Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/338

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298 O. 14. Anno fcxto Georgii Regis. A. D. 1719. ne'fles, (hall forfeit the Sum of twenty Shillings Sterling, and the faid Goods {hall alio be confifcated t» the Ufe of the Informer, and fuch OfFender or Offenders (hall alfo moreover pay the Value of fuch Goods to the respective Owner and Owners thereof. VII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Owner and Owners of fuch Goods, before the fame fhall be fo marked and ftamped as aforefaid, mail firft pay or caufe to be paid unto the fame Stamp-mafter for every Piece of fuch Serge, Pladings and Fingrums, fo to be by them mark- ed and ftampt as aforefaid, the Sum of one Penny per Piece ; and for every Dozen of fuch Stockings fo to be by them marked and ftampt as aforefaid, the Sum of two Pence per Dozen. VIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Offender Ihall, by the Space of ten Days next after he fhall be convicted of any of the Offences aforefaid, refufe or negleft to pay any Forfeiture by him incurred by reafon or means of this prefent Act, then and not before it fhall and may be lawful for the Judge or judges reflectively aforefaid, before whom fuch Conviction fhall be made, and fuch Judge or Judges are hereby required to iffue out one or more Warrants under his or their Hands and Seals to the refpective Officer or Officers, or to the Conftable of the Town or Place where fuch Offender doth inhabit or can be found, within the Limits of their refpective Jurifdictions, to levy the fame by Diftrefs of the Offender's Goods, returning the Overplus (if any be) to the Offender, and if no fuch Diftrefs can be found, to commit the Offender to the Houfe of Correction, or Gaol of the County or Corporation, to be detained for fuch Time as the Judge or Judges, before whom fuch Conviction fhall be made, fhall direct, not exceeding three Months for any one Offence. IX. Provided always, and be it enacted, That the Penalties incurred by reafon of this Act, be inflicted within fixty Days next after the Offences be committed or difcovered. X. And be it further enacted, That if any Perfon orPerfons do or fhall find him or themfelves aggrieved by any Order or Warrant made by any of the Judge or Judges upon any Conviction before him or them, appeal to Qu_ar- j n pur f uance f t hj s Act, fuch Perfon or Perfons may appeal to the next General Quarter- feffions of the »"dhe°ju(?ices Peace, to be held for the County or Place where fuch Conviction fhall be made, giving fufficient Notice may allow Cofts. of fuch Appeal ; and if the Juftices of the Peace at fuch Seffion fhall think fit to confirm or difannul the faid Order or Warrant, they fhall allow fuch Cofts and Charges to the Party aggrieved thereby as they fhall think reafonable, to be levied and paid in fuch manner as is ufual in other Cafes of Appeals from the Orders of any Juftices of the Peace to the Quarter-feffions. . above Regula- tions. zoGeo. t. e. iS. Owner to pay the Stamp- -mafter i d. per Piece for Ser- ges, &c. and a d. per Dozen tor Stockings. Forfeitures not paid within ten Days after Con- viction may be levied by Di- Itrefs. If no Diftrefs, Offender to be committed not exceeding three Months. Penalty to be inflicted in 60 Days. Perfons ag- grieved may 72 Car. 2, .After Sept, 29 CAP. XIV. An Act for prohibiting the Importation of Raw Silk and Mohair Yarn of the Product or Manufacture of Afia, from any Ports or Places in the Streights or Levant Seas, except fuch Ports and Places as are within the Dominions of the Grand Seignior. HERE AS by an Act of Parliament paffed in the twelfth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty- King Charles the Second, intituled, An Aft for the encouraging and encreafing of Shipping and Na- vigation., it is amongft other Things enacted, That no Goods or Commodities which are of foreign Growth, Production and Manufacture, which by the faid Act are to be brought into England, lreland y Wales, the Iflands of Guernfey or Jerfey, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, in Englijh or other Shipping, navigated in fuch manner as therein is mentioned, fhall be fhipped or brought from any other Place or Places, Country or Countries, but only from thofe of the faid Growth, Production ox Manufacture, or from thofe Parts where the faid Goods and Commodities could only or were or ufually had been firft fhipped for Tranfportation, and from none other Places or Countries : And whereas in the faid h& there is a Provifo in the Words following ; (viz.) Provided always, That this Ail, or any Thing therein contained, extend not, or be Tneant to reftrain and prohibit the Importation of any the Commodities of the Streights or Levant Seas, loaden in Englifh built Shipping, and whereof the Mafter and three Fourths of the Mariners at leaft are Englifh, from the ufual Ports or Places for lading of them heretofore within the faid Streights or Levant Seas, though the faid Commodities be not of the very Growth of the faid Places : And whereas at the Time of paffing the faid recited Act, the Subjects of France exported very little Woollen Manufacture into Turkey, and were then fupplied with great Quantities of Woollen Goods from En- gland for their own Ufe, and likewife with Raw Silks, and other Goods of Turkey, which were the Returns of Englijh Woollen Manufactures ; for all which the Importation into France was then free fo? the Subjects of England : And whereas the Woollen Manufacture in France has fince that Time been greatly increafed, and very large Quantities of fuch Goods are now annually imported from thenqe to* Turkey, in Return whereof they bring from thence Raw Silk and other Commodities to Marfeilles, and other Parts in France, great Quantities whereof are carried into Italy, and from thence imported; into Great Britain in Englifo Shipping, greatly to the Difcouragement of the Woollen Manufactures of Great Britain, and the Advancement thereof in France; and without fome fpeedy Care therein, the Bri-- tijh Trade to Turkey will be daily lelTened, and is i.i Danger of being intirely loft :' Be it therefore 3172Q. tbsPro- enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice, and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and