Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/498

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452 C. 19. Anno nono Georgii Regis. A. D. 1722. j Ja. 2 c. 7. c firft Year of the Reign of his Majefty King James the Second; and were continued by an Act made in 4W.&M.C.24. ' the fourth Year of King William and'Queen Mary, of blefled Memory; and were further conti-- 12 & 13 w. 3. ' nuef j by an Act made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of the faid late King William; and were fur- 7 Ann - ' tner cont ' nuecl by an Act made in the feventh Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, of 1 Geo! x'.swt ' blefled Memory, and then extended to Scotland; and were further continued by an Act made in the firft a. c. 43.' ' ' Year of your Majefty 's Reign, to be in Force for feven Years, from the firft Day of March one thou- ' fand feven hundred and fifteen, and until the End of the firft Seffion of Parliament then next following 4 and no longer; fo that unlefs the faid Acts be revived and continued the Encouragement given thereby ' will ceafe, and this Kingdom be deprived for the Future of fo great a Good, as it hath for many Years ' laft paft enjoyed :' Now we your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Commons of Great Bri- tain in Parliament aflembled, do give and grant unto your Majefty the Rates, Duties and Impofitions herein after mentioned, for and during the Term and Time herein after expreffed, and do humbly pray, that it may be enacted; And be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Ad- racouVa in the v ' ce anc * Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affem- C^nag^conti- E bled, and by the Authority of the fame, That fuch and the like Rates, Duties and Impofitions, as, by luied tor feven the faid Act of Parliament of the eighteenth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, were grant- Years from ed, and by the faid fubfequent Acts were continued for and upon the Importation of Wines, Vinegar, j March 1723, Cyder, Beer, Brandy and Strong Waters imported during the refpective Terms or Times therein men- of the next Sef tioned J fh a " be further continued, and be paid and payable to his Majefty, his Heirs and SucceiTors, for fion of Pariia- " an< ^ u P on all Wines, Vinegar, Cyder, Beer, Brandy and Strong Waters, which fhall be imported or ment. brought into Great Britain within or during the Space of feven Years, to commence from the firft Day iS Car. 2. c. 5. of March one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-three, and until the End of the firft Seffion of Parlia- F rff h " m" h" ment then ncxt f°U° w > n g ar >d n° longer; and that all the faid former Acts, and all other Acts of Par- i7 3o° n for ftven ament concerning Coinage, and every of them, and every Claufe, Article and Sentence in them, or Years' by any of them contained, now being in Force, {hall be and are, by Virtue of this Act, revived and conti- 4 Geo. 2. c 12. nued, and fhall be in Force, and be duly put in Execution, for and during all fuch Term and Time, as ' Farther conti- ar e before mentioned, as fully and effectually, as if the fame were particularly repeated and re-enacted in nued b y J 9 Ge0, the Body of this prefent Act; any former Law, Statute, Provifion, Matter or Thing whatfoever to the 2- c. c. 14. contrary notwithftanding. And Farther for 7 Tsars iy 27 Cte. .2, e. II, and again by I Geo. 3. c, 16. II. And to the End the Importers of Gold and Silver into the Mints of England and Scotland refpectively, may not be difcouraged by any dekciency of the Revenue by this Act fettled for defraying the Coinage thereof, Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for the Commiffioners of the Treafury, or any three or more of them now being, or the Lord High Treafurer, or any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the Time being, out of the Monies arifing by this Act, or out of any other the publick Supplies granted or to be granted by Parliament, to caufe j 5,000 1. for fo much Money to be applied, as fhall be neceffary for defraying the Expences of the faid Mints of Ex enc" g of the England and Scotland refpectively, by way of Impreft and upon Account of that Service, fo as the fame, Mmtsof Eng- together with the Coinage Duties arifing by this Act, do not exceed in any one Year the Sum of fifteen land and Scot- thoufand Pounds, and fo as the faid Monies be iffued out of the Exchequer of Great Britain to the land yearly. Mafter of the Mint in England, and the Mafter of the Mint in Scotland refpectively for the faid Pur- • pofes. hef U of Wiiham ' m - And whereas all the Real and Perfonal Eftate of William late Lord Widdrington, attainted of High late Lord Wid- ' Treafon, was, by one or more Art or Acts of Parliament vefted in Truftees, to be fold'for the Ufe of irington. ' the Publick, and by the Sale thereof, and the Rents and Profits received before the fame was fold, the ' Sum of one hundred thoufand Pounds and upwards, hath been raifed, and the greateft Part thereof ' hath been fince paid into the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer: And whereas the faid William late

  • Lord Widdrington, having for thefe feven Years laft paft been deftitute of all neceffary Subfiftence, has

' contracted confiderable Debts, for the Support and Maintenance of himfelf and his Family :' Now in Companion to the deplorable Condition of the faid late Lord Widdrington and his Family, we your Ma- jefty's faid dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament aflembled, do humbly pray, that it may be enacted; And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the full Sum of twelve thoufand Pounds, out of the Money arifen or to arife at the Exchequer, from the Sale or Produce of all, every or any the Eftates forfeited for Treafon in the late Rebellion, which Eftates by one or more Act or Acts were vefted in Truftees, to be fd>ld for the Ufe of the Publick, fhall and may be taken, if- fued and applied, for and towards the future Support and Maintenance of the faid William late Lord Wid- drington and his Family, and for the Payment of his Debts, without Account, Impreft or other Charge to be fet upon him for the fame, or any Part thereof; and the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Trea- fury, or any three or more of them, or the High Treafurer for the Time being, are hereby authorifed, impowered and directed to caufe the faid Sum of twelve thoufand Pounds, and every or any Part thereof, to be iffued and paid to the faid William late Lord Widdrington or his Affigns, accordingly, without any Abatement for Fees or Charges, or other Deduction or Abatement whatloever; any former Law or Statute to the contrary, or any Incapacity by Reafon of the Attainder of the laid late Lord Widdrington notwithftanding.

  • IV. And