Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/577

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A. D. 1724. Anno undccimo Georgii Regis. C. 18. 531 Lifts upon Oath withm three Days after the Receipt of any fuch Precepts, one of which Lifts fo returned the faid Mayor fhall, and he is hereby required forthwith to deliver or caufe to be delivered to the Candi- date or Candidates on each Side at fuch Election, or to his or their Agent or Agents refpeetively. ' VII. And whereas divers Controverfies and Difputes have arifen in the faid City of London touching Eleflion of AL ' the Right of Election of Aldermen and Common-Council-Men for the refpee'live Wards of the f.iid dcrm en »nd ' City;' For quieting all fuch Difputes and Controverfies for the future, It is hereby further enacted by c ° n ™ on - ( ^un- thc Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid^ firft Day of June in the Year of our Lord one Fr^°n^»?ae thoufand feven hundred and twenty-five, the Right of Election of Aldermen and Common-Council-Men Scot and Lot" 6 for the feveral and refpeclive Wards of the faid City fhall belong and appertain to Freemen of the faid City of London, being Houfholders, paying Scot as herein after is mentioned and provided, and bearing Lot, when required, in their feveral and refpective Wards, and to none other whatfoever. VIII. Provided nevertheless, That the Houfes of fuch Honfholders be refpeetively of the true and real aml P^yinp iol. Value of ten Pounds a Year at the leaft _; and that fuch Houfholders be refpeetively the fole Occupiers per Aaa - Ucnt - of fuch Houfes, and have been actually in the Poffeffion refpeetively of a Houfe of. fuch Value in the Ward wherein the Election is made, by the Space of twelve Calendar Months next before fuch Election. IX. Provided alio, and for the better afcertaining what are the Rates and Taxes to which fuch T1,e Scot afcer - Houfholders ought to contribute and pay their Scot, the fame are hereby declared and enacted to be a tamcd - Rate to the Church, to the Poor, to the Scavenger, to the Orphans, and to the Rates in lieu of or for the Watch and Ward, and to fuch other annual Rates, as the Citizens of Lvidon, inhabiting therein, fhall hereafter be liable unto, other than and except annual Aids granted or to be granted by Parliament ; and in cafe any fuch Houfholder, within the Space aforefaid, ihall have been rated and charged, and con- Houfholder pay- tributed and paid his Scot to all the faid Rates or Taxes, or thirty Shillings a Year to all or fome of them, !" B 3° s - a Vear except as aforefaid, every fuch Perfon fhall be deemed and taken to be a Perfon paying of Scot. '" a ' ma 5' votc ' X. [Provided always, That fuch Houfholder, within the Space aforefaid, fhall have been rated or This omitied on charged, and contributed or paid his Scot to all and fmgular the Rates and Taxes (other than and except the Rol) - annual Aids granted by Parliament.) whereunto the Citizens of London, inhabiting therein, are or /hall be liable, or fhall have paid in the whole to the faid Rates and Taxes, or fome of them, except as afore- faid, thirty Shilings a Year at leaf!:;] and in cafe any two or more Partners carry on a joint Trade in Partners inTmtie any fuch Houfe together, and {hall have been Houfholders of fuch Houfe by fuch Space of Time as afore- ma y vole > eacn - faid, fuch Partners fhall, paying their Scot in Manner aforefaid, and bearing their refpective proper Lots, Ann" S R 01 *"* if required, have Votes at the Elections aforefaid ; fo as fuch Houfe, wherein fuch Partners carry on their Trade, be of the true and real yearly Value of as many refpective Sums of ten Pounds a Year, com- puted together, as there are Partners. XL Provided alfo, That where two Perfons and no more, not being Partners, {hall have by the Space Two inhabiting aforefaid feveraliy inhabited in the fame Houfe, fuch two Perfons feverally paying their Scots, and bear- the fame Houfe, ing their refpective Lots as aforefaid, fhall have Votes, at the Elections aforefaid; fo as fuch Houfe, e ^ A P a >j m E Scot > wherein fuch two Perfons inhabit, be of the true and real yearly Value of twenty Pounds or upwards, Ann. Rent, may and that each of the faid Perfons doth pay the yearly Rent of ten Pounds at the leaft for his refpective vote. Part of fuch Houfe. XII. Provided always, That nothing in this Act contained fhall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to What Perfons oblige any Perfon or Perfons to pay any Scot or bear any Lot, from the doing of which they are or fhall tempted f rora be exempted and difcharged by Act of Parliament, Charter or Writ of Privilege; but that fuch Perfon Sc ° t and Lot and Perfons fo exempted and difcharged fhall and may vote at any Election of any Alderman, Common- 5 v ' Council-Man or other Officer ufually chofen at the Wardmotes of the faid City, notwithftanding he or they fhall not have born fuch Lot, or paid fuch Scot, in fuch Manner as he or they fhould or might have done, in cafe this Act had not been made, and no otherwife. XIII. And to the Intent that the Citizens and Inhabitants of London may have a proper Remedy and Complainants Relief in cafe they, or any of them, fhall be aggrieved by any Tax, Rate or Affeffment made in or for abcut Af!efl - the faid City, or by any Misbehaviour of any Officer in relation thereto, or to the collecting the fame; j t0 ^Mavor Ee it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for all and every a nd Aldermen, Perfon and Perfons, who from and after the faid firft Day of 'June in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-five fhall be aggrieved by any of the AiTeffments that fhall or may be made in ■or for the faid City, towards Payment of the Rate or Tax for the Orphans, and alfo to the Rate or Tax in lieu of or for keeping Watch and Ward in the faid City, or by any Breach or Neglect of Duty com- mitted by any Officer concerning the fame, to appeal in refpe(t thereof to the Mayor and Court of Al- dermen of London ; and it fhall and may be lawful to and for any fuch Perfon or Perfons, in cafe he or or to the proper they fhall be in any wife aggrieved by any other R.ate or Affeffment that fhall be made in or for the faid Officer. City, or any the Wards, Precincts, Parifhes or Inhabitants of the fame, or by any Breach or Neglect of Duty committed by any Officer relating thereto, to appeal to the proper Perfons unto whom by Law fuch Appeal lies ; and the faid Mayor and Court of Aldermen, and the faid other Perfons to whom fuch Ap- whofe Determi- peal fhall be lawfully made refpeetively, fhall and may hear and finally determine the Matter fo com- ™'° n fhali be plained of, and correct and fettle the faid Rates. 'XIV. And it is hereby further enacted, That no Perfon or Perfons whatfoever fhall, from and after Perfons excluded the faid firft Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-five, have any Right or Title to vote fr °m voting. ■ Y y y 2 at