Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/219

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A. D. 171 8. Anno quinto Georgii Regis. C. 3. 179

nactcd by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the tenth Day of January one thoufand feven Aft " TO P n -

lundred and eighteen all Tanners, Tawers and Dreflers of Hides and Pieces of Hides and Skins, and all J£'f* ^""'"j Makers of Vellum and Parchment, fhall from Time to Time keep all fuch Hides and Skins and Pieces of Hides, ftefnot' ens hu _L Xdiv.^*l « * • . - — — - — — — ~ ~ ~ j Hides and Skins, Vellum and Parchment, which have not been duly (lamped by the Officers for the faid lumped by the Duties, feparate and apart from all other Hides and Skins and Pieces of Hides and Skins, Vellum and Officers feparate. Parchment, which have been duly (lamped by the Officers for the faid Duties ; and fhall alio from Time to *? b i we 'i h *? h 7 Time keep all fuch Hides and Skins and Pieces of Hides and Skins, and Vellum and Parchment, as from & c p rtj Time to Time (hall have been laft damped by the Officers for the faid Duties, feparate and apart from all ; ' other Hides and Skins and Pieces of Hides and Skins, Vellum and Parchment, which at any Time or Times before fhall have been (lamped by the Officers for the faid Duties, during the refpective Times herein after-mentioned, (that is to fay) within the Limits of the weekly Bills of Mortality by the Space of C A P. III. An Aft for applying certain Overplus Monies, and further Sums to be raifed, as well by way of a Lottery, as by Loans, towards paying off and cancelling Exchequer-bills, and for leffening the prefent great Charge in relation to thole Bills ; and for circulating and ex- changing for ready Money the Refidue of the fame Bills for the future.

  • I. TV /T AY it pleafe your mod Excellent Majefty ; Whereas by an Act of Parliament of the third Year Rcciti, > ° f

XVX of your Majefty's ReLn, intituled, An All for redeeming fcveral Funds of the Governor and Com- the Aft of pany of the B nk of England, piirjuant to former Provifoes of Redemption ; and for fecuring to them f"^cral}^°^p ■' new Funds and Allowances redeemable by Parliament ; and for obliging them to advance further Sums not ex- fions concerning ceeding two Millions five hundred thoufand Pounds, at five Pounds per Centum, as Jlmll be found necejfary to thi: Funds grant- be employed in leffening the National Debts and Incumbranc. made for the Ex'pences of his Majejly's Civil Government ; the Rate of five Pounds per Centum ; and for other Purt.j. Company of the Bank of England, and their Succeffors, for circulating certain Bills, commonly called 13 Geo. 1. c. Exchequer bills, therein mentioned, amounting to two Millions five hundred fixty-one thoufand and twenty-five Pounds, or thereabouts, in principal Money, and for exchanging the fame for ready Money on Demand, are entitled to an Annuity or yearly Sum of feventy-fix thoufand eight hundred and thirty- Pounds fifteen Shillings (being an Allowance after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, com- puted upon the faid Sum of two Millions five hundred fixty-one thoufand and twenty-five Pounds) fub- ject neverthelefs to a Provifo of Redemption in that Act contained, upon fuch Notice as is thereby pre- ferred ; which Annuity or yearly Allowance is by the fame Act charged upon and made payable out of the Monies arifen or to arife at the Receipt of the Exchequer of or for certain particular Duties on Houfes, and of or for feveral other Duties and Revenues, called the Aggregate Fund in that Act, and in former Acts relating to the faid Fund more particularly mentioned and defcribed, in the Order and Conrfe, and with fuch Preference as is thereby directed ; and by the Act firft above-mentioned it is enacted and de- clared, That as well the faid particular Duties on Houfes, and the Duties, Revenues and Incomes com- pofing the faid Aggregate Fund, and all other Duties which were fettled for Payment of a former yearly Sum of one hundred and fix thoufand five hundred and one Pounds thirteen Shillings and five Pence, and the Interefl and Allowances relating to former Exchequer-bills therein mentioned, fhould be continued, but be difpofable to and for the feveral and refpeitive Ufes and Purpofes appointed by that Act and fub- ject to the feveral Provifoes of Redemption therein contained ; and that all the Monies of the faid Du- ties, Revenues and Incomes, which fhould or ought to be brought into the Receipt of the Exchequer (except the neceflary Charges for railing, collecting, levying, iffuing, paying and accounting for the fame) fhould be and are thereby appropriated, and fhould be iilued and applied to and for the Payment and Satisfaction of feveral yearly and other Sums in the faid Act particularly exprefTed, in their due Courfe and with fuch Preferences as are thereby appointed ; amongft which Payments an exprefs Provifion is made for Payment of the faid Annuity or Allowance of feventy-fix thoufand eight hundred and thirty Pounds fifteen Shillings per Annum, and for anfwering all Demands of Interefl due and to be due upon the faid Ex- chequer-bills as is therein mentioned. And by the fame Act it was declared and enacted, That the Excels or Surplus which, at the End of every or any Quarter of a Year (reckoning the Quarters to end at the ufual Feafl-days) (hould or might be produced by the faid feveral Rates, Duties, Revenues and Incomes thereby appropriated, and (hould remain in the Exchequer (over and above the Money thru due or demand- able for or upon the feveral Annuities, Allowances and other Payments therein before-mentioned, or any Arrears of the fame) (hould attend the Difpofition of Parliament, and be applied according to Act or Acts of Parliament in that Behalf, and not otherwife. And it was thereby declared and enacted, That any Vote or Refolution of the Houfe of Commons, fignified by the Speaker of the faid Houfe in Wri- ting, and delivered at the publick Office of the faid Governor and Company, fhould be deemed and A a 2 adj udged