Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/244

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204 C". 18. Anno quinto Georgii Regis. A. D. 1718, Curets of Fifli { a d Proprietor of the faid Salt, daring all the feveral Intervals of the refpefiive fifhing Seafons; the Pro- '.'.' Ex?°fc7' i Cn P r ' e tor or Proprietors, or his or their Agent or Agents, entring at the next Office for the Duty en Salt r»J?o*Vi"ft n ^ e re fr ec ^' ve Quantities of foreign or Britijh Salt fo lodged by him or them, from Time to Time, as Salt without aforefaid; and the faid Officer keeping an Account of every refpective Quantity of the faid Salt fo en, Tury, except the tred and lodged in his Cuftody as aforefaid; and that at the Beginning of every of the feveral fifhing Sca- c Ui l°S ls -' u )ons the Proprietor or Proprietors of the faid Salt, or his or their Agent cr Agents, fhall make Oath i«  veigheTand. W-Mt'ing before the Officer for the Duty on Salt, at the Office nearett to the Place where the faid Salt is warehoufed. lodged, declaring the Quantity of the foreign or Britifi Salt refpectively lodged as aforefaid; and that?.ll- By 6 Geo. i. the faid Salt is intended for the curing of Fiih for Exportat : on only, and fhall not by his or their Order, c 11. fee. 51. Con lent or Connivance, directlv or indirectly, be fold, given away or any ways delivered, but for the u'rna tftumed Purpofe aforefaid; after which Oath fo made as aforefaid,- and filed up by the faid Officer in his faid Office over as Stock in f" 01 ' the Duty on Salt as aforefaid, the Officer in whofe joint Cuftody with the Propiieior or Proprietors- Hand, &c. his or their Agent or Agents, the Salt has continued during the Interval of the fifhing Seafon, fhall deli- Ac every fifhing V er into the fole Cuftody of the faid Proprietor or Proprietors, his or their Agent or Agents, all the faid Seaftn Propne- g a j t f or t ^ e cur; n g f pifl^ taken during the faid fifhing Seafon; and that at the End of every fifhing Sea- Oath'of'the f° n the Officer for the faid Duty on Salt fhall take a particular Account of the Quantities of foreign and Quantity, and Britifi Salt refpectively remaining in Hand; which remaining Salt fhall be immediately locked up in the that it is for cu- joint Cuftody of the faid Officer and Proprietor or Proprietors, his or their Agent or Agents as aforefaid j. rmgFi(hforEx- anc j the j a ^ proprietor or Proprietors, his or their Agent or Agents of the faid Salt, ufing the faid Salt as ThSciaufe l- a f orei aid fhall, as foon as poffible, after the End of every fifhing Seafon, deliver alfo an Account in Wri- teied and ex- ting into the faid Office for the Duty on Salt as aforefaid, containing the Quantity of Fifh exported or en- plained and far- tred and (hipped to be exported, on which the Salt taken away after its Delivery into the fole Cuftody of ther Provifions t he faid Proprietor or Proprietors, his or their Agent or Agents, has been ufed or confirmed, together with ™^ e ' a Certificate or Certificates by the proper Officers of the feveral Ports where the faid Fifh were (hipped for fee '"'a', Exportation, verifying the faid Account; which Certificates the faid Officers are hereby directed to give & 8 Geo'. 1. gratis; which faid Account, delivered into the faid Office as aforefaid, fhall be affirmed by the Oath of c. 16. fee. 1. & the faid Proprietor or Proprietors ufing the faid Salt as aforefaid, or his or their Agent or Agents who have 31 Geo. 1. c.30. u r e< ] the f arne , anc j {"hal] remain in the faid Office, to the End that the Quantity of Fifh cured for Expor- Th'enVhe 4 Saltto t:at ' on zn & the Quantity of Salt ufed in curing the faid Fifh may, from Time to Time, appear upon Oath,. be delivered to and be compared together; and in cafe any of the faid Salt fhall be delivered over to any other Perfons r ihe Proprietor, and ufed by them in curing of Fiih, the feveral Quantities of Salt fo delivered over fhall be expreffed in After fifhing the faid Account; and each Perfon to whom fuch Salt fhall be fo delivered, or his Agent fhall likewife up- Seafon al jAc- on Q atn m ake another Account of the particular Quantity of fuch Salt ufed by each of them in the curing, ken of the re-* of Fifh fo exported or fhipped for Exportation as aforefaid; which faid Account, together with proper maining Salt, Certificates as aforefaid, fhall likewife be tranfmitted into the Office aforefaid, there to remain for the Pur- and to be ware- pofes above-mentioned : But if fuch Proprietor or Proprietors, his or their Agent or Agents, or any other ho.ufed. p . r0 " Perfon or Perfons to whom any Quantity of Salt fhall be by them delivered over as aforefaid fhall, for the an 'Account 'of Space of hx Months after the End of every refpective fifhing Seafon, neglect or refufe to deliver fuch Ac- the Quantity of count attefted upon Oath as aforefaid, fuch Proprietor or Proprietors, and fuch other Perfon or Perfons as Fifh exported on aforefaid, fhall for every fuch Offence forfeit forty Pounds. which the Salt was ufed, &c. Salt delivered over to any other to be accounted for. Penalty. ' II. And to the End that no Fart of the Salt delivered Into the fole Cuftody of the Proprietor orProprie- ' tors thereof, or of his or their Agent or Agents, or by them to any other Perfons, for the curing of Fifh ' for Exportation only, during the faid feveral fifhing Seafons, may be fold, given away or otherwife deli—

