg^J^j anA the faid yearly Sum of eight thoufand Pouuds, and either of them, out of the feveral Revenues charged g°°o°l. there ith, or by fuch other Ways and Means as by any former AcT or Aits of. Parliament are provided or prefcribed in that Behalf, II..