Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/294

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254- C. 4. Anno fexto Georgii Regis. A. D. 1719.. ' hundred forty-fix thoufand four hundred eighty-two Pounds feven Shillings and one Penny Farthing, or ' thereabouts ; which the faid Governor and Company have undertaken to pay ofF at the like Rate of one ' hundred Pounds per Centum, on or before the faid tint Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and ' t wenty-one :' It is therefore hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Managers and Directors fo to be conftitULed, as aforefaid, fhall according to fuch Directions as they fhall receive in Wri, ting from the faid Commiffioners of the Treafury, or any three or more of them, or the High i reafurer for the Time being, prepare or caufe to be prepared one or more other Book or Books, wherein fhall be entred, under proper Titles cr Prefaces, and in proper Columns, every principal Sum which fhall have been actually paid off by the faid Governor and Company in ready Money, or otherwife, to the refpective Proprietors of the faid principal Sums fo computed to amount to four millions feven hundred fixty-fix iar Duties, Revenues, Funds or Provifions, for which the faid Intereft-monies or Annuities after the faid Rate of four Pounds per C ntum per Annum were charged, or by or out of which the fame were refpec- tiveiy payable ; and there fhall alio be entred in the fame Book cr Books, the new Additions which are to be made to the prefent capital Stock. of the faid Governor and Company, after the faid Rate of one hun- dred Pounds for every one hundred Pounds fo paid oft by them, and the new Additions which are to be made to the prefent Annuity or yearly Fund of the faid Governor and Company, in refpect of the fame new additional Stock or Stocks ; which Additions to their prefent Annuity or yearly Fund are to commence from the quarterly Feaft-day, or half-yearly Feaft-day on which thofe Annuities or .Intereft-monies are now payable, and laft preceding the Time of taking in fuch Annuities and Debts refpectively ; and to be alio payable at the like Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum, until the faid twenty-fourth Day of "June owe thoufand feven hundred and twenty-feven inclufively; and afterwards at the like Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum, until Redemption by Parliament, according to the Purport and true Mean- ing of this Act. Ana -other Books ■' XL And whereas the faid Governor and Company may come to an Agreement with fome or all of forer.tring the « the Proprietors of the above-mentioned principal Sums now carrying Intereft at the faid refpective Rates principal Sums c Q f £ ve p ounc j s and four Pounds per Centum per Annum, before Satisfaction of thofe principal Sums re- ftription^iii" " ' fpe&ively, or with thofe who are or fhall be intrufted by or for them, or fome of them, and with fome Money or its ' or all of the Proprietors of the above-mentioned principal Sums for which redeemable Annuities are ~Vzi*. in Sto:It_) * now payable after the faid refpective Rates of five Pounds and four Pounds per Centum per Annum, or lhall be paid off <■ w hh thofe who are or fhall be intrufted by or for them, or fome of them (all which principal Sums are 'edf m'bl- 6 ' '" tms computed to amount in the Whole to fixteen millions five hundred forty-fix th-ufand four Funds. '" ' hundred eighty-two Pounds feven Shillings and one Penny Farthing, or thereabouts, as aforefaid) in ' purfuance of which Agreement, fuch Proprietors or fome of them, or thofe intrufted by them, may be ' ' willing and defirous, at fome Time or Times before the faid firft Day of March one thoufand feven hun- ' dred and twenty-one, to accept their Payment and Satisfaction of and for fuch their principal Sums in ' Money, at the faid Rate of one hundred Pounds per Centum, or by Stock at fuch Price or Prices as fhall

  • be agreed upon between them and the faid Governor and Company, and accordingly to fubfcribe the
  • fame'in the Book or Books before-mentioned, or in feveral Books to be prepared for that Purpofe, al-

4 though fuch Notice or Notices as are required by any Law or Laws now in Force, be or be not given for ' the Payment of the faid principal Sums, or any of them, and without inditing upon any Time or Times ' allowed by Law, after the giving fuch Notice or Notices :' It is therefore provided and further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Managers and Directors to be con ituted and appointed in pur- fuance of this Act, or fuch or fo many of them, as aforefa d, according, to fuch Directions as thy fhall, from Time to Time, receive in Writing from the faid Commiffioners of the Treafury, or any three or more of them, or the High Treafurer for the Time being, if thereto requefted by the Court of 'Directors of the faid Governor and Company for the Time being, and fuch Requeft be figniiied in Writing under the Hands of any feventeen, or more of them, or under the Common Seal of the faid Company, and not ■other .vife, fhall prepare or caufe to be prepared one or more other Book or Books, or feveral other Books, wherein {hall be entred, under proper Titles or Prefaces, and in proper Columns, all and every the prin- cipal Sums which fhall be fo paid off" by the faid Governor and Company in ready Money, at the faid Rate of one hundred Pounds per Centum, or bv fuch Stock as fhall be accepted in lieu thereof, by or in purfuance of fuch Subfcriptions, and the Names of the refpective Proprietors who fhall be fo paid or fa- tisfied, and the particular Duties, Revenues,_ Funds, or other Provilions on which the principal Mo- nies laft mentioned, or the faid redeemable Intereft or Annuities payable in refpect of the fame were charged, or by cr out of which the fame were refpectively payable, and the new Additions which are to be made to the prefent capital Stock of the faid Governor and Company in refpect thereof, at the faid Rate of one hundred Pounds for every one hundred Pounds principal Money fo taken in by fuch Subfcrip- tions, and. the new Additions which are to be made to the prefent Annuity or yearly Fund of the faid Go- vernor and Company, in refpect of fuch their new additional Stock or Stocks; which Additions to their prefent Annuity or yearly Fund, fhall be after the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum, for fo much of fuch their new capital Stock as they are to have for paying off fuch of the faid principal Sums which carry Intereft or Annuities after the faid Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum, and fhall. be zkex the Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum, for fo much of fuch their new capital Stock as. they are