Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/634

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596 C. 32, Anno duodecimo Georgii Regis. A.D. 1725 Where Money, &c. has been ordered to be paid to the Uiher, it fha'l be paid into the Bank. U flier to nbferve the like Orders as the Matters relating to Bjnds, &c. or in tran^fer- jmg Depolits in the Bank, XJftier's Fee. In all Orders hereafter to be made, the Rules ' of this Order to ' be oblervcd. of this Court, ftanding in his Name, forthwith deliver into the refpective Companies a Declaration in Writing, that fuch Stocks and Annuities are in Truft to anfwer the Orders of this Court ; and the faid refpective Companies are to take Care that proper Entries be made thereof in their Books, fo that fuch Stocks or Annuities be not transferred, but by Order or Leave of the Court ; and that the faid Ufher do forthwith bring in and leave with the Regifter of this Court a compleat Account, home to the Time of bringing it in, of all Monies, Stocks, Bonds, Tallies, Mortgages, Securities and other Effects belonging to any of the Suitors of this Court, in his Hands, Cuftody or Power, or for which he is anfwerable; and that he do likewife forthwith, by Schedule, deliver over to the Bank of England caufewife, all Sums of Money, Bonds, Notes, Orders, Tallies, Depofits, Securities and other Effects of the Suitors of this Court, in his Hands, Cuftody or Power, or for which he is anfwerable, Mortgages only excepted ; and do alfo fpecify in fuch Schedule the feveral Annuities and Stocks which ftand in his Name, or he hath either fingly, or jointly with others, in Truft for any of the Suitors of this Court; and that he do re- ceive from the Bank a Certificate of the Receipt of fuch Schedule, and carry the fame to the Report- Office, and there file it: and that fuch Sums of Money, Bonds, Notes, Annuities, Stocks and other Securities and Effects of the Suitors, (hall be entred caufewife in Books kept by the Ufher in the Report- Office, and in the Bank ; and that the like Method and Manner be in thefe Particulars obferved by the Ufher, as in and by this Order, and the faid recited Order is prefcribed to the Mafters of this Court ; and the Bank is to receive the Intereft, Produce and Dividends of all the faid Sureties, Annuities and Stocks, as alfo of all Stocks, Bonds, Tallies, Orders, Annuities and other Securities, whereof the Ufher is or fhall be poffeffed in Truft, for any of the Suitors of this Court, or hath, or fhall declare any Truft for them, the Ufher authorizing one of the Cafhiers of the Bank to receive the fame ; and fuch Entries are to be made thereof, and fuch Rules to be obferved, as herein, and in the faid recited Order are fet down, to and for the Mafters of this Court ; and as to Mortgages, which the Ufher of this Court, either fingly or jointly, now hath, or hereafter may have in Truft for the Suitors of this Court, the fame Rules and Methods fhall be obferved by the Ufher, as in the like Cafes are herein before prefcribed to the Mafters. ' And it is hereby further ordered, That where any Money, Tallies, Orders, Bonds, Mortgages, Securi- ties and other Effects of the Suitors of this Court, have by any former Order been directed to be brought into this Court, or to be brought before, paid or delivered to the faid Ufher, and have not been yet fo brought before, paid or delivered, the fame and alfo all Monies, Tallies, Orders, Bonds, Securities and other Effects, cither before, at or after the Hearing of any Caufe to be hereafter ordered or directed to be brought into this Court, or to be taken under the Care of the Ufher, fhall not be brought before, delivered in or paid to the Ufher, but fhall be paid or delivered into the Bank of England, under the Regulations, and in the Manner as the Mafters are herein, and in the faid recited Order required to do ; and the Ufher fhall on his Part, in all Things relating hereunto, act in like Manner as the Mafters are in fuch Cafes obliged to do. ' And it is likewife further ordered, That if any Money or Effects of the Suitors of this Court, {half by the Uiher, or in his Name, be laid out or inverted in any Bonds, Tallies, Orders, Stocks, Annuities or other Securities, the fame Methods, Orders and Regulations fhall be obferved by the Ufher and others, in Relation thereto, as hereby, and by the faid recited Order, are in like Cafes prefcribed to the Mafters. ' And it is alfo further ordered, That when any Stocks or Annuities in the Name of the Ufher fhall be hereafter transferred, or any Depolits, Money, Intereft or Dividends, or other Thing contained in the faid U flier's Account, fhall be paid or delivered out of the Bank, the fame Method fhall be obfe:ved, and the faid Ufher and all others, fhall act and do in all Things relating thereto, as the Mafters of this Court are hereby appointed to do ; and in general the fame Rules, Methods, Orders and Regulations, which are hereby and by the faid recited Order directed and prefcribed to be obferved, performed and done by and to the Mafters of this Court, with Refpect to the Monies, Stocks, Bonds, Mortgages, Tal- lies, Orders, Annuities, Securities and other Effects of the Suitors of this Court, in their Name, or un- der their Inflection and Care, fhall be in like Cafes, mutatis mutandis, obferved, performed and done by and to the Ufher of this Court, with Refpect to the Monies, Stocks, Bonds, Mortgages, Tallies, Or- ders, Annuities, Securities and other Effects of the Suitors of this Court, in his Name, or under his In- spection or Care. ' And forafmuch as the Uiher of this Court hath ufually had and received, upon the Payment of any Money or Effects in.o his Hands, purfuant to the Order of this Court, two Shillings for every Receipt or Certificate by him figned, teftifying the Receipt of fuch Money or Effects, and hath alfo ufually had and received two Pence in the Pr and of all Monies or Effects paid or delivered out by him to the Suitors of this Court ; therefore it is further ordered, When any Money or Effects belonging to the Suitors of this Court, paid into the Bank in the Name or on Account of the Ufher, fhall be directed to be paid out by the Order of this Court, and the Ufher is to make a Certificate thereof, to be filed in the Report-Office, the faid Ufher fha!l have and receive two Shillings for iigning fuch Certificate ; and for every Di aught that he fhall make on the Bank, he fhall at the Time of fuch Draught receive two Pence in the Pound of all Money contained in fuch Draught, Draughts for Intereft or Maintenance excepted ; and if the faid Ufher fhall prefume to take any other Fee or Reward, he fhall be looked upon as guilty of Extortion, and upon Complaint thereof made to the Court, fhall be punifhed with the utmoft Severity. ' And to the End that the Directions herein before given may from henceforth be uniformly obferved, It is hereby further ordered, That in all Orders to be hereafter made, relating to the Monies or Effects of the Suitors of this Court, the feveral Rules and Directions of this Order fhall be obferved and followed, although the fame fhould not be particularly expreffed in any fuch future Order.

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