Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/10

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Note - Pages missing in the scans ! The TITLES of the STATUTES, . An Aft for repairing and widening the Road from that Part of Chatham, which lies next to the City of Rochejler, -to--St. Dmiflans Crofs near the City of Can- terbury., in the County of Kent; and for repealing fo much of a former Aft, as appropriates Part of the Mo- ney arifing by the Tolls or Duties therein mentioned^ towards repairing the Road between the Town of Chai- ' ham, and Boughton under the Blean, in the faid County of* Kent. a6; An Aft for raifing five hundred and fifty thoufand Pounds by Exchequer Bills, towards the Supply granted to his Majefty ; and for the further Application of the Produce of the Sinking Fund ; for applying the Arrears of former Land Taxes ; for appropriating the Supplies, granted in this Seffion of Parliament ; and for giving Relief with refpeft to an Overpayment to the Land Tax, for the Year 1721. by the Receiver General for the County of Salop. . An Aft for making the Hamlet of Limehmfe, and Part of the Hamletof Ratclijfe, in the Parifli of St. Dunftan Stcbonheath, alias Stepney, in the County of Middle/ex, a diftinft Parifh, and for providing a Maintenance for the Minifter of the New Church there. . An Aft for repairing the feveral Roads leading into the City of Hereford. . An Aft for providing a Maintenance for the Minifter of the New Church near Bloomsbury Market in the County of Middle/ex ; and for making more effeftual an Aft paffed in the fourth Year of his late Majefty's Reign, for impowering the Commiffioners for building the Fifty New Churches, to direft the Parifh Church of St. Giles in the Fields, in the faid County, to be re- built, inftead of one of the faid Fifty New Churches. so. An Aft for taking of? certain Duties on Salt, and for making good any Deficiencies in the Funds that may happen thereby ; and for charging the reduced Annui- ty, payable to the Eafl India Company, on the Aggre- gate Fund ; and for. Relief of Matthew Lyon Executor of Matthew Page deceafed, in refpeft of the Duty for Salt loft by the overflowing of the River Mercy, in the Year i7 2 4* ../■/" . An Aft for repairing and amending the feveral Roads leading from Wood/lock, through Kiddington and Enfton, to Roll Right Lane, and from Enjlozu Bridge to Kidding- ton aforefaid, in the County of Oxon. . An Aft for amending the Afts therein mentioned relating to the making of Bricks. . An Aft for amending and making more effeftual an Aft made in the fecond and third Years of the Reign of the. late Queen Anne, intituled, An Ail for the creeling a Workhoufe in the City of Worcefter, and for jetting the Poor on Work there. •24. An Aft for making a new Road, and for repairing and amending the antient Road, between the Towns of Wisbech and March, in the Ifle of Ely, in the County of Cambridge. $. An Aft for the better Regulation of Juries. .. An Aft for the better Regulation of the Coal Trade. . An Aft for explaining and amending an Aft made in the laft Seffion of Parliament, intituled, An Acl for the Relief of Debtors, with refpeii to the Imprifonment of their Perfms* . An Aft for granting Liberty to carry Rice from his Maj:fty's Province of Carolina in America direftly to any Part of Europe Southward of Cape Finiflerre, in Ships built in and belonging to Great Britain, and navigated according to Law, . An Aft for continuing and amending an Aft for regu- lating the Price and Affize of Bread ; for Relief of Bankrupts, whofe Certificates were not allowed before the Expiration of a late Aft (for the better preventing Frauds committed by Bankrupts) for allowing further Time for Inrollment of Deeds or Wills made by Pa- pifts, and for Relief of Protefiant Purchafers and Lef- fees ; and for making further Provifton concerning Cer- tificates relating to the Settlements of poor. Perfons, and the Charges of maintaining and removing certifi- cated Perfons. . An Aft to put an End to certain Difputes touching Orders and Decrees made in the Court of Chancery. . An Aft for the Admiflion and Regulation of Brokers •within the City of Bri/lol. . An Aft for enabling the Judges of the Court of Sef- fion in Scotland, to make an Adjournment of the faid Court ; and for limiting the Time for the Execution of Sentences importing corporal Punifhments, in that Part of the Kingdom. . An Aft for providing a Maintenance for the Minifter of the new Parifh Church of St. Nicholas Deptford, in the Counties of Kent and Surrey, and for making the fame a diftinft Parifh. . An Aft for repairing feveral Roads leading into the Town of Bridgeiuater in the County of Somerfet. . An Aft for making the Afts of the firft and feventh Years of his late Majefty's Reign (for making the River Kennet navigable from Reading to N ewbury in the County -■ of Berks) more effeftual. - . An Aft for confirming a Patent granted by her late Majefty Queen Anne to William Trench Efq; deceafed, for erefting a Lighthoufe upon the Ifland or Rock called Skerries, and for the better Maintenance of the faid Lighthoufe, and for making the Duties granted for maintaining the fame perpetual. . An Aft to explain, amend, and render more effeftual an Aft made in the tenth Year of his late Majefty's Reign, intituled, An A£i for repairing the Roads leading from Stump-Crofs, in the Parifh of Chefterford in the County of Effex, to Newmarket-Heath, and the Town of Cambridge in the County of Cambridge, and alfo an Aft made in the eleventh Year of his faid late Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Acl for repairing Part of the Road from London to Cambridge, beginning at the End of the Parifh of Foulmire in the faid County, next to Barley in the County of Hertford, and ending at the Pavement in Trumpington-Street, in the Town of Cambridge. PRIVATE ACTS. Anno 3 Georgii II. 1. A N Aft for naturalizing Paul Torras, and others. i _f 2 - An. Aft for naturalizing Herman Broyel. I! 3. An Aft toinclofe divers Commons and Parcels of wafte Grounds, lying and being in the Townfhip of Claugb- ton, in the Parifh of Gurjlang, and County Palatine of Lancafler. 1 4. An Aft for inclofing feveral common Fields, common j Meadows, and other commonable Lands, in the Parifh of Liilington, in the County of Warwick.

5. An Aft to confirm an Agreement for inclofing the com- 

j mon Fields, Downs, wafte and unindofed Lands, Part of the Manor of Mixbury, in the County of Oxon, and j for other Purpofes therein mentioned. j 6. An Aft for inclofing Part of the Wafte or Common called Eafl Wellow Common, belonging to the Manor and I. Tithing