Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/119

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A. D. 1731. Anno quarto Georgii II. C. 14. 57 ficer appointed for that Purpofe, he (he or they, (hall refpectively forfeit and pay the Sum of fifty Pounds. III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it (hall and may be lawful for any Of- Pacers of Ex- ficer or Officers of Excife or Cuftoms, to feize any Quantity of Starch or Hair Powder, together with fifp^edSurc'i?' the Horfes and Package containing the fame, that mall be found in any Ship or Veffel, or (hall be carry- ing in any Cart or Waggon, or in any other Carriage whatfoever, where they (hall have good Reafon to fufpect and believe the lame hath been made in fome private Workhoufe or other Place, or clandeftinely imported without Payment of any Duty, or that the fame is Starch or Hair Powder, which hath been exported and relanded again, after the Duty had been repaid and drawn back for the fame, at the Time of Exportation thereof, and that after fuch Seizure (hall have been made, the faid refpeclive and mal l within Officer or Officers of Excife or Cuftoms are hereby required, within ten Days next after fuch Seizure, '° information to exhibit an Information before any three or more of his Majefty's Commiffioners of Excife, or any before Commif- two or more Juftices of the Peace reading near the Place where any fuch Seizures lhall be made, and if fiwersof Excife, at the hearing of fuch Information, the Party in whofe PolTemon any fuch Starch or Hair Powder hath sucrTstarch^for- been found, does not make it appear that the Duty hath been paid for the fame, all the faid Starch andfeited, if not Hair Powder fo feized for the Caufes aforefaid, (hall be forfeited, together with the Horfes and Package made appear contained in the fame; and the Perfon in whofe PofTeffion fuch Starch or Hair Powder (hall be found, waspafd.and'ci. lhall likewife forfeit and pay the Sum of five Pounds for every Hundred Weight, and fo in Proportion for for every' c wt." any greater or lefier Quantity ; and the faid Commiffioners or Juftices of the Peace (hall then pro- ceed to give Judgement for the Forfeiture of the faid Starch or Hair Powder, together with the Horfes and Package containing the fame, and likewife for the Forfeiture of the faid Sum, in Proportion as aforefaid. IV. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe any Officer or Officers by War- Officers for the Duties upon Starch, or any Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms, (hall have caufe to^sS^con- fufpecf. that Starch is privately making in any Place or Places whatfoever, or that any Starch is lodged or cealed. concealed in any Place or Places whatfoever, with an Intent to defraud his Majefty of his Duty ; then and in every fuch Cafe, upon Oath made by fuch Officer or Officers before the Commiffioners for the Duties upon Starch, or any one or more of them, or before one or more Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, refiding near the Place where fuch Officer or Officers (hall fufpect the fame to be privately making, or to be lodged or concealed, fetting forth the Ground of his or their Sufpicion, it (hall and may be lawful to and for the faid Commiffioner or Commiffioners, Juftice or Juftices of the Peace refpectively, before whom fuch Affidavit or Affidavits (hall be made, if he or they (hall judge it reafonable, by fpecial War- rant under his or their refpedtive Hands and Seals, to authorize and impower fuch Officer or Officers, by Day or by Night (but if in the Night, then in the Prefence of a Conftable, or other lawful Officer or the Peace) to enter into all and every fuch Place or Places, where he or they (hall fo fufpect that any Penalty for con- Starch is fo privately making, lodged or concealed, and to feize and carry away all fuch Starch as they ceaIin S Starch. (hall there find fo privately making, together with all the Materials that (hall be there ready and prepar- ing for the making of Starch, and likewife all fuch Starch as they (hall find fo lodged and concealed in any Place or Places whatever, as forfeited, for the Ufe of fuch Perfons as by this Act is hereafter directed, together with all and every the Boxes, and all and every other Thing or Things, wherein the fame (hall be contained, and the Perfon or Perfons that (hall be found fo privately making Starch as aforefaid, or the Perfon or Perfons in whofe PofTeffion any Starch (hall be found, unlefs he, (lie or they do make it appear that the Duty has been paid for the fame as aforefaid, (hall refpectively forfeit and pay the Sum of fifty Pounds ; and if any Perfon or Perfons whatever (hall let, obftruct or hinder any of the aforefaid Officers from entering any fuch Place or Places for the Purpofes aforefaid, or in feizing and carrying away any Starch, or any Materials for the making of Starch, which is and are before declared to be forfeited for the Caufes aforefaid, together with all and every the Boxes, Thing; or Things wherein the fame is contained, the Perfon or Perfons offending therein (hall for every fuch Offence forfeit and pay the Sum of fifty Pounds. V. And for the better preventing Frauds and Abufes in the making of Hair Powder, Be it further Penalty for mix- enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the twenty-fourth Day of "June one thoufand ^e with Hair feven hundred and thirty-one, if any Maker or Makers of Hair Powder, or any Perfumer, Peruke- Alabafterf&ci maker, Barber, or any Seller or Sellers of or Dealers in Hair Powder, (hall mix or caufe to be mixed, any Powder of Alabafter, Plaifter of Paris, Talk, Chalk, Whiting, Lime, or any other Material or Ma- terials of any other Kind or Nature whatfoever (Rice firft made into Starch, and Sweet Scents only excepted) with any Starch, or with any Powder of Starch to be made ufe of for making of Hair Powder, and (hall make or caufe to be made any Hair Powder, with any of the Materials before mentioned, or with any other Material or Materials of any other Kind or Nature whatfoever, other than Starch or Powder of Starch, or of Rice firft made into Starch, and (hall ufe, fell or offer to fell, any Hair Powder fo mixed or made, he, (he or they (hall forfeit all the Hair Powder fo mixed or made, and likewife the Sum of twenty Pounds. VI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Perfon or Perfons, who Makers of Hajr is, are or lhall be a Maker or Makers of Hair Powder, (hall at the chief Office of Excife in London, P°wdertomafc«  or at the Office of Excife next adjoining to the Place where he, (he or they (hall refpectively inhabit tteExcteofifc- or refide, make a true Entry in Writing of his, her or their refpective Place or Places of Abode, together with all and every the Workhoufe or Workhoufes, and all and every other Place or Places whatfoever, that (hall be made ufe of by any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, for the making of Hair Powder,- on Pain of forfeiting and paying the Sum of twenty Pounds. Vol. VI. I VII. And