Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/293

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A. D. 1 7 19. Anno iexto Georgii Regis. C. 4. 253 above-mentioned Term of thirty-two Years, relating tt> the faiJ Lottery-annuities J or to particular Eftates or Interefts therein, who lhall be willing to depart with, and fliall lubferibe the fame, fo that the faid G ■ vernor and Company may effe&ualiy take in thofe Lottery-annuities, or any of them, for the laid whole Term, of twenty-three Years ; and there (hall be entred in the iiook or Books laft meniioned, every.. ■ nuity fo payable by Lottery-tickets for the faid remaining Term of twenty-three Years, which fh: I taken in, as afore faid, and the particular Duties, Revenues, P'unds, or other Provisions, whereupon evi iuch Lottery-annuity was charged, or by or out of which the fame was to be paid ; and there fliall be alio entred in the fame Book or Books, fuch Price or Prices as lhall be agreed upon between the Corporation of the faid Governor and Company, or their Agent or Agents, on their Behalf, on the one Part, and the fame refp.ftive Proprietors, or fuch as lhall be lawfully impowered or intrufled on their Behalf, on the other Part, for every fuch Annuity fo to be payable by Lottery-tickets during the faid remaining Term of twenty-three Years ; which Price or Prices lhall alfo be anfwered by the faid Corporation of the faid Go- vernor and Company, either in ready Money or otherwife, to the Satisfaction of the refpective Proprietors, or thofe intrufted by or for them, at or upon their fubferibing to the refpective Entries relating to them in the Book or Books laft mentioned ; and there mall likewife be entred in the fame Book or Books the Ad- ditions which are to be made to the prefent capital Stock of the faid Governor and Company, after the laid Rate of fourteen Years Purchafe, for taking in the faid Lottery-annuities for the faid remaining Term of twenty-three Years, as aforefaid : And moreover, in the fame Book or Books there fhall be entred the new Additions which are to be made to the prefent Annuity or yearly Fund of the laid Governor and Company in refpeft, of fuch their new additional capital Stock ; which new Additions to their Annuity or yearly Fund, are to commence from Michaelmas one thoufand feven hundred and nineteen, and to be pay- able after the faid Rate of five Pounds per Centum -per Annum, until the faid twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-feven inclufively, and afterwards at the faid Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum, until Redemption by Parliament, according to the Purport and true Meaning of this Aft. c which Annuities are now payable after the like Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Ann/an, do by Compu- tation amount to ten millions feven hundred twenty-three thoufand fix hundred and feventy Pounds ele- 1 ven Shillings and three Pence three Farthings, or thereabouts ; in all to eleven millions {even hundred ' feventy-nine thoufand fix hundred and fixty founds eleven Shillings and three Pence three Farthings, or ' thereabouts, Part of the above-mentioned principal Sums, computed to- amount to fixteen millions five ' hundred forty-fix thoufand four hundred eighty-two Pounds feven Shillings and one Penny Farthing, or ' thereabouts ; which the faid Governor and Company have undertaken to pay off at the Rate of one fum- ' dred Pounds per Centum, on or before the faid firft Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and twenty- j one:' It is therefore hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Managers and Managers t» Directors fo to be conftituted, as aforefaid, lhall according to fuch Directions as they fliall receive in goekswrTh Co- Writing from the faid Com million ers of the Treafury, or any three or more of them, or the High Trea- i onraSr f or en f furer for the Time being, prepare or caufe to be prepared one or more other Book or Books, wherein lhall tring the Prin- be entred, under proper Titles or Prefaces, and in proper Columns, every principal Sum which lhall have c ip 3 ' Sums paid- been actually paid off by the faid Governor and Company in ready Money, or otherwife, to the refpective ° ft b ? tn = Sou th- Proprietors of the faid principal Sums fo computed to amount to eleven millions feven hundred feventy^^p"™^"^ nine thoufand fix hundred and fixty Pounds eleven Shillings and threepence three Farthings, or.there-=- f the principal abouts, after the faid Rate of one hundred Pounds per Centum, and proportionably for greater or lefl'er Sums at 5 1. per Sums; and the refpective Days and Times when every fuch Payment lhall have been made,, and the C6nt - Names of the refpective Proprietors who fhall have received the fame, the particular Duties, Revenues, Funds or Provisions for which the faid Intereft-monies or Annuities after the faid Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum were charged, or by or out of which the fame were refpeftively payable; and there lhall be alfo entred iathe fame Book or Books the new Additions which are to be made to the prefent capital Stock of the faid Governor and Company, after the Rate of one hundred Pounds for every oiife hundred Pounds fo paid off by them, and the new Additions which are to be made to the prefent Arir nuity or yearly Fund of the faid Governor and Company, in refpeft of the fame new additional Stock. or Stocks ;. which Additions to their prefent Annuity or yearly Fund are to commence from the quarterly Feaft-day, or half-yearly Feaft-day on which thofe Annuities or Intereft-monies are now payable, and laft. preceding the Time of taking in fuch Annuities and Debts refpeftively ;. and are to be alfo payable after the .faid Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annnm, until the faid twenty- fourth Day of June one thou- fand feven hundred and twenty-feven inclufively, and afterwards at the P.ate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum, until Redemption by Parliament, according to the Purport and. true Meaning of this Aft.. ' X. And whereas the above-mentioned principal Sums, now. carrying Intereft after the faid Rate of f otherB&te- ' four Pounds per Centum per Annum, do by Computation amount to one million feven hundred fifteen s um s pjidoff^o 'thoufand three hundred and twenty Pounds, or thereabouts,, as aforefaid ; and the principal Sums for the Proprietors ' which Annuities are now payable after the like Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum, do by of the principal • ' Computation amount to three millions fifty-one thoufand. five hundred and one Pounds fifteen Shil-^ ums at 4 1 - P«  ' lings and nine Pence Half-penny, or thereabouts ; in all, to four millions feven hundred fixty-fix tho.ur cnvum " c [and eight hundred twenty-one Pounds fifteen Shilings and nine PenceHalf-penny, or thereabouts, be- ^ ing_ other Part of the above-mentioned principal Sums computed to amount to fixteen millions five hundred;