Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/337

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A. D. 1719. Anno iexto GnotiGii Regis. C. 13. 297 mentioned Sizes be fully twelve Inches in Length, _fr»m the Heel to the Toe, and not above five Inches, i:or under four Inches in Breadth : That all Stockings for Women or Boys, fliall not be above twenty- four, nor under twenty-two Inches in Length, from the Top to the Heel, and not above fix and an Half, nor under fix Inches in Breadth at the Top, nor above five and an Half, nor under five Inches in Breadth at the narrower!: Place of the Ankle; and the Stockings of twenty-four Indies in Length, to be nine Inches from the Top to the narroweft Part of the Ham, and twelve Inches from the Top to the broadeft Partof'the Ham ; and thole of twenty-two Inches in Length, to b; (even Inches from the Top to the narrowed Part of the Ham, and ten Inches from the Top to the broadeft Part of the Ham ; that the Feet of filch Womcns and Boys Stockings to be fully nine Inches long, from the Heel <o t)ie Toe, and not above four, nor under three and an Half Inches in Breadth ; which Pattern's fo mat ke I by them, as afore- laid, fliall lie op:n in the Cultody of the feverr.l and refpective Starrib-rhalters for all Persons to fee. III., And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Magi! 'rates, of the Chief or Head Boroughs Royal of every refpective Shire, County or Stev/artrj in Scotland, fliall be and are hereby impow- ~ rrcd and appointed, from Time to Time, to n ake or caufe to be. mad; a Stamp or Stamps bearing the to'protide Anns of the refpective Boroughs, and to appoint a fit Perfon or Perfons lor infpecling or ftamping all fuch Stamps and ij>. Serges, Bladings, Fingrums and Stockings, brought to be ftamped,' of the Lengths, Breadths, and Quali- point Perfons f i )oint Fingrums and Stockings, are fold within the refpective Counties, as their Juftices of the Peace, or Com- ke D Tin u° oper milTiontrs of Supply fliall think proper; and that no Stamp-matter fliall, for himfelf or any other Perfon Places, or Perfons, trade, traffick, buy, fell or difpofe of any fuch Serges, Pladings, Fingrums and Stockings, stamp-maf'ers directly or indirectly, or fliall flamp any fuch Serges, Pladings, Fingrums and Stockings, which are not. fta J. lnct ,ra<is made of well-forted Yarn, equally wrought, and of equal Finenefs from one End of the Piece to the other, ^ c u ^ or ^^' and of fuch Breadths, Lengths, Sizes and Scantlings, as aforefaid, he or they fo neglecting or ofFehding, any' othefwite fhall .-forfeit for every Piece of fuch Serges, Pladings and Fingrums, the Sum of twenty Shilling;, and fbrmade than as every dozen Pair of Stockings, not fo made and wrought, as aforefaid, the Sum of twenty Shillings, and tile A<a dlrec ^ s » ill all be made incapable of ferving in any fuch Office for the future ; and if any Perfon or Perfons in that"" Pe ? alty . of , Part of Great Britain aforefaid, fhall buy, export or tranfport, or carfy to the Water-fide, in order to bei nca ' P 2 C ; t ' f or exported or tranfported, any fuch Serges, Pladings, Fingrums or Stockings of Scot/and, after the firft Day the Future. of December which fliall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred, and twenty, before the Exporting fuch Stamp be fixed, as aforefaid, he or they fo offending, and being thereof convicted fhall, for each Piece of Ser S"< '&<:. b e- fuch Serge, Pladings and Fingrums, forfeit the Sum of twenty Shillings Sterling, and for every dozen ' orl : ? a ™P Pair of fuch Stockings, the Sum of twenty Shillings Sterling ; and if any Perfon fliall affix or tl^Vtex l°i any Stamp without the Authority aforefaid, fuch Perfon or Perfons fo offending fliall forfeit refpectively f or every dozen the Sum of five Pounds Sterling, or fix Months Imprifonment if found infolvent. , Pair of Stock- ings. Counterfeiting the Stamp to forfeit 5]; or fix Months Imprifonment, if insolvent. IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Deans of Gilds, of the feverai Deans of Gilds, Head Boroughs of the refpective Counties fliall, and are hereby declared to be the fole Judge within the Heretors of refpective Borough, and the faid Dean of Gild, together with the Heretors or Proprietors of all and every y™J s * f c ' j-_ publick Fair or Market, or any having their Authority, are hereby declared to be jointly Judges of the/ en( f cs aEa j n K. Offences committed againft this prefent Act ; and in default of the faid Dean of Gild, or of the faid Matter this Aft. of the Fair or Market, or his Deputy, that either of the faid Judges fliall be the fole Judge of fuch Offence committed in fuch Places, Villages, Fairs and Maikets, where the aforefaid Goods; Wares and Merchan- dizes fliall be vended or expefedto Sale, as aforefaid, to and for all and every the Intents hereby fpecified and contained touching the fame accordingly. V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all fuch Serges, Pladings, Fingrums Scr S cs > &<:. and Stockings already made and wrought, and which fliall be hereafter made and wrought in Scotland^ a f ' °^ !J a jj e ' which are not of the Length, Breadth, Scantlings and Sizes herein before-mentioned and provided touch^ ade - ee ' t - , e ing the fame and every of them which fhall be fo made and wrought before the faid firft Day of September Sept. r. i-z6. which fliall be in' the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and twenty, fhall and may be fold-, ™t of the vended, exported or 'tranfported as the refpective Owners and Proprietors thereof fhall judge proper anc j Sizes before- think fit, before the firft Day of December which in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hun-j^^ed or™^ dred and twenty, fo as the fame, or any of them may not become forfeited, or liable to the fevtral and re-expoited before fpective Forfeitures and Penalties in this Act mentioned and contained touching the fame. -Decemb. i. .1720. VI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Weaver or Weavers, or otherPenaity on Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, from and after the faid firft Day of September, fliall make, work, or .Weavers worfc- caufe to be made and wrought any of the aforefaid Serges, Pladings, Fingrums and Stockings, otherwife'^f ^er^ffc' than conformable and according to the aforefaid Regulations and Refirictions herein before-mentioned and , than conform- explained touching the fame, and fhall be thereof convicted by the Oaths of two or more credible Wit- su k to me •Vol. V. Q_q lieffes i -;