Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/461

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A.D. 1721. Anno o&avo Georgii Regis. C. 28 — 31. 415 CAP. XXVIII. An Aft for fupplying the Records of the CommifTary Court of Aberdeen* burnt or loft in the late Fire there. '!• WT H E R E A S an accidental dreadful Fire happened within the Town of Aberdeen, on or about ' yV the thirtieth Day of Oclobe? one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-one, whereby the Of- ' fice, commonly called the CommifTar Clerks Office, was fuddenly confumed, and at the fame Time the ' Regifters and Records therein of all Teftaments and Confirmations, all Acts of Curacy, Judicial Re- 4 nunciations, Ratifications, Dccreats, Difpofitions, Bonds, Bills, and other Writs and Evidences, to- ' gether with the Principal Writings themfelves, then in the faid Office as the Warrants of Extracts and

  • Precepts, were intirely burnt and deftroyed, whereby many Perfons are and will be in great Danger of

' lofing their Rights, by Reafon the Extracts of fuch Writings and Precepts as are in their Hands, will

  • not be fufficient, as the Law now ftands, to defend them againft Actions of Improbation :' For reliev-

ing therefore of fuch Perfons, and for preventing any Inconveniency or Prejudice that may at any Time happen to them from fuch Actions of Improbation, Be it enacted, tsc. • This Act is made more effectual by 9 Geo. 1. c. 25. Perfons who before March 25, 1723. fhall be pof- " felfed of any Extract or Precept given out of the CommifTary Court of Aberdeen fince October 30, 1621. " and before Oclober 30, 1721. may, before March 25, 1723. tender the fame to the Clerk of the Commif- " fariot, which fhall be marked by the Commiflar, who, together with his Clerk fhall fign a Minute, &c. " which (hall be of the fame Authority as the old Extradts before they were burnt. The Extracts deli— " vered in fhall remain in the Office. Extracts produced in Procefs fhall be deemed fufficient to fatisfy " the Production in any Action of Improbation, &c. The Lords of Seffion are to find the Production " fatisfied in any Action of Improbation, by the depofited Extract. The Lords of Seffion fhall make " up the Tenor of fuch Writings, as they think firfficient Evidence that fuch Writings were recorded. " The Clerk or his Deputy to give Notice to Perfons interefted in Writings fo burnt." PR. CAP. XXIX. An Act for preventing Delays in the Execution of the Truft repofed in the Governors of the Hofpital of King James, founded in Charter-Houfe, at the Charges of Thomas Sutton, Efquire, for the Benefit of the laid Hofpital. ' WT HERE AS the Governors of the Hofpital of King James, founded in Charter-Houfe, within ' W the County of Middlefex, at the humble Petition and only Cofts and Charges of Thomas Sutton, ' Efquire, are a Body Corporate and Politick, by the Name of the Governors of the Lands, Poffeffions, ' Revenues and Goods of the Hofpital of King James, founded in Charter-Houfe within the County of 1 Middlefex, at the humble Petition and only Cofts and Charges of Thomas Sutton, Efquire : And whereas ' the Number of the faid Governors is fixteen, and confequently whilft the faid Number is full, by Law ' there muft be nine of the faid fixteen prefent to make any corporate Affembly, or do any corporate Act: ' And whereas by Reafon of the great Quality and Stations of feveral of the Governors, and the Diftance ' of their refpective Habitations and Places of Abode, it is by Experience found difficult to get an Affem^ ' bly of nine, fo often as the Affairs of the faid Corporation do require; and inafmuch as by Law the

  • Confent of five is fufficient to do a corporate Act, fuppofing nine be prefent :' May it therefore pleafe

your Majefty, That it may be enacted, &c. U The Acts and Deeds of any five of the Governors of Charter-Houfe, duly affembled there, fhall be " deemed the Acts and Deeds of the Corporation, as if done at a corporate Meeting by all the Gover- " nors." P.R. CAP. XXX. An Act for repairing the Highways from the Stones End at IVhitechapel Church in the County of Middle- toCeo. 2. c. 36. fcx, to Sheffield, and to the furthermoft Part of the Parifh of Woodford, leading to the Town of Epping in the County of EJfex. P. R. CAP. XXXI. An Act to veft the Ground, Wharf and Key, called JVooll Key, in the Parifh of All-Saints Bark- ing in the City of London, with the Buildings and Warehouses thereupon, in Truftees for his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors forever, fubject to an Agreement made on his Majefty's Behalf with the Wardens and Affiftants of the Free-School in Sevenoake in the County of Kent. !• yK7^ E R E A S William Sevenocks Citizen and Grocer of London, by his laft Will and Teftament, p re amb!e reci- ' W bearing Date the fourth Day of July in the Year of our Lord one thoufand four hundred and ting the laft will thirty-two, did give and bequeath all his Lands and Tenements, and the Buildings thereupon, with all of William Sc- j their Appurtenances, which he then lately had by Feoffment from Margery Walton, in Petty IP ales-Street venocks. in the Parifh of All-Saints Barking, near the Tower of London, to the Rector, Vicar, Churchwardens 3 ' and