Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/118

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56 C. 13, 14. Anno quarto Georgii II. A. D. 1731. Beer, Brandy and Stfong Waters which (hall be imported or brought into Great Britain within or during the Space of feven Years, to commence from the firft Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and thirty, and until the End of the firft Seffion of Parliament then next following and no longer, and that all the faid former Acts, and all other Acts of Parliament concerning Coinage, and every of them, and every Claufe, Article and Sentence in them or any of them contained, now being in Force, (hall be and are by Virtue of this Act continued, and (hall be in Force, and be duly put in Execution, for and during all fuch Time and Term as are before mentioned, as fully and effectually, as if the fame were parti- cularly repeated and re-enacted in the Body of this prefent Act ; any farmer Law, Statute, Provifion, Matter o'r Thing whatfoever to the contrary notwithftanding. II. And to the End the Importers of Gold and Silver into the Mints of England and Scotland refpective- ly, may not be difcouraged by any Deficiency of the Revenue by this Act fettled for defraying the Coin- Treafury, out of age thereof, Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it (hall and may be lawful to and for i!r>Vbv this a& l ' le Commiflioners of the Treafury, or any three or more of them now being, or the Lord High Trea- o" other publick lurer, or any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the Time being, out of the Supplies, to de- Monies arifing by this Act, or out of any other publick Supplies granted or to be granted by Parlia- ceTofth^Mmts ment > t0 cau f e f° much Money to be applied, as (hall be neceffary for defraying the Expences of the. ' faid Mints of England and Scotland refpectively, by way of Impreft, and upon Account for that Ser- vice, fo as the fame, together with the Coinage Duties arifing by this Act, do not exceed in any one Year the Sum of fifteen thoufand Pounds, and fo as the faid Monies be iffaed out of the Exchequer of Great Britain to the Mailer of the Mint in England and the Mailer of the Mint in Scotland refpectively, for the faid Purpofes. CAP. XIII. An Act for the further continuing the Duties granted by an Act palled in the Parliament of Scotland in the Year one thoufand fix hundred and ninety-five, and continued by an Act palled in the Year one thou- fand feven hundred and feven, for paying off" the Debts of the Town of Aberdeen, and for the other publick Ufes of the faid Town. P R. " The Duty of 2 d. Scots upon Ale fold in Aberdeen further continued for 25 Years. Magiftrates of Aber- " decn appointed Truftees. Overfeers to order the Works. Truftees may aflign over the Duties for " Monies to be borrowed. Overfeers dying, Survivors may choofe others.' CAP. XIV. An Act to prevent Frauds in the Revenue of Excife, with refpect to Starch* Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate. Wtrformtr DutUs ' T T J H E R E A S the Laws relating to the Duties upon Starch have not in many Inftances been found °o'JbLn b '/iZ '" ' " • *° e ^ e( ^ ua ' as ' s neceffary for the railing, levying and collecting the Duties thereby intended to tiAnn.'st'.z.c.^. * he raifed, levied and collected, nor fufficient to prevent the Frauds that have been committed, and are ' (fill carrying on by the Makers of Starch, to the great Damage and Lofs of the fairTraders, and to the 3 Geo. 1, c. 4. t leffening of the Revenue ;' Be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, After 14 June and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the twenty-fourth Day of "June one thoufand jlifcerfto ufc 51 " ^ even hundred and thirty-one, all and every Maker or Makers of Starch (hall make ufe of regular, regaiar, fauare, fquare or oblong Boxes only, for boxing and draining their green Starch, before the fame (hall be dried or oblong Boxes in the Stove, and that if any fuch Maker of Starch (hall make ufe of any other Sort of Box or ?ni y their ■men' Bafket, or anv other Kind of Veffel whatfoever, for the Purpofes aforefaid, he, (he or they (hall, for Starch. every fuch Offence, forfeit and pay the Sum of Ten Pounds; and that the proper Officer for the Forfeiture 10J. Duties upon Starch may know the exact Time when fuch Starch (hall be put into fuch Boxes as afore- faid, and may not by unneceffary Delays be hindered from giving due Attendance to his other Bufinefs, by which Means his other Bufinefs muff, either be neglected, or an Opportunity given to the Makers of Starch Makers Starch to commit Frauds ; Be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid ly Bins'?' riw 1 ' twenty-fourth Day of June all and every Maker of Starch, reliding within the Limits of the weekly Bills Notice to offi- of Mortality, is and are hereby required to give Notice in Writing of his, her or their Intention to put cers when they any green Starch info any fuch Boxes as aforefaid, to the proper Officer or Officers for the Duties upon sfa'rch 1 i2 S Hours Starch, twelve Hours at leaft before he, (he or they fhall begin to box the fame ; and that all and before: without every Maker of Starch, living out of the Limits aforefaid, is and are hereby required to give fuch Notice the Bills, 24 as aforefaid, to the proper Officer or Officers for the Duties upon Starch, twenty-four Hours at leaft be- fore he, (he or they (hall begin to box any green Starch, on Pain of forfeiting and paying the Sum of twenty Pounds; and that all and every Maker of Starch fhall, within the Space of two Hours, after fuch Notice in Writing by them refpectively lhall have been given as aforefaid, begin to Box or put in Boxes, all their green Starch, and fhall from thence continue to Box and put into Boxes, all and every Part of their green Starch, that (hall then be in readinefs and Condition fit to be boxed, till the whole making is boxed, lb that the proper Officer may have a Gage of the whole making in the Boxes, on Pain of for- Forfeitun: 20I. feiting and paying the Sum of twenty Pounds. Removing II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if anv Maker or Makers of Starch Starch before fhall remove or caufe to be removed any Quantity whatever of Starch, after the fame lhall be dried, out wtigfaed forfeits Q r ^ s ^ j ier or t j ie j r Stove or Stoves, or out of any other Place or Places made ufe of by them for the drj'ing of Starch, before the fame has been weighed, and an Account taken thereof by the proper Of- ficer