Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/636

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598 C. 23> Anno duodecimo Georgti Regis. A. D„ 1725. the fame Trufts, without any Alignment or Transfer whatfoever; and that upon fuch Death or Removal of any Accountant General, all Monies, Depofits and Effects of the Suitors of the faid Court, for which he fhall then have Credit in his Account with the Bank, fhall be carried to the Account of the fucceeding Accountant General. Accountant not VIII. And to the End that all Mifapplications or Waitings of the Subjects Money by any Officer of, the to meddle with High Court of Chancery may be intirely prevented for the future, Be it therefore further enacted by the ney S but°onl MO " Authority aforefaid, That the faid Accountant General fhall not meddle with the actual Receipt of any of keep Account the Money or Effects of the Suitors, but fhall only keep the Account with the Bank; and the faid Ac- with the Bank, countant General obferving the Rules hereby prefcribed, or hereafter to be prefcribed to him by the faid Court, fhall not be anfwerable for any Money or Effects which he fhall not actually receive; and the Bank of England fhall be anfwerable for all the Monies and Effects of the Suitors which are or fhall be actually •received by them. "Forging the ix, And be it likewife further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons fhal', Accountant 8 to *" rom anc ^ a ^ ter the ^ r ^ ^ ay ^ ^ ay m ^ e ^ear °f our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-fix, -a Certificate to f°rg' e or counterfeit, or procure to be forged or counterfeited, or willingly act or affift in the forging <r receive Suitors counterfeiting the Name or Hand of the faid Accountant General, the faid Regifter, the faid Clerk of tie Eflfefls in the Report-Office, or any of the Cafhiers of the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, to any Bank, 'Certificate, Report, Entry, Indorfement, Declaration of Truft, Note, Direction, Authority, Inftrument or Writing whatfoever, for or in order to the receiving or obtaining any the Money or Effects of any cf the Suitors of the faid Court of Chancery, or fhall forge or counterfeit, or procure to be forged or coun- terfeited, or wilfully act or affift in forging or counterfeiting any Certificate, Report, Entry, Indorfement, Declaration of Truft, Note, Direction, Authority, Inftrument or Writing in Form of a Certificate, Re- port, Entry, Indorfement, Declaration of Truft, Note, Direction, Authority, Inftrument or Writing, made by fuch Accountant General, Regifter, Clerk of the Report-Office, or any of the Cafhiers of the faid 'Governor and Company of the Bank of England, or any Bond or Obligation under the Common Seal of orany"Eaft-lndia the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Eajl-Indies, or any Indorfement or Affign- or South-Sea ment thereon, or on any Bond or Obligation under the Common Seal of the Governor and Company of Mer- Bond, is Felony c hants-of Gzvtf/ Britain trading to the South-Seas and other Parts of America, and for encouraging the Fifh- wit out ergy. ^ _ or ^jj utter or p U0 ]jfh any fuch, knowing the fame to be forged or counterfeited, with Intention to Concerning For- defraud any Perfon whatfoever; then every fuch Perfon and Perfons fo offending (being thereof lawfully gery, fie finber conv icted) fhall be and is hereby declared and adjudged to be guilty of Felony, and fhall fuft'er Death as in •a Geo. z. c. sg. cafg of Fe ] or)y w i t hout Benefit of Clergy. fi. ueo. t. C. IS. J * OJ T) Geo. 2. c. 22. 31 Geo, 2. c, 2.2. And for farther Provfioni concerning Chancery, fee farther the next Cap, and 3 Geo, 2. c. 30. 5 Geo. 2, c, 25. 12 Geo, 3, ■£. 24, 23 Geo. Z> c. -25. CAP. XXXIII. An Act for Relief of the Suitors of the High Court of Chancery. 8a the References* I. fT THERE AS Fleetwood Dormer and John Borrett, Efquires, deceafed, late two of the Mafters of Tie'rlflf^ * *^ the High Court of Chancery, and Richard Godfrey, Edward Comvay and William Kinajlon, Ef- iX>aptcr'" n ^ * quires, three of the prefent Mafters of the faid Court, have been deficient in anfwering the Money and 1 Effe£ts ordered by the Court into their Hands : And whereas in order to know the State and Particulars of

  • the faid Deficiency, tile Right Honourable the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, purfuant to his
  • Majefty's Directions, did by feveral Orders direct feveral Mafters of the Court of Chancery, to inquire into,
  • examine and ftate the Claims and Demands of the Suitors of the faid Court, upon thofe Offices wherein
  • the Deficiencies happened, and the faid Mafters to whom fuch Inquiry was directed have made their Re-
  • ports, whereby it appears that (befides the Deficiency of the faid William Kinajlon, which is fuppofed he

' will be able to make good himfelf; and after deducting what fhall be made and produced by and out of the ' Eftates and Effects of the faid deficient Mafters, and alio .the Sum of thirty-thoufand Pounds given by ' his Majefty on the Addrefs of the Houfe of Commons towards the Relief of the faid Suitors, and now

  • veiled in Land-Tax Tallies for their Benefit, with the Intereft due thereon) there will be, according to

' the prefent Computation, a Deficiency of the Sum of fifty-one thoufand eight hundred fifty-one Pounds ' nineteen Shillings and eleven Pence Farthing, befides fevera! other Claims in the faid Offices of the faid ' Fleetwood Borrer and John Dormett, deceafed, and of the faid Richard Godfrey and Edward Comvay, not ' determined by the faid Mafters, but fubmitted to the Determination of the faid Court, and which if al- ' lowed, will greatly increafe the faid Defici-ncy : And whereas the Commons of Great Britain are defirous ' to relieve the diftrefied Suitors of the faid Court;' Therefore to the End that all the faid Deficiencies may be afcertained, and a full and proper Relief may be had, and a fufficieut Provifion maybe made for the Payment of all the juft Debts and Demands <jif the Suitors of the faid Court of Chancery, Be it enacted bv the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Adduional Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That stamp Duties from and after the fecond Day of Auguft which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand (even hun- fonS Years, dred and twenty-fix, there fhall be throughout England, the Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick Continued by u p g „ fweed, raifed, collected and paid, during the Term of fixteen Years, for the feveral and refpective Aladf pernetua?" Th; ngs herein after mentioned, which fhall be written or engrofTed during the Term aforefaid, over and «3Geo. 2. c. 25.' above the Rates, Duties and Sums of Money now due and payable in refpect thereof, the further feveral ' and refpecfive Rates, Duties, Charges and Sums of Money following; that is to fay, Original Writs, II. For every Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Piece of Paper, upon which any Original Writ (ex- &<=• cept fuch Original on which a Writ of Capias iflues) Subpoena, Bill of Mlddlefex, Latitat, Writ of Capias, Quomims;