Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/246

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206 C. 18. Anno quinto Georgii Regis. A. D. 1718, z H - 6 - '• '>• containing thirty-two Gallons, two Shillings and eight Pence; for every Barrel of full red Herrings, con> ztfia u "c tamlr 'g thirty-two Gallons, one Shilling and nine Pence; for every Barrel _of clean fhotten red herrings, 1 1 H. '?. c. 23.'. containing thirty-two Gallons, one Shilling; for every Laft of dried red Sprats, one Shilling; and fo in 3»K8. e.z. proportion for a greater or lefier Quantity of all and every the faid Kinds cfFifh, fhall be paid by the ■z&iEd.e. Officer appointed to collect the Duties on Salt in the fame Port from whence any fuch Fifh fhall be c.6. ^ ^ exported, within thirty Days after Demand thereof, on a Debenture to be prepared by the Collector of s 'ki. 'e. 7 .' t ' le ^- u rt° ms in the Port where fuch Fifh fhall be entred out for Exportation, and verified by the Perfori exe- 39 F.I. c. Jo. curing the Office of Searcher in fuch Port, as to the Quantity of Fifh actually {hipped; and that the Oath 4.3 El. c. 9. of the Exporter or Agent be firft taken before the principal Officers of the faid Port before the Debenture j jac. 1. c. allowed (who are hereby required and invowered to give the faid Oath) That the Fifh in fuch De- ii&'il&r"- Venture mentioned were Britiflj taken, and really exported to or for Parts beyond the Seas, and not re- c 2 g "'landed, or intended to be relanded in Great Britain, for which Debenture no Fee or Reward fhall be taken; 15 Car. 2. c. 7 and in cafe the Officer hereby directed to pay fuch Debenture. fhall not have fufficient Money in his Hands £f 16. to pay the fame, then upon Certificate thereof by him made (which Certificate he is hereby required td -l&r"'^^ Party gratis, and without Delay) the principal Commiffioners for managing his Majefty's Revenue 32 Car. s.rf..a. °f Fxcife upon Salt for the Time being, fnall be chargeable with the faid Payment, to be made in Courfe 10 & ii W. 3. out of the firft Money in their Hands arifing out of the faid Duties upon Salt; and the faid Debentures for c. 24 c? 25. Fifh exported from Scotland, fhall be paid by the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms or Excife in Scotland at the 4 J«n. c. 15. Option of the Merchant, in the fame Manner as Debentures for Fifh exported are novy by Law made t%L ™z6. 21 ' Pj^kle; and any Officer neglecting or refufmg to pay the faid Money, or to give fuch Certificate as is here j Gil'i. '-. is. directed, fhall forfeit double the Sum fo to be paid, to the Party grieved, to be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no EfToin, Protection, or Wager of Law mail be allowed; Officers to 'cut and that it fhall and may be lawful for the Officers for the faid Duties on Salt, upon the Exportation of T F -V Hl f (" ft «T, any C^hfh, Ling or Hake, and before the fame fhall be laid on board for Exportation, to cut off" Part of &c! befoie tile' the Tail of evei 7 ^ch Codfifh, Ling or Hake, to the Intent it may be known that fuch Codfifh, Ling or Exportation, Hake hath been exported, and Allowances obtained on Exportation thereof, in cafe the fame fhall be re- ar-ritomaik landed or re- imported; and alfo that it fhall be lawful, upon the Exportation of any Pilchards, Scads, the Barrels white Herrings*, red Herrings, Salmon, or dried red Sprats, and before the fame fhall be laid on board for irds'fec P 'ite ' ^ x P ortat ' 011 5 to mark any Calk, Barrel, or other Veffel, wherein any fuch Hlchards, Scads, white Her- rings, red Herrings, Salmon, or dried red Sprats, fhall be exported, to the Intent it may be known that fuch Pilchards, Scads, white Herrings, red Herrings, Salmon, or dried red Sprats, have been exported, and Allowance obtained on Exportation of the fame, in cafe the fame be relanded or re-imported; and Such Fifii re- that in cafe any Codfifh, Ling or Hake, or any Pilchards, Scads, white Herrings, red Herrings, Salmon, lar.jed, furteited. or dried red Sprats, fhall (after the fame fnall be exported) be fraudulently relanded in Great Britain, or re-imported, all the faid Fifh fo relanded or re-imported, fhall be forfeited and loft, and double the Valua No AlWa thereof, to be recovered of the Importer or Proprietor thereof; and that no Allowance fhall be paid out of forusiferchant- the ^ a '^ Duties on Salt for or on account of the Exportation of any Fifh that fhall not be well cured, or able F-iti. fhall be unmerchantable. Oflic-n miy ' VII. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for the Officers houf- m t° v V " e ~ f° r the faid Duties on Salt, at all Times when Fifh are curing, bulking or packing, and at all other theF^curing- Times, in the Day (or in the Night in the Pretence of a Conftable, or other lawful Officer of the Peace) Sec. ' to enter and come into the Cellars and Warehoufes of all Curers of Fifh, to view and infpect them, during the Time of their curing Fifh; and to gauge the Salt when they fhall think it neceffary for the Refuting officer dikovering of any Frauds; and to mark the Calks wherein the Fifh are put up for Exportation, and to fee forfeits 20I. them exported; and if any Perfoft or Perfons fhall obftruct or hinder any of the faid Officers in the Perfor- mance of their Duties aforefaid, then and in every fuch Cafe, the Perfon offending therein fhall forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds. Pifliteftorfpoi!- VIII. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That where any Fifh entitled by Law to any Shi^rfcee^ on P rc:rn ' uln or Allowance upon Exporta.ion thereof, fhall be loaden for Exportation, and duly entred and he r F yoyage td" P a ^- ^7 the proper Officer, at any Time after the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred be allowed the an; i nineteen, and the faid Fifh fhall be loft or fpoiled before the Ship's proceeding on her Voyage, as Bouncy. 'aforefaid, then ths proper Officer of the Port or Ports where the faid Hfh fo loft or fpoiled was or fhall be entred, fhall be obliged, upon due Proof thereof made upon Oath before any of the chief Of- ficers of fuch Port, who have hereby Power to adminifter the fame, by the Proprietor or Proprietors of the faid Fifh, or his or their Agents, to make out Debentures for the Premium or Bounty of the faid Fifhj as if the faid Fifh had been actually exported to Parts beyond the Seas; provided the faid Fifh was funk in the Sea or Port where the faid Ship was loft, or deftroyed in the Sight of the proper Officer where any of the laid Fifh fhall come afhore, and that no Ufe be made of the faid Fifh by the Proprietor or Proprietors, or his or their Agents; and that the faid Officer is hereby required to caufe fuch Fifh to be burnt, or other- Prnvifo for the ,'iie deftroyed; any Thing in this or any other Act to the contrary notwithftanding. ' IX, And whereas the Shiu Severn Galley of Brif ' ^jlley of Brijhl being in the River oi.Brijtol in or about the Month Ge -"It Gaik-v' °^ refoyary one thoufand feven hundred and eighteen, and the Ship George Galley of London being ia the Ship James ' L-ijiaJf Road in or about the Month of October one thoufand feven hundred and feventeen, and the Ship cfLeith. ' James of Leiib being in the Port of Cqfton in the Ifles of Orkneys in or about the Month of December one thoufand feven hundred and thirteen, the faid Ships were, by Strefs of Weather, or other Accidents, fe- verally caft away and loft in or very near the refpective Ports where the fame were loaden, and at the Times of their being refpectively loft-, the faid Ships were feverally loaden with Fifh, and other Goods, ' for