  • vered or ufed, directly or indirectly, but for the Purpofe aforefaid; and to obviate the Frauds which the

4 publick Revenue would otherwife be expofed to by the prefent Relaxation of the former Laws and the Every Bufhel of ' Indulgence intended hereby to the fair Trader :' Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That for Salt taken out every Bufhel of Salt fo taken out of the Cellars or Salt-works, which fhall not be accounted for in the of the Cellars, manner above-mentioned, by the Oaths of the Perfons and proper Certificates, or by Certificate from the ed for* forfeit""" Juftices of the Peace at the Quarter-feffions, that Proof was there made that fuch Sa't was put on board io s. ' any Boat or Veffel for curing of Fifh at Sea, and was there taken by Enemies or otherwife loft or perifhed at Sea, or fhall not be returned into or found remaining at the End of every fifhing Seafon in the Cellars or Warehoufes as aforefaid, the Proprietor or Proprietors thereof, his or their Agent or Agents who took out the fame, or the Perfon or Perfons to whom the fame or any Part thereof was delivered for curing of Fifh as aforefaid, fhall refpectively, according to each of their refpe£tive Quantities with which they ftand Such Salt fold, accountable, forfeit and pay the Sum of twenty Shillings; and every fuch Perfon felling, giving away, given away, ufed ufing or delivering any fuch Salt, or confenting or being any ways privy to the felling, giving away, ufing, or bought other- Qr delivering fuch Salt, directly or indirectly, otherwife than for the Purpofes aforefaid, fhall forfeit, pay ringFifh~Va>feits ail( " undergo the Penalties and Punifhments herein after-mentioned; that is to fay, every Proprietor of 20s. the Bufhel. fuch Salt, 'or his Agent, for eveiy Bufnel of fuch Salt fo fold, given away, ufed or delivered, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of twenty Shillings; one third Part thereof to the Uie of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the Remainder thereof to fuch Perfon that fhall inform or fue for the fame; and every other Perfon buying, taking or ufing any fuch Salt, otherwife than for the Purpofes aforefaid and in the manner aforefaid, lhall forfeit and pay the Sum of twenty Shillings for every Bufhel of Salt fo bought, de- livered or ufed, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer Quantity; one third Part thereof for the Ufe of